By Tolulope A. Adegoke
“Who you are is related to where you came from. Many look, only a few see!” – Dr. Myles Munroe (of Blessed Memory)
Who Holds Ownership (Lordship) over your being determines what drives or controls you, and what you control would reveal who or what controls you; it would as well define and determine the categories of people you would be capable of influencing. Purpose is all about influence! Leadership is all about influence! Living is all about influence! Influence determines the levels of impacts a being or a thing has or would have for a course, and for a cause. You need to remember that sculptors look at work in a very interesting way. I am also an artist of sorts, so I have a bit of an understanding of how artists work. One thing I have learned is that you never argue with an artist until he is finished.
Don’t discuss anything with a painter or a sculptor until his work is completed. An artist can be very rude if you disturb him before he has accomplished what he intends to do, because he sees differently than those who are not artists. An artist can walk by the stone in your front yard and see a figure in it. He may stop by your house and beg you for a stone you have walked past many times without noticing. You may even have been planning to get rid of it because it’s nuisance. But the artist walks into your yard and sees something beautiful in that stone beyond what you can imagine.
Months later, when the artist invites you to his workshop he asks, “Do you see that? Do you know where that came from?” “Italy, England or France?” you asked. “No” says the artist. “it came from your yard.” “That’s from the stone I collected from your yard.” “Do you mean…?” “Yes.” One thousand Pounds, please.” You were sitting on £1,000. But you couldn’t see the potentials in the dirty rock. You never saw a “hero” in a “zero”. Therefore, the stone that was rejected by you has ended up becoming the chief-corner-stone.
Many people are being passed by, under-rated, overlooked or ignored because others don’t see what is in them. But God has revealed to me what’s in me, and I strongly believe that it is in you too. I am charged to stop and inform you: “can you really tell what’s in you?” Do you know what carry is potential? Do you know that you are not just someone born in a slum? There’s a wealth of potential in you. There is a king in your kid. There is a hero in your zero. There’s a wealth of potential in you. There is a strength in your weakness.
Sculptors sees so differently. They use “insight” to create a “foresight”. A worthy exemplar in this context is Michelangelo. They say he used to walk around a block of marble for days – just walking around it, talking to himself. First, he would see things in the rock; then he would go and take them out by creating it from those pieces.
Insight like that of a sculptor is also seen in the Holy Bible. When the world dumps, rejects you and calls you trash, and you land on the dunghill (where the garbage heap of the world is found), God walks along and picks you up. He looks deep within you and see a person of great worth, whom He would use to glorify Himself by impacting the world around him or her.
Don’t ever permit anybody to throw you away nor call you trash. When God looks at you, He sees thing that everyone else ignores. God uses the foolish things of this world to teach the wise lessons. You are worthy so much that Jesus went to cavalry to salvage and reclaim you. The Spirit of God connected to your spirit is the only true judge of your worth. Don’t accept the opinion of others because they are blind enough such that they do see what God sees.
When God looks at you, He sees things that everyone else ignore. GOD LOOKED AND SAW… God looked at “dust” and saw Adam. God looked at Adam and saw a world. He looked at Abraham and saw many nations. In Moses the murderer, God saw a deliverer. Can you just imagine looking at a stammering young man and seeing one of the greatest leader in history? God looked at David, the Shepherd boy and saw a king. When the Israelites wanted a king, God had to send Samuel to the home of Jesse. When Jesse heard why Samuel was there, he dressed up all his sons – the handsome one, the tall one, the curly-haired one, the strong one, the muscular one. All the sons of Jesse twirled out before Samuel, from the greatest to the least. With his vase of anointing oil, Samuel watched Jesse’s show as he presented his sons, even as he read out their profiles one after the other. After the very fine speech, Samuel said, “No”. The next son came out dressed like Paulson Pat and God said, “NO”. A third son gave a fine speech about philosophy, and God said “No”. Finally, after Jesse had paraded all of his sons before him, Samuel said, “I am sorry. None of these is God’s choice for king.” Do you have any other sons, may be somewhere else? Then Jesse replied, “Yes…well no. I just remembered. I do have a little boy, my youngest son. He’s just a little runt who’s out taking care of the sheep. He’s not dressed up like my other sons, nor have his hands manicured and his body scented with perfumes from the East. This guy is really smelly, because he’s been out with the sheep for quite some time.” “Bring him,” Samuel replied. “Let me look at him”. So, Jesse sent for his youngest son. When Samuel saw Jesse’s youngest son walk into the house, a little boy, he began to unscrew the lid of his vase. “I think I found the guy I’m looking for,” Samuel said. (Please note that God chose the son who was working. He was busy. God chooses busy people.) Most of us are like Jesse. We look, but we don’t see. Were you the “black sheep” in your family? (you know God likes sheep). Has your family told you that you are a nobody? Have you been written off and put out and told so many times that you will amount to nothing that you have begun to believe it? Do you really feel like the black sheep?
You are probably the one God is waiting for in the house. God sees things deep within you that others can’t see. They look at you and see nobody; God looks at you and sees a worthwhile somebody. You may spend your whole life competing with others – trying to prove that you are somebody. You may spend your whole life competing with others – trying to prove that you are somebody – and you still feel like nobody. Be free from that today! Emancipate yourself from such mental slavery! You don’t have to live with that any longer. You don’t have to try to be somebody, because you are somebody with glorious worth. You need to remember that you came out of God. You were created in His Image and Likeness. So, it is an error on your part, to look down on who you are. When you look down on WHO you are, you are indirectly or unconsciously looking down on WHOM YOU ARE! Let your focus be on your CREATOR, not those that look down on you. Look up to the INVENTOR, not His INVENTIONS!
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. First, He decided what He wanted to make something out of and then spoke to that source. When God wanted plants He spoke to the dirt. When God wanted fishes, He spoke to the waters. When God wanted animals, He spoke to the ground. Whatever God spoke to became the source from which the created thing came. Plants thus came from the dirt, fish from water and animals from the ground. Furthermore, plants return to the dirt, fish return to the sea and animals return to the ground when they die.
All things have the same components and essence as their source. What God created is, in essence, like the substance from which it came. Not only are all things composed of that from which they came, they must also remain attached to their source in order to live. All things must be maintained and sustained by where they came from. The minute a plant decides it doesn’t like the earth anymore, it dies. The minute the fish decide they are tired of water, they die. The minute animals decide, “we don’t want to eat dirt anymore,” they begin to die. Thus, whatever God created came from that to which he spoke. All things were created by God’s word to a source. The source of the creation also becomes, the essence of that creation. All things are composed of whatever they came from, and hence contain the potential of that source. That means plants only have the potential of the soil. Animals only have the potentials of dirt.
But when God was about to created human beings, He spoke to Himself: “Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, in Our Likeness…” So God created man in His Own Image, in the Image of God He created him, male and female He created them (Genesis 1:26-27)”
God created you by speaking to Himself. You came out of God and thus bear His Image and Likeness. Therefore, carry yourself with the consciousness that you are of GOD. You carry His DNA. Whatever operates in God works in you, for you and also through you to the glory of God Almighty, in the Highest! And whoever looks down on you should be ready to face the wrath of your Creator, because God poured Himself in you to manifest on Earth through you. You carry the wholeness of God! You are not of yourself, but of God Almighty! Therefore, who you are is related to where you came from. MANY LOOK, only a FEW see!
Thank you for reading.
Dr. Tolulope A. Adegoke is an accredited ISO 20700 Effective Leadership Management Trainer. E-mail: