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Restructure Nigeria Now, Babaginda Tells FG



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Former Military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, has proposed solutions to the current crisis rocking the country.

Mr Babangida lend his voice to those calling for restructuring of the country stressing that was not an option for Nigeria at this time.

In a message titled: “I am a Nigerian,” Babangida said the ongoing hate speeches in the country was what led to the country’s Civil War between 1967 and 1970.

The message reads in full

Nigeria, my dear country, is not a stranger to crisis, nor is she immune to it. In a profound sense, she can be said to have been created out of crisis, a nation state that will continue to strive to subdue and transcend crises. In over a century of its formalized colonial architecture, Nigeria has grown and made remarkable progress in the midst of crises.

The most tragic and horrendous episode in Nigeria’s history has been the 30 month Civil War of July 1967 to January 1970, in which many of our compatriots lost their lives. Indeed, many others also suffered terrible injuries of human and material dimensions. So, who really wants to go through the depth and dimensions of another Civil War in Nigeria again?

Who does not know that that Civil War was preceded and started by intolerance and a series of hate pronouncements, hate speeches, hate conducts and actions that were inflicted upon one another by the citizens? Today, with a deep sense of nostalgia, I still carry within my body the pains of injury from the Civil War: there is nothing romantic about war; in any form, war is bad, condemnable and must be avoided.
I need hardly say I am very worried by the current on-going altercations and vituperations of hate across the country by individuals, well-known leaders, religious leaders, group of persons and organizations. We need to remind ourselves that conflicts are not evidently the stuff of politics and governance, particularly so of democracy, hence we must apply caution in our utterances, body language and news reportage. The management of conflicts is the acid test of maturity, of mutual livelihood and of democratic governance. We cannot and we must not allow the current hate atmosphere to continue to freely pollute our political landscape unchecked.

Personally, I reject the proceedings of hate and their dissemination and urge my fellow citizens to strongly condemn the scourge and orgy of the current crisis which, in my view, is an outcome of vengeful appetites within the multiple contexts of our democratic governance and the profound inequalities that have distorted our social relations.

Nonetheless, it is not the place of leaderships to fuel and hype conflicts nor should we allow losers and gainers of our governance regimes to make pronouncements and threats that exploit our ethnic, religious and geopolitical construct. Democracy, anywhere in the world, is a work in progress; and one that is subject to constant evolution and debate.

The drums of war are easy to beat, but their rhythms are difficult to dance. Starting wars or political upheavals comes with the slightest provocation, but ending them becomes inelastic, almost unending with painful footages of the wrecks of war. I have been involved and its ripples are tellingly unpalatable, with gory details of destruction and carnage. I am a Nigerian, a citizen, patriot and concerned stakeholder. It is my strong belief that Nigeria can attain greater greatness if we all nurture our minds in the direction of building a nation, and accepting responsibility for its successes and failures.
We cannot deny or repudiate our progress at nation-building in spite of the limitations and challenges that we have continued to experience. As a people, we need a proper study and understanding of our history in order to correct the warped perceptions of our past so as to minimize the dangers of badly skewed stories of our democratic experience in governance; and to regenerate mutual confidence and uphold the tenets of living together as one country.

No one government or administration can provide all the answers to the myriad of problems and challenges confronting us as a country; no matter how determined, resolute, committed and motivated such a government is. The citizens have their roles to play, and their obligations to fulfill in order to motivate government in achieving its stated goals and objectives. Governance is a function of the leadership and the followership. It is a two-way traffic that demands certain responsibilities from those involved.

Of late, Nigeria has become so sharply divided with emotions running high on the least provocations. Once tempers are that high, the fault-lines become easily visible and with the slightest prompting, the unexpected can happen. But I want to believe that Nigerians are still their reasonable selves’, highly endowed in various skills and intellectually empowered to compete anywhere in the global arena.

As a Nigerian, I have had the rare privilege to benefit from robust relationships from different people across the socio-political divide; East, West, North and South. I have also immensely interacted with persons from all the numerous tribes, cultures and ethnic configurations dotted across the entire gamut of Nigeria’s expansive lands. I have made friends, built alliances, nurtured relationships and sustained linkages amongst Nigerians of all shades and opinions.

