By Tolulope A. Adegoke
“Let your presence on the earth add values to life. Respond to the abilities invested into you by the Creator. Respond to the assignments of purpose. Destinies across the world awaits your MANifestations. Be responsible, be a thinking king! Remember, an excuse is a beautiful way of describing why you have failed! Be unbounded, be unchained…it’s the battle field of the mind. You have been wired to prevail, and retain the Godly DNA of being Made Above Nature! Look within. You are a wealthy vessel of hope and deliverances, beyond nations and gene-nations (generations)!” – Tolulope A. Adegoke, PhD., MNIM, FIMC, CMC, CMS
God Worked: The Origin of Creation
Humans, nature, and everything were all created by God’s angels without any deliberate planning on God’s part. He did not ask for assistance; he just took control of personal consultations.
Waiting on others will cause you to lose time due to frustration. You do not need to depend on other people’s views or support almost all of the time. Sacrifice is required for creativity.
The ideal moment to make something new is when things are in disarray: “FROM BAD to GOOD!” God did not provide an excuse for not creating anything from nothing. Darkness may turn into light, but it does not give an excuse to do nothing.
Working with your CREATIVITY is crucial for your SPIRIT.
It is important to note that destiny does not just depend on your efforts alone; it depends on your whole being. Only when you are blind enough to be able to do the unthinkable will you find your place in the universe. In order to resolve issues and create and then replicate them, you must go through a ritual. In order to be a ritualist, you must be selfless. You sweat and bleed for this. You must abandon your soul and let it hover above the vastness of the ocean.
The Son of God, Jesus Christ, willingly gave Himself to rescue mankind. Although Abraham had already promised to sacrifice his son, Isaac, to him, he also requested Abraham to kill Isaac.
Rituals involve either an individual’s “self” or their possessions. Holding a knife in your hand when giving an offering symbolizes that the offering is made with a pocket knife. Spend one’s resources selflessly. Being a ritualist is excellent. Spiritual beings have creative souls! It is necessary to take use of ritual grace to perform rituals. Offerings are made by babies, whereas sacrifices are presented by rulers. Gather seeds and make ceremonies part of your routine. You are the government. A refugee is not someone to live like. If you are unwilling to sacrifice, you become a “money pie”, which simply increases your money, but does not provide anything in return.
Sacrificial rites are required in order to proliferate and become productive. To earn exceptional earnings, see the unthinkable in your mind’s eye, and then bring it to life. Use seed to get heavenly inspiration. receiving divine inspiration and acquiring knowledge of God
Death is not the time of a man’s death, but when the gifts that are inside him cease to exist. He’s as good as dead when he’s not working with his talents. When a man gives of himself, he clears the road for him. Psalm 68:18
If you’re not talented, employed, or using your talent, you’re a godless fool. You don’t have to get gifts from the gods to receive true gifts. Your skill is the key to the opportunities that will lead you to success.
At the moment of a person’s gift, they are deemed a deity. If you lacked your intelligence, you would be an idiot. Without your contribution, you would have to suffer tortures in this world, but with your contributions, you may get blessings in the next!
Become better at excellent creativity and productivity by serving God with your talents. The world has quickly progressed into the domain of realms of creation, making it quite challenging to stay current. For anyone, opportunity (s) is just part of his/her destiny. The gift you have given us is not a ticket to gamble or beg. If you know your true worth, you will not provide it to customers at a discount.
Being Limitless: Awakening Your Talents
To become limitless by utilizing our talents, the greatest element is divine revelation. Do your best to be motivated by God to do a good job and be well-packaged. Though prayer can’t replace the process, it may help facilitate it. What you say has power, as your dominion expresses what is inside you. The lack of observation is poverty. Poverty is not only a lack of resources; it is also a seeming lack of observation.
Unemployment is the refusal to receive gifts as prescribed in scripture in 2Kings 4:2-6.
Put the brakes on and observe! It is impossible to develop an industry if you shut yourself inside. The value of training and practice is much greater than the value of education. The term “observation” refers to both thinking and pondering. Men pray, while gods ponder. John 10:34 proclaims: “Jesus responded to their question, “Is it not written in your law?” “Ye are gods.””
You possess the intelligence of God. When was the last time you had a thought? When you pray, you let God know what is on your mind; but when you ponder, you include God! There is no greater teacher than the Holy Spirit. To be productive and successful, one must have a well-developed intellect. When you focus your attention, you’ll have God’s mind within you. To be truly educated is to see yourself as a graduate in your mind. When you’re learning, you’re not just acquiring information, but also developing and absorbing it.
You should think, speak, and act to bring new ideas to life. The process of creating justifications while removing the toolbox is called “thinking.” There are a number of ways in which you may use it to generate new ideas for your goal. In contrast to academia, it is preferable to be an inspired engineer rather than to be an academic engineer. By working closely with your genuine calling, you help your influence last longer and also minimize the risk of expiry via historical roles.
Concentration, or concentrating on something, is a kind of fasting. Television that best represents the human mind is called “Human Mind TV.” The more imaginative and unselfish a person is, the better. I call it the Empire States of the Mind!
I refer to attractive distractions embraced by the devil and his cohorts as “beautiful distractions of the devil and his minions,” to get man to relinquish his domain. Being a football enthusiast is OK, but don’t be a football idiot! A source of pleasure shouldn’t be turned into a source of poison for you. Honey-flavored poison! Today’s poison is pleasure, which restrains or terminates a man from achieving his true destiny on earth. “A good night’s rest, a good night’s slumber; lots of rest. Lots much murder and enslavement!” If your job doesn’t keep you up at night, you’ll spend the rest of your life in jail.
In stillness lies the truth. Silence is the ideal location for developing new products.
Many people have believed that thought is a well-known secret. Knowledge may be used to assist in passing exams, as well as for successful and productive activities. The best way to make use of this information is to encourage growth in life and as well as convey it to as many people as possible.
A large percentage of Third World research is “read-search,” whereas little actual study is conducted. When doing in-line searches, it is crucial to get empirical evidence, such as secrets uncovered or insights found in the process of looking for the truth, and use it in order to confirm facts. Secrets involve seeing, picturing, dreaming, and then making them happen.
To maximize the effectiveness of activating secrets, you must sever connections to the individuals who are trying to survive, and you must instead connect with DREAM seekers! To be able to take enormous leaps, you will need to have a lion’s heart built inside yourself.
You own your season, therefore it is within your ability to command it. It is your turn, and you have earned your time. Never give in to external forces! Concentrate on living in the actual world of your desired transformation and purpose and you will get there.
That’s a wrap!
My best to all of you. I know you’re ready!