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Voice of Emancipation

Voice of Emancipation: Trump’s Presidency and the American Democracy



By Kayode Emola

America likes to pride itself on being a beacon of democracy, worthy of emulating as a model for governance worldwide. However, President Trump’s election has shown that what America practices is anything but democracy.

If African leaders copied the democracy of America, then I can’t see why a massive revolution should not happen across several countries in Africa. The African people themselves need to rise and fight against this totalitarianism sold to us as democracy. We need to forge a new path for ourselves, going back to the foundations of creation and seeing what worked for our ancestors in the past.

We saw how Trump was dragged through the court for several months in the Biden administration. We also saw many of the rioters of January 6, 2021, who were Trump supporters put in prison by the Biden administration. However, after Trump’s inauguration, in one fell swoop of an executive order, the rioters were freed and presumed innocent.

My question then is what does democracy truly mean? Does it mean that we the electorates are duty-bound to one man’s whims and caprice who sits as the President of the nation? How can the rioters be deemed as criminals because Biden is president and then deemed as innocent because Trump is the president?

This scenario beggar’s belief that the justice system depends on who sits on the throne rather than the rule of law. If America is not governed by the rule of law, which is a by-product of democracy, then one should wonder what America practices that it is calling democracy.

As Africans and especially Yoruba, we need to critically examine our political structure when rebuilding our new nation. This we must do so that we don’t import the European or America democracy that tends to favour only those in power or their supporters.

We need to build a system of government that is fair to all and not just to a certain group of people. If not, we may have failed to leave a legacy for our children who are looking up to us for inspiration.

If Nigeria has taught us anything, it is how not to run a country with the level of corruption this country is experiencing. This may not be far from the America system of democracy we imported which grants immunity to those who actively steal our monies yet we the people feel helpless in prosecuting them.

The worst is that they flaunt this ill-gotten wealth in our faces long after they have left office, and we feel helpless. If we don’t want to be perpetual slaves to these cohorts of treacherous politicians who think only of themselves and their cronies when they’re in power, then we need to always be on our guard.

We need to make sure that our new Yoruba nation rid itself of any remnant of the Nigerian corruption that may inhibit us from building a true democratic society. We must always be vigilant so that those who mean us harm fail in their evil plans.

As the world watches Trump’s administration and his raft of executive orders, we may be able to unlearn many of what we thought was democracy. If we did that, we may have a chance of saving our Yoruba nation from being a victim of democracy like it is practiced in many countries in Africa and around the world.

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Voice of Emancipation

Voice of Emancipation: The Sultan Must Back Off Now




By Kayode Emola

As Yoruba, we must understand that the Nigerian political setting is a game, and it is only those who are observant that will overcome it. For far too long, we have lived our lives as though little things do not matter, but those little things add up to bigger problems for us later down the line.

We have seen recently how some Islamic clerics in Yorubaland started to advocate for the Sharia penal code to be implemented in Yorubaland. At first, they claimed it was just an innocent law that would be implemented solely for those consenting Muslims who subscribe to it.

However, we know this is not true, and the real intention of these unscrupulous people is to take Yoruba for a ride. Part of their claim for introducing the Sharia is to allow Muslims in Yorubaland the opportunity to wear hijab. I have not seen where in Yorubaland Muslims are not allowed to wear hijab. Even in some Catholic schools in Yorubaland, Muslim girls are allowed to wear hijab, therefore the claims of these Yoruba traitors are unfounded.

When a protest was staged a few weeks ago to reject Sharia in Oyo state by we Yoruba, these hideous monsters went on to the next phase of their agenda by surreptitiously trying to implement the Sharia in several other Yoruba states. When we rose to the occasion last Tuesday to resist the Sharia court being implemented in Ekiti state, it forced the Sultan to speak out.

Alas, there was evidence that the Fulani north was the brain behind the introduction of Sharia in Yorubaland. They want to do this to show the world that Nigeria is an Islamic country. The most bizarre thing is that all our Yoruba politicians, traditional leaders, and leaders of thought kept mute.