In fairness, Nigerians are great people. In those hours, moments and duration of friendship and camaraderie, no one talks about origin, geopolitical zones or even states. The issue of religion does not dictate the flow of discourse. We deal with ourselves based on our character and content, and not the sentiments of what part of the country we hail from.

The inalienable fact that Nigerians can live in any part of the country to pursue their legitimate aspirations is a strong indication that we have accepted to invest in the Nigerian project, and are no longer driven by mutual suspicion but mutual respect. That we have not fully realized our potentials as a great nation is not enough reason for us to want to demolish the foundation of our nationhood or rubbish the labours of our heroes past; both of which are borne out of our collective efforts to build a truly great nation, and great people.If we have repeatedly done certain things and not getting the desired results, we need to change tactics and approach, and renew our commitment. It is our collective responsibilities to engender a reform that would be realistic and in sync with modern best practices.

For example, restructuring has become a national appeal as we speak, whose time has come. I will strongly advocate for devolution of powers to the extent that more responsibilities be given to the states while the Federal Government is vested with the responsibility to oversee our foreign policy, defence, and economy. Even the idea of having Federal Roads in towns and cities has become outdated and urgently needs revisiting.

That means we need to tinker with our constitution to accommodate new thoughts that will strengthen our nationality. Restructuring and devolution of powers will certainly not provide all the answers to our developmental challenges; it will help to reposition our mindset as we generate new ideas and initiatives that would make our union worthwhile. The talk to have the country restructured means that Nigerians are agreed on our unity in diversity; but that we should strengthen our structures to make the union more functional based on our comparative advantages.

Added to this desire is the need to commence the process of having State Police across the states of the Federation. This idea was contained in my manifesto in 2010 when I attempted to contest the presidential elections. The initial fears that State Governors will misuse the officers and men of the State Police have become increasingly eliminated with renewed vigour in citizens’ participation in, and confidence to interrogate power. We cannot be detained by those fears and allow civilization to leave us behind. We must as a people with one destiny and common agenda take decisions for the sake of posterity in our shared commitment to launch our country on the path of development and growth. Policing has become so sophisticated that we cannot continue to operate our old methods and expect different results.

I also want to appeal to the Nigeria media to be more circumspect in their news reportage. They should always weigh the security implications of the contents of their news and the screaming headlines that stare us in the face every day, especially at this fragile period of our political emanations. The media play an important and remarkable role in shaping the flow of discourse. Their level of influence is also not in doubt, but as the fourth estate of the realm, it has a greater responsibility to moderate public discourse in a manner that will cement inter- and intra-cultural relationships. If Nigeria works, it benefits all her citizens; if it fails, it hurts all her citizens too. The media should be patriotic in its present engagements to berth a new Nigeria of our dreams.

On a final note, I really wish we see strength, determination, commitment and confidence in our diversities rather than adversities. As a heterogeneous country with flourishing skills and numerous endowments, we should dictate the pace in Africa and lead by example of what is possible amongst a people that are focused and determined to pursue common national goal. As a former Military President who had the rare privilege to travel around Africa to sustain the African cooperation through peace-keeping operations, I have come to the conclusion that nations are driven by a common ideal and not by the homogeneity of their race. I saw Somalia, such a homogeneous conclave yet one of the most troubled countries in Africa today. I saw South Sudan, which broke away from the old Sudan, but peace and stability have eluded them. Rwanda genocidal experience is not romantic either.

But a President from the minority ethnic group has repositioned the country to assume its pride of place in the comity of nations. That a people share common identity, language, history, doctrine, culture, mores and values is not synonymous with development, growth, stability and peace. When we went into peace-keeping operations in Sierra Leone, Somalia, Liberia and Congo, we had in mind to sustain oneness in Africa even though we are a continent of different countries all bearing different logos and identities. Our motivation was simply that we are Africans.

I am therefore appealing to the sensibilities of all of us, young and old, leaders and followers, groups and organizations, that in the interest of peace and stability of our country, we need to sheathe the sword. At 76, I have seen it all. I have seen war. I have fought war. And I have survived war, even though I still suffer the pains and injuries of war, it is part of the selfless sacrifice to keep the union afloat. We must build a country that is forward looking for our children and future generations of Nigerians. We cannot afford to toil with the destinies of the 170 million Nigerians by the shape of our discourse and the content of our interaction.

