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Aig-lmoukhuede Undermining My Natural and Legal Roles As Guardian, Wigwe’s Father, Pastor Shyngle Cries Out



Pastor Shyngle Wigwe, the father of late Chairman of Access Holdings, Herbert Wigwe, has raised alarm over what he described as Mr. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede’s plan to undermine his natural and legal roles as guardian over his son’s Estates and children.

The concerns were raised in an affidavit submitted at the High Court of Lagos on his behalf by someone, who identified himself as a cousin of late Wigwe, Christian Wigwe.

The Affidavit is presented below in full AS RECEIVED:

I, Christian Wigwe, Male, Christian, Nigerian of full nge; n eq@ßNenéur, certified mediator with specialization in transformative mcdiatlönö&n respectively, resident at Plot 718, Sentinel Crescent, Durumi District, ‘l”crritory, Abuja do hereby make oath and state as follows:
1. I am a cousin to Herbert Onyewrumbu Wigwe (hereinafter referred to as ‘ ‘the deceased”), who passed away on 9 th of February, 2024 along with his wife, Doreen Chizoba Wigwe, and son, Chizi Wigwe in an aircraft crash.
The deceased owned multiple real and personal assets both in Nigeria and abroad and left behind the following children (in their order of seniority):
a) Otutochi Channel Wigwe 25 years old
b) Chituru David Wigwe 16 years old
c) \Vegu Hannah Wigwc •14 years old
d) C)kachi Great \Vigwe 2 years old.
3. I arn familiar with the circumstances surrounding the deceasedls Will and the appointment of guardianship (ad litem) for his minor children – David, Hannah and Great.
4. FINhe deceased’s Will dated the 9 th of July, 2013 was lodged at the Probate Registry.
5. ‘Ithe purported \Vill was executed in the United States of America (“USA”), and concerns have been raised regarding its applicabilitv to the assets and matters within •s •e,risdiction.
6. I do not know who lodged the \Vill in the •Probate Registry of the Lagos State High Court, Oiven that the Will was drawn up in 2013 in the USA and che deceased was accustomed to keeping his affairs separate and Segregated in different countries.
I verily believe that the Will was lodged at the Probate Registry of the Lagos State High Court after the death of the deceased to give the impression that the deceased intended its applicability co extend to his assets in Nigeria,
8. The purported Will seems to apply primarily to the assets of the deceased located in the USA, I.l•svflanguage and provisions suggest a focus on matters within the USA.
9. The Will does not clearly statc that it extends beyond the USA to cover assets or matters within Nigeria, This raises concerns about whether the deceasedl s assets in Nigeria are addressed Of governed by the Will at all.
10. The Will does not mention• any beneficiaries, neither docs it make provision for the guardianship of the deceased’s minor children under Nigerian or American law.
11, ‘llhe minor children have since been brought up in Nigeria in accordance with Nigerian values and customs.
12. Since the death of Herbert and Chizoba Wigwe (parents of the minors), it is not clear svho has acted as legal guardian for the minor children, other than the fact that they live at No. 10, Oronmiyan Street, Queen’s Drive, Ikoyi, Lagos, which is where their parents lived. The family had moved into the residence just three months prior to their parent’s death.
13. In accordance with African values and good order, it will naturally be the father of the deceased, Pastor Shyngle Wigwe who will act as guardian to the minor children or at the very lc.asc, he will be consulted to ascertain who should act as guardian.
Shynglc Wigwe (grandfather) should ordinarily play a role in determining the welfare of his grandchildren. Given his fatherly role, his involvement in their upbringing would be both natural and beneficial.
Pastor Shyngle Wigwe has suffered an unimaginable loss with the passing of his son, Herbert Wigwe, his daughter-in-law, Doren Chizoba Wigwc, and his grandson, Chizi Wigwe, (his children) all in one day. This traumatic event has deeply affected him and his family.
16. In light of this, appointing Of enabling Pastor Shyngle Wigwe to act as the legal guardian of his grandchildren would not only provide stability for the children but also servc as a significant part of the healing process for him. His role as guardian would help hi t?l cope with this profound loss while ensuring the welfare of his grandchildren is well cared for.
Besides the traumatic circumstance under which Pastor Shyngle Wigwe lost his children, he is well-qualified and accomplished to perform the role of a legal guardian in that:
a) He is a trained Electrical Engineer by profession.
b) He retired as an accomplished civil servant after rising to the height of his career as the Director-G eneral of INJPTf\;
c) He is a devoted Christian;
d) He is the head of the Wigwe family;
e) He is a certified Mediator.
18. Notwithstanding these credentials that equip Pastor Shyngle Wigwe to act in the capacity of guardian or to be consulted as to whom should act in that capacity, the business partner of the deceased, Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede has assumed indirect guardianship and custody of the deceased’s children.
19. In assuming this indirect role of guardianship, Aigboje Aig-lmoukhucde hid* subtly created a situation that makes it difficult for Pastor Shyngle Wigwe to act as guardian for the children, particularly the minor children.
20. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede has also cleverly withheld relevant information regarding the deceased’s Estate from Pastor Shyngle Wigwe and other members of the family disenabling any such member from making informed decision regarding the deceased’s children (his grandchildren).
21. I wras informed by Pastor Shyngle Wigwe on the 6th day of October 2024, at approximately 8pm, at his residence located at 7, Epsom Street, Northern Foreshore Estate, Off Chevron I)rivc., Eti- Osa LGA, Lagos State, that the circumstancc under which Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede has caused Pastor Shyngle to be excluded from the affairs of the deceased’s minor children and blocked him from accessing any information regarding the management of the assets of the deceased are as follows:
a) Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede is currently controlling the assets of the Late Herbert Wigwe. While Pastor Shyngle Wigwe, otherwise natural guardian of Herbert’s minor children, would usually not be bothered by this, the way Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede is handling the assets is grossly undermining Pastor Shyngle Wigwe’s role as guardian and the head of the Wigwe family.
b) Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede’s access to Herbert’s funds gives him a certain level s of influence over decisions that affect the deceased’s children. Although he is not their legal guardian, his control over the estate puts him In 41 position where he indirectly acts as one. This situation has made Pastor