It was only when the youths started shouting from the rooftop that our politicians started to get the message. We saw how Nigeria deceptively stole the sovereign power from our traditional leaders by implementing policies that made them irrelevant. Their unsuspecting attitude affected their way of life and those of ours, and if care is not taken it might affect our children.

Therefore, we must all rise and rid ourselves of this menace called Nigeria before the Fulani north imposes more devastating poverty on us. We have a golden opportunity now to tell the world we do not want to be a part of the Islamisation agenda of the Fulani and their Arab backers. We must resist it with every fiber of our being and do everything we can to build a free society for our children in a free Yorubaland.

Resisting this menace is not just by pushing back with rhetoric, it must be backed by action and the only action that is necessary now is one that calls for the total disintegration of Nigeria. It’s time to push harder for our exit from Nigeria and God willing this time around we shall breakthrough.

We Yoruba cannot continue to feed this monstrous Nigeria that gives us nothing but destruction. We must realise that the only way to protect the lives and properties of our people is by exiting Nigeria. Once we exit, we can make laws that govern everyone equally so that everyone is bound by the same legal system.

As it is in Nigeria, there are multiple laws in place depending on your status in the society. The former Governor of Kano state Ganduje was caught collecting bribes which was recorded for the world to see. The reason why his hands were not chopped off till now still beats my imagination considering that Kano state has Sharia law.

This goes to show that what the Sultan is pushing is not actually the introduction of a legal system called Sharia to govern Muslims but a deception to enslave the Yoruba people. As there are no political officers from the north where Sharia is practiced who have ruined this country being tried by the Sharia court, I do not believe that it is a law that we want to welcome in Yorubaland.

It is therefore imperative for us as Yoruba to band ourselves together and say a big ‘NO’ to Nigeria once and for all. We must be emphatic in our message that we do not want to be a part of this mess of a country anymore. The country has shown over several years that it has nothing good to offer its citizens. We cannot continue to pretend that it will one day be a great nation when all the signs show that it is already a failed state.

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Voice of Emancipation

Voice of Emancipation: Yoruba Must Resist Any Form of Sharia




By Kayode Emola

A stitch in time saves nine, or so they say, but the issue of Sharia may need timely stitching, or else it may haunt us forever.

When the issue of Sharia was first mooted, back in 2000, many of our people in Southern Nigeria said it was a northern problem, and that we should keep out of it. A year later, Sharia was brought into the 12 core Northern Nigeria states to pacify the inglorious Fulani who are hellbent on subduing the ethnic nationalities in Nigeria.

Whilst we didn’t read any serious meaning into it at the time, hindsight shows that it was the introduction of Sharia law and the Sharia court that gave birth to the deadly Boko Haram group. This group went on to forbid any form of Western education in the Sharia North, and the atrocities that followed from there are evident for the world to see.

Having solidified their system in the north of Nigeria, these intruders have now set their sights on introducing Sharia law across Yorubaland. While many of our people may believe this is an innocent idea, we should make no mistake in thinking this is just about Sharia law. This has nothing to do with morality but is a means of forcing subjugation on a people.

This is why Yoruba must rise to not only condemn this callous act by Northern Nigeria and their Arabian backers but to take decisive action to stamp this idea out once and for all. When their attempts to introduce Sharia into Oyo state, the centre of Yorubaland, failed spectacularly, they moved surreptitiously into the Yoruba hinterlands and peripheral states like Ekiti, Ogun, and Ondo to push their agenda and narrative.

Let us not be fooled that these unscrupulous people and their Yoruba agents are ignorant of the fact that Yoruba has enjoyed religious harmony for millennium. They are peddling their Sharia agenda to hide their ultimate sinister mission of conquest. It is the reason we Yoruba must stand united to resist the Nigerian subjugation of Yorubaland and demand our self-determination with immediate effect.

The time has come for every true Yoruba patriot to see this as a clarion call to act and not just sit on the fence. This is not the time to wish the Sharia law away and think it will die a natural death. It is time to be emphatic about our determination to completely disengage from the Nigerian country.