We must carry out conscious attitudinal orientation that will change the mindset of our youths and the held beliefs of the elderly. We must explore the therapies of dialogue and constructive engagements in our desire to make life more meaningful for our people. My friends cut across all regions, zones and states. I am proud to be a Nigerian because I see hope in the youthful population of Nigerians. I see remarkable skills and raw talents that can stimulate enterprise and innovations.

This is the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan, a month in which Muslim faithful have dedicated their lives to seek closeness to God, and forgiveness of their inequities. It is a month of penance; a month of prayer for physical, moral and spiritual rejuvenation, regeneration and rebirth. I urge my countrymen and women to use the occasion to look ahead with hope and renewed dedication to the service of our country.

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Bella Disu: The Rise and Rise of a Boardroom Guru




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By Eric Elezuo

Nigerian women have shown resilience, strength and character in administration, government and entrepreneurship, contributing more than their quota, and giving vent to the growth and development of the nation’s socio-economic sector.  Among them is the Executive Vice Chairman of the A-list communications outfit, the Globacom Group, Mrs. Bella Disu.

A strong purpose-driven professional and boardroom guru, whose administrative skills, intellect, experience and academic trajectory have remained a subject of reference, Bella, as she is fondly called, is a woman, who though has a privileged background, carved a niche for herself, climbing through ladders and cadres to get to where she presently is, and more importantly, can boast of the desired leverage and ability to defend her position.

Born Belinda Ajoke Adenuga, on May 29, 1986 to the duo of Emelia Adefolake Marquis, a Nigerian entrepreneur, and the global phenomenon, Dr. Mike Adenuga Jr., Bella received her early education in Lagos, at the prestigious Corona School in Victoria Island before enrolling at Queen’s College for her secondary education. In 1998, she transferred to Vivian Fowler Memorial College for Girls, where she concluded her secondary education.

She proceeded to the University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations, and later, a Master of Science degree in Leadership from the Northeastern University, also in Boston.

In 2004, Disu joined her father’s Globacom, and consistently rose through the ranks to become the Executive Vice Chairman of the company. She is also a non-executive director with the construction giant, Julius Berger Nigeria Plc.
In April 2010, Bella took a break to solemnize her romantic relationship with her heartthrob, Jameel Disu, a venture capitalist, and both formalized their union in a fairytale wedding that is still the talk of the town, almost 15 years after.
As phenomenal and weighty as her family name, Bella dropped, and picked up completely her husband’s name, signifying undying love and loyalty. That’s still  the name she bears till date. Both are blessed three wonderful children.
In 2019, the French Government awarded Disu the Chevalier dans ‘l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in recognition of her efforts in promoting French culture.

In January, 2021, Abumet Nigeria Limited announced her appointment as Chairman of its Board of Directors. Abumet Nigeria Limited maintains worldwide partnerships with reputable manufactures and maintains a state-of-the-art production facility, located in FCT Abuja, fully equipped with cutting-edge machinery and technology.

Abumet is a subsidiary of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, and a leading solutions provider for the planning, processing and installation of aluminium and glass products, from single standard windows to sophisticated facades and large-scale design masterpieces. She replaced Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, upon his resignation from the board. Bella is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Management of Nigeria (MNIM) and the Institute of Directors of Nigeria (MIOD).

In addition to her French National Honour if Chevalier dans l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres (“CAL”), and currently the Executive Vice- Chairman of Globacom Limited, she is also the Chief Executive Officer of Cobblestone Properties & Estates Limited, and a Director on the Board of Mike Adenuga Centre.

In less than four years of her leadership, Abumet’s profits, according to Billionaire Africa, surged 307% in 2024, marking a major turnaround from losses in 2021.

The paper reported of her exploits as follows: “As a Non-Executive Director, she helped boost Julius Berger’s revenue to N566.2 billion, pushing it into Nigeria’s top 50 listed firms.

“At Abumet, Disu is driving innovation in façade technology, deploying unitized curtain walls for improved insulation and energy efficiency in Nigeria’s construction sector.

“Nigerian business executive Bella Disu has led Abumet Nigeria Limited, an innovative glass and aluminum manufacturing company, to record-breaking earnings, with profits quadrupling at the end of the 2024 fiscal year. Her leadership has not only steered the company back to profitability but has also reinforced the business acumen that runs deep in the Adenuga family.

