The general overseer of the Abuja based ministry, Shiloh word chapel, Prophet Ikechukwu samuel, has reeled out the prophecy for the 2022 in view. In a media chat he had with our correspondent earlier today at his Abuja office, before he headed to prayer mountain he said:
” I have even prophesied most prophecy of 2022 in this year just like pope’s life and health etc , the American security state of emergency with medical challenges in the leadership and I see same in Nigeria let’s us pray for this, many airlines will pack up and many auto mobile companies will crash in few years starting from this year ; I saw many banks in Africa and the western nations crashing ; I saw strange signs in the sky that will surprise the entire world, watch out for a great climate change in the entire world.
Traveling documents are changing e.g. Passports and national identity for international trips ; I saw naira coming back to gain value in few months and so many black nations will discover minerals that will attract the western world ; I see so many “cold nations” citizens relocating to nations that has more heat for health challenges ; there is a national crisis early this year Nigeria and nations of Africa should pray to avert it ; more black stars are rising in the medical field and sports etc”
The clergy also specifically said “remember most governors and all our leaders in prayers not to lose position in the court via legal process through the interpretation of the constitutional rights by court; Nigeria should address the security challenges in 2022, more bandits are set to strike unsecured communities and some states security agencies please take note to secure innocent citizens. “
Farmers will smile this coming year unlike 2021 ; price of food will not increase more, I saw a farm friendly rain coming even in the far north all across the nations of Africa and Nigeria shortage of food will not continue this coming year 2022.
Brethren just join me to pray for god to avert all kinds of early national tragedies this are occultic programs this is not of god let’s join hands in national prayers ; God himself will open his glory to many believers this year in dreams and visions please many shall see mighty angels and Jesus our lord and saviour many stars shall be converted without out preaching from this year upwards to 2025 so much grace in the realm of the spirit.
Caution: Non should turn this to full time ministry it may be a dangerous mission.
The nation Ghana, pray for your economy, minerals will be discovered in your country for world attraction from this year but if not well managed by the leadership; it will cripple the economy ; God said check your borders for security update, you will discover something do so to avoid terrorism entry ; let’s all pray for Russia eastern block ; Japan; China; Israel, Iran, America and the U.K power clash in leadership ; remember a Nigerian General overseer, leader of a giant fire prayer ministry in prayers this year, the entire family God is setting him aside to crash some new world order agenda openly so the entire kingdom of darkness is united to attack his ministry and camp for 3years, let all saints pray to cover him with raw fire in the blood of Jesus this a spiritual battle not jokes.
Remember little kids in prayers worldwide there is a deadly sickness blocked against them in the world medical order from 2022 the enemies have released this to break the heart of families in the air, The solution is, lay hands on your kids daily, night and day anoint them with olive oil, cover them with blood of Jesus sprinkling prophesy divine health and healing daily.
We as a country are looking for a great leader where did he go in 2022? Who is this great powerful leader with strong charisma? Help us God.
Watch for any sudden peace to rival some nations of the world why? this massage rotates beyond a year , I saw young ministers on fire are rising like end time army to redeem Nigeria crises, glory to God.
Watch this kkk – kebbi, kaduna and kano. remember them in prayers so much tension in leadership; Nigeria watch out for teenagers access to abuse of drugs as we saw so many families in the future looking for successors most are going to end up in rehab homes if parents don’t watch out.
Many so-called men of God but under cover, that have strange hidden evil alter behind the real alter will be facing God’s judgement in 2022 repent now or perish.
All our leaders should take care of their health 2022-2023 more than political engagements; ignoring this will end up in regrets as I see more health cases caused by political stress apply wisdom; remember the spokes man of APC in prayers on health ground; also, ex and present party chairmen in both parties’ health alarming challenges.
Pray for a tall building not take people’s life as it collapsed in 2021.
Remember public transport going back after new year Lagos- Benin way drive carefully from east to west from east to north the occults vampire spirits failed in December 2021, join us to pray they will fail again by fire ; air peace airline pray and ask God to avert a wicked planned challenges in your new international flights every demonic gathering to cripple this airline be exposed and destroyed by fire 2022.
There is global breaking news coming from United Kingdom leadership and royal family that will attract the attention of the world power this year 2022.
God will use youths mightily to heal the sick this year if you are a believer don’t joke with prayer; praise and God’s word this year; ordinary water will do wonders this year for any instant miracles don’t allow a child to be taken by wickedness of death command in Jesus’ name they shall arise says the lord.
Hebrews 11; anointing is in the atmosphere, give God all the glory don’t turn it to ministry, It is a year of supernatural strange mantles of just men made perfect will visit the entire world spirits of saints are sad for what death did 2020-2021; they are active to stop sudden cross into glory, women shall have the children back to life. Says the lord of host.
In my clear vision of the night 30th December 2021, lord Jesus Christ is coming soon; I heard mighty angels singing messiah is the king of kings he is alive living and coming back soon saints repent be ready to meet him pure.
lord Jesus Christ frowns at Pentecostal and many old-time churches clergy; preach the raw massage of righteousness and truth to all politicians and business men; I heard this clearly, building new cathedrals is good but pause, ask, check find out what men do to donate. For example, are their hands free from blood of men; such as rituals; sells of drugs that destroys youths mentally and renders them useless, looting public funds and building cathedral, reject such and make heaven, discharge them all.
I will never dwell in man’s house or cathedrals but in the hearts of men Jesus said I am more on the street to heal bless deliver now than all unclean cathedrals he will never answer when blood thirsty men call him without repentance not minding the decorations from now.
This year requires no long sermon just decree that Jesus is lord and he loves you to unbelievers accept him and be saved from hell sin and Satan finish decree prosperity ;signs and wonders to them they shall follow you to see gods goodness more. Luke 16:15-18
Youths shall preach the gospel this year with signs following excessively make sure you are word worship and prayer addict; success is sure for any one that lays hands daily on business or other clean work not the lazy Christian ; soul winning and giving in love opens your heaven and earth to yield increase to you 2022 .
Remember airlines and pilots in prayers this year the air space is not friendly as usual most especially in Asian countries I cover the airspace with blood of Jesus fear not the earth is the lords.
Strange news of deaths by terror attacks, rape,ritual killings of all kinds shall be in the increase mind is a sign of end but watch judgment shall start in God’s house ; any one using the name of God in vain but they have secret evil alter shall be exposed by the fire of holy spirit, try God this year 2022 and be put to shame, God is a consuming fire. ( hebrews 12:29) , said the revered clergy.