If not, we will all wake up one day and be like countries around northern Africa that were once liberal but have now lost their land to the Arabians. This is not a time to say God forbid but a time to act and the only action that can save us from this impending doom is for Yoruba to get out of Nigeria as quickly as possible.

If we fail to get out of Nigeria now, our children may end up having to take arms in the future to fight in perpetuity for our freedom. We cannot say for certain if they will be able to regain the land just as we have seen happen to the real owners of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, etc who are now minorities in their own land.

I am not trying to scare anyone, but I am sounding this as an alarm for us to know that the Sharia law is just one aspect of the many woes we may suffer as Yoruba. However, the eternal consequences may be too great for our children and their children to bear.

For example, the Sharia law in northern Nigeria does not affect the elite who continue to steal the treasury without remorse. But when it comes to the innocent poor who steal meat for food, they are amputated and made to suffer irreparable consequences to their body for life.

It is therefore congruent for us to agree as Yoruba to come together to fight for the liberation of the Yoruba nation out of Nigeria so we can enact laws that will be respected and obeyed by all in our land. Let us be determined to stamp out any subjugation by coercion or voluntary acquiescing so that posterity will judge us fairly when we are no more.

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Voice of Emancipation

Voice of Emancipation: Hope for Yoruba Nation




By Kayode Emola

Let me begin this article by wishing all our Yoruba compatriots, both at home and abroad, a happy New Year 2025. Without an iota of doubt, we have come a long way in our struggle for the Yoruba nation so far, and this year, 2025, will be our turning point.

Many people who are fainthearted about our struggle are asking if there truly is a way out of Nigeria or if our struggle is merely an exercise in futility. I am certain that our struggle is an act of love for our nation; so, God willing, we will succeed in our quest for Yoruba sovereignty.

Some may ask how can we be truly fighting for the Yoruba nation when there are so many fifth columnists in our midst? Those called ‘odale’ by some of our people: are betrayers who are hellbent on preventing us from achieving the Yoruba nation of our dream.

While I cannot say there are no odales in our company, it would be unfair and untrue to label as odale every person who started the journey but has withdrawn from the struggle. Those who have joined the crusade for the sole purpose of derailing it are the true odales dragging us back.

However, the others – those who joined the struggle but have pulled back because they cannot see a way forwards – are the ones I am more interested in speaking to. My clear message to them is to keep heart: there is hope for the Yoruba nation and our struggle is nearing the concluding phase.

We have previously been in an unfortunate situation where those who are leading us do not themselves actually know the way out. Added to this, their leadership has been coloured by the belief that only those within their own circles are the true fighters championing the Yoruba nation’s struggles. This has caused us numerous setbacks from one corner to the other, affecting our progress in no small way.

The time has come for us to focus on the task ahead: achieving Yoruba nation sovereignty. The only way we can be effective in doing this is to come together in unity, fighting this struggle as a family rather than as competitors.

Having identified the task, the next phase must be to identify the men and materials needed to achieve it. Once done, we need to put these men and materials in place and execute our plans. Then, God willing, we will be able to secure victory for the Yoruba people, meaning ultimately that we will all be winners.

I plead therefore with all our comrades: this is not the time to begin buying enemies for ourselves. Rather, this is the time for us to come together, combining whatever skills or talents we possess that may be useful for this journey ahead. An enormous amount of resources will be required to execute this project, so we must not hold back whatever we have, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

There is a British poem that reads: “For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; for want of a horse the rider was lost; for want of a rider the message was lost; for want of a message the battle was lost; for want of a battle the kingdom was lost; and all for the want of a horseshoe nail.” Your small contribution may be the horseshoe nail on which hangs the whole success of the birth of our nation.

I believe that if we all unite, putting our resources and skills together, then there is nothing that we cannot achieve. Let us therefore not look back to the failures or setbacks of the past few years; but let us focus on the journey ahead and the goal: which is the victory of an independent Yoruba nation.

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