“In a LinkedIn post, Disu, who has served as chairman of Abumet since 2021, shared the company’s turnaround: “Abumet is reaching new heights, and I’m excited to share our latest achievements. I am especially proud of the remarkable turnaround we’ve achieved—transforming from a loss in 2021 to delivering a 307 percent increase in profit in 2024.

“At just 38, Disu has earned her place among Africa’s top executives under 40, proving her ability to drive business success while steadily stepping into the legacy of her father, billionaire Mike Adenuga, who ranks among the continent’s wealthiest individuals with a fortune of $6.8 billion. She took over as chairman of Abumet’s Board of Directors in January 2021, succeeding Bamanga Tukur at a time when the company was struggling with steep losses.

“Since then, Disu has orchestrated one of the most impressive corporate recoveries in Nigeria’s manufacturing sector. Under her leadership, Abumet returned to profitability by the end of the 2022 fiscal year, bouncing back from the impact of COVID-19 and the financial challenges of 2021. The company sustained its profit in 2023 before posting a fourfold increase in 2024.

“Reflecting on this achievement, Disu credited the success to strong leadership and teamwork: “This success is the result of strategic leadership at the Board level, the dedication of our management team, and the collective effort of every Abumet employee.”

“Bella Disu expands Abumet’s market reach
As a 90-percent subsidiary of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, Abumet plays a key role in the construction giant’s success. Bella Disu, who also serves as a Non-Executive Director at Julius Berger, has played a ‘much more’ active role in driving growth in the building solutions sector. By the end of the 2024 fiscal year, Julius Berger’s revenue rose from N446.1 billion ($296.4 million) in 2023 to N566.2 billion ($376.2 million) in 2024.

“Profit after tax also increased from N12.74 billion ($8.5 million) to N14.97 billion ($10 million), boosting the company’s market capitalization on the Nigerian Exchange (NGX) to N202.1 billion ($134.3 million). This has placed Julius Berger among Nigeria’s top 50 publicly listed firms, ranking 35th on the NGX.

“Under Disu’s leadership, Abumet has strengthened its market position by expanding its sales and marketing efforts. The launch of its Lagos sales office has helped grow its market share for made-in-Nigeria window and door solutions, while its EVONIGGLASS insulated glass brand has gained wider recognition. Despite market challenges, the company has posted record-high revenue and profits, exceeding expectations.

Abumet deploys energy-efficient curtain walls

Looking ahead, Disu is focused on pushing innovation in advanced façade solutions, leading Abumet’s efforts in glass and aluminum manufacturing.

“Abumet is deploying unitized curtain walls that will completely envelop the façade, ensuring not just aesthetic excellence but also enhanced energy efficiency through modern insulation technologies,” she said.

With a strong record of turning businesses around and driving growth, Disu is cementing her leadership in Nigeria’s business world. Her influence now extends beyond construction, telecommunications, and real estate into the country’s broader manufacturing sector, where she continues to make a lasting impact.”

Bella’s trajectory in the world of enterprise is a clear case of the demystification of the proverbial a tree cannot make a forest’, as she has conscientiously turned tables around wherever she found herself, bring in new ideas, new innovations and structural discipline that completely overhauls a system for all the positive outcomes.

Hers, is a case of continuous rise in the business world, and the home front. She is a better definition of a virtuous woman, and at less than 40 in age, the sky holds no barrier to how much more Belinda Ajoke Olubunmi Disu nee Adenuga could achieve in the coming months.

Congratulations ma!

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Nigeria’s Who’s Who Joins Otedola to Turn Sod for FirstBank’s 43-Storey New Headquarters




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By Eric Elezuo
Conducted in an atmosphere of class, beauty and wholesome networking, the event drew the likes of the Vice President of Nigeria, Senator Kashim Shettima, who represented President Bola Tinubu, as the special guest of honour.
Other dignitaries that graced the occasion were the governors of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu; Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun; Ondo State, Mr. Lucky Aiyedatiwa; and former governor of Delta State, Mr. James Ibori.
Also joining the retinue of the first class citizens were the Ghagoury brothers; Gilbert and Roland, Senator Daisy Danjuma, Mr. Deji Adeleke, Mustapha Ndimi, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Mr. Tunde Folawiyo, Dr. Bukola Saraki, Mr. Ben Murray-Bruce, Chief Dele Momodu and a host of white cap chiefs, who represented the Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiotu.
Known for its penchant for creating firsts, the Nigeria’s premier and leading money deposit bank, as well as financial institution of choice, the bank is set to deliver a state-of-the-art edifice, described as the first of its kind in Nigeria, the West African subregion, and by hindsight, in the entire African continent.
It is also reported that on completion, the edifice will house a variety of facilities that will buttress, and toe the line of the Eko Atlantic City original manuscript, and lend candour to the skyline and nightlife of the exclusive city.
Earlier, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of FirstBank Nigeria, Mr. Segun Alebiosu, had remarked in a statement that the building is a significant milestone and an ambitious project set to be an engineering and environmental delight due to its technologically advanced, eco-friendly and sophisticated construction that would set a new standard for the financial services sector in Africa.

“The groundbreaking ceremony signifies the beginning of a transformative journey that reinforces FirstBank’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

“We are proud to mark this significant milestone in our journey towards excellence. Our new Head Office is envisioned as a world-class structure that represents our dedication to innovation, customer satisfaction, and sustainability.

“We believe that this development will play a crucial role in fostering economic growth and development across Africa, creating long-term value for all our stakeholders,” Alebiosu said.

The statement by the bank further revealed that the new headquarters is designed with sustainability in mind, featuring a green-certified building that reduces operational costs, and positions the bank as a leader in sustainable banking practices.

In his welcome address however, Alebiosu said that “The groundbreaking ceremony is a momentous occasion for us to redefine our commitment to position solidly as the bank for the future. Therefore, this new headquarters is not just about a modern architectural masterpiece; it is reimagining banking for generations yet unborn. It will serve as a hub for financial innovation, digital transformation, and operational excellence, ensuring that FirstBank remains ahead in an era where technology is reshaping activities.

“Situated in the heart of Eko Atlantic City, the iconic FirstBank headquarters complex, a 43-story edifice, will become the tallest building in Nigeria upon its completion.”

In his speech, the chief host, who is also the Chairman FirstHoldCo, Mr. Femi Otedola, praised the resilience of his FirstBank team, the Chagoury brothers for ‘creating land’ for Nigerians, stakeholders and the banking community, who have supported the FirstBank brand in 131 years of existence.

He noted that the gathering highlights the importance of collaboration and support from various sectors in bringing ambitious plans for the new headquarters to life.

“I appreciate the CBN for its efforts in sustaining the stability of the Nigerian financial services industry. I commend the Chagoury Group for their commitment to the infrastructural growth of the Nigerian economy. Worthy of note is that Chagoury has always been an inspiration and business model to me. I have personally felt that the creation of Eko Atlantic City is the ninth wonder of the world, coming after the eighth wonder, which is the Dangote Petrochemical City. These two wonders continue to reaffirm that Nigeria is indeed a great nation.

“To our customers and stakeholders of the bank, we must constantly be reminded that FirstBank is and will continue to be a legacy to behold. We shall continue to invest in cutting-edge technology, vibrant human capital, strategic partnerships, and customer-centric innovation that will define banking globally even as we detail our footprint across Nigeria, Africa, and the world. Thank you all for being a part of our rich heritage as we unveil this iconic building that will serve as the engine room of the bank’s next phase of dominance in the financial services sector and efforts to contribute our quota to the financial inclusion,” Otedola said.

The gathering was boosted by goodwill messages from stakeholders present including governors Sanwo-Olu, Abiodun and Aiyedatiwa. Other goodwill messages were delivered by Senator Danjuma, Mr Folawiyo, Alhaji Dangote, Mr. Adeleke and others.

In his charge, Sanwo-Olu ssaid, “First Bank, as usual, has led the way. I want to thank the visionaries who created a new city that will be Africa’s model city that all of us will be proud of. Mr. Femi Otedola, well done, well done to your board, well done to your management, and CBN Governor, thank you for the approval. We want you to give other financial institutions approval as well. There is space for them as well.”

One of the hallmarks of the event was the presentation of certificate to the FirstBank group by the Governor Sanwo-Olu, on behalf of the Lagos State government, to authorize commencement of construction.

In his keynote address however, the special guest of honour, President Bola Tinubu, who was represented by Vice President Kashim Shettima, lauded the building as representing and symbolising Nigeria’s ambition and progress.

“Today we lay the foundation for a monumental structure in Nigeria’s financial landscape, the First Bank iconic tower, a symbol of our nation’s progress and ambition. This tower will stand as a testament to our economic strength and vitality. The tower, which will be the tallest building in West Africa at 40 stories upon completion, is a symbol of confidence in our country’s future. For 130 years, FirstBank has been a pillar of our economy, empowering businesses, supporting families, and driving financial innovation. FirstBank has extended its reach from Lagos to London and all around major financial centres worldwide, proudly flying Nigeria’s flag on the global stage.

tower will symbolise ambition and excellence in Eko Atlantic, an investment that consolidates Lagos as a leading financial hub and showcases the dynamism of Nigeria’s private sector.

“As president, I reaffirm our unwavering commitment to fostering an environment where significant investment and transformative projects like this can thrive through bold economic reforms, strategic public-private partnerships, and infrastructure development. We are ensuring that Nigeria once again becomes the top destination for investment,” Shettima said on behalf of President Tinubu.

The event of the day was concluded with the turning of the sod to signify commencement of building activities for the 43-storey ambitious project, which will change the landscape of the Eko Atlantic City, banking industry and architectural intelligence.

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Olusegun Obasanjo: Celebrating Africa’s Influential Leader at 88




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By Eric Elezuo

Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, arguably, is the most influential African alive. He would have been the second most influential if the Madiba Nelson Mandele still lives.

Obasanjo has transcended generations of greatness ever since he joined the army as a career soldier, fighting in the Nigeria/Biafra Civil War before testing political power as the Chief of Staff Supreme Headquarters to the then Head of State, General Murtala Mohammed, and then becoming the Head of State in 1976 following the assassination of General Mohammed. He was in charge between 1976 and 1979 when he handed over to Alhaji Shehu Shagari.

Obasanjo has been described as one of the great figures of the second generation of post-colonial African leaders, and has received praise both for overseeing Nigeria’s transition to representative democracy in the 1970s and for his Pan-African efforts to encourage cooperation across the continent. He however, remains the most senior in Nigeria’s political leadership, behind General Yakubu Gowon.

A two-terms civilian president and former military head of state, Olusegun Obasanjo,  has celebrated his 88th birthday, looking fit as a fiddle, and throwing banters among protégé, associates and leaders of thought, whobare his mentees.

As usual, Obasanjo’s birthday celebration was multi-faceted, and like every other year, accommodated praises and worship, get-together and sumptuous dinner among others, thereby igniting the Obasanjo Farm home of the former leader, located in Abeokuta, Ogun State, and the awesome The Delborough in Victoria Island, Lagos.

The birthday celebrations kickstarted with a special Global Breakfast Prayer session, which was in its 61st edition, on Saturday, March 1, 2025. It was a time of spiritual renewal and upliftment with representatives from about 29 countries in attendance both on ground and virtually.

The prayer session was facilitated by the Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria, South West Zone, Bishop T. Akin-Akinsanya, and moderated by Rev. (Engr.) A. Ojeshina, with prayer and worship sessionsed by the Gatekeepers Worship Team.

Much as it was a spiritual exercise, the aura of greatness Obasanjo is known for was visible as ministers of God from different nations participated in the prayers, reflecting Chief Obasanjo’s far-reaching influence and the deep respect he commands across the globe, and well as the awesome glory to God for sparing his life for 88 eventful years.

Everyone, who was given an opportunity to share his thoughts about the African leader spoke glowingly, acknowledging Obasanjo’s role in fostering diplomacy, African development, and visionary leadership. Notable among these ministers that attended were Ven. O. Ogunremi from Kenya, Pastor M. Nwanegbo from Belgium, Bishop Francis Wale Oke, Bishop E. Adekunle, Rev. Mother Esther Ajayi, Apostle M. Oluwajoba from the United States of America, Dr. Juliet Hammond from the United Kingdom, and Bishop David Bakare.

The following day, the party shifted to Chief Stanley Ugochukwu’s The Delborough on Victoria Island where the creme de la creme of the society gathered to fete the octogenarian. They young entrepreneur was also present at the event.

Dignitaries at the dinner included former President Goodluck Jonathan, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, former Senate President, Bukola Saraki, former President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Koroma, Anambra State Governor, Chukwuma Soludo and Ooni of Ife, Oba Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi.

The event also drew an impressive lineup of business heavyweights, including Chairman of Ovation Media Group, Chief Dele Momodu; the CEO of Air Peace, Dr. Allen Onyema; E-Money and his brother, Kcee, and Obi Cubana, Cubana Chief Priest and renowned entrepreneur, Chief Rasaq Okoya.

The occasion underscored Obasanjo’s lasting influence in Africa, especially Nigeria’s political and economic landscape. Dignitaries, who took turns to extol the respected leader, harped on his leadership, contributions to national development, and his roles as a statesman.

Beyond speaches on the night, the event created an atmosphere of conviviality, camaraderie, networking and catching up, as distinguished guests shared fond memories, banters and experiences of working with the elder statesman. The birthday proper is scheduled for March 5.

It would be recalled that in 2024 in commemoration of the 87th birthday, Obasanjo unveiled a new book, titled: “The Art of Leading: Unconventional Wisdom from Biblical Leaders.”

In his tribute to the former president, Atiku took to his X account to share moments from the occasion, and expressed appreciation for Obasanjo, who is his former boss, and described the gathering as a momentous celebration.

“I joined others at the dinner hosted by my former boss, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, at The Delborough Hotel, Victoria Island, in Lagos,” he wrote.

Born on March 5, 1937, in Abeokuta, Obasanjo, who is arguably Nigeria and Africa’s biggest political brand, served as President of Nigeria from 1999 to 2007, during which time he played an instrumental role in bringing democracy back to the Nigeria.

His political and economic sagacity within the period has remained a reference point for subsequent administrations both in Nigeria and the African continent.

He was Chairperson of the African Union from July 2004 to January 2006, and was inducted by the UN as Special Envoy for Africa in 2008. Since then, he has overseen elections in countries across the African continent on behalf of the African Union and ECOWAS.

A man, who draws accolades, and sometimes criticisms as result of his fearless position on issues of both continental, regional and national importance, Obasanjo has received praise both for overseeing Nigeria’s transition to representative democracy in the 1970s and for his Pan-African efforts to encourage cooperation across the continent.

The Wikipedia captures Obasanjo’s personal life as follows:

Ethnically, Obasanjo is Yoruba, a cultural identification he reflected in his speech and choice of clothing. However, he always foregrounded his Nigerian identity above his Yoruba one, repeatedly stating that “I am a Nigerian who happens to be a Yoruba man. I am not a Yoruba man who happens to be a Nigerian.”

Throughout his life he expressed a preference for rural over urban life. He has been a lifelong teetotaller. He has been characterised as having a sense of discipline and duty, and emphasised what he saw as the importance of leadership. He was meticulous at planning, and Iliffe called him an “instinctively cautious man”. Obasanjo always emphasised the importance of deferring to seniority, a value he had learned in childhood. Iliffe described Obasanjo as a man with “great physical and intellectual energy” who “exercised power with skill and ruthlessness, sometimes unscrupulously but seldom cruelly”. Derfler similarly stated that, although Obasanjo could appear “boorish and dull”, he had a “sharply perceptive mind” and the capacity to be “tough and ruthless”. He had, according to Iliffe, a “remarkable capacity for work”. He was cautious with money, living modestly and seeking financial security by investing in property. He is softly-spoken.

In his sixties, Obasanjo would regularly work 18 to 20 hour days, getting very little sleep. He would start each day with prayers. Obasanjo suffers from diabetes and high blood-pressure. He enjoyed playing squash.

Obasanjo’s writings after his imprisonment reflected his commitment to Biblical literalism. He called the Darwinian theory of evolution a “debasing, devaluing and dehumanising” idea. After his release from prison his writings placed far less emphasis on traditional culture as a guide to morality, calling on fellow Nigerians to reject much of their pre-Christian “way of life”. Iliffe noted that Obasanjo’s born-again Christianity was “strikingly orthodox” and was aligned with Orthodox Pentecostal teaching. He rejected the prosperity gospel that was taught by some Pentecostalists in Nigeria.

Providentialism also became a key part of his worldview after his imprisonment.

In addition to a variety of other chieftaincy titles, Chief Obasanjo is the holder of the title of the Olori Omo Ilu of Ibogun-Olaogun.

A prolific writer and author of many books, Obasanjo is not a stranger to awards and honours as he has them in endless list.

A father to many children, including Iyabo Obasanjo, one of his children, Adeboye Obasanjo, took after him, and is presently a Brigadier General in the Nigerian Army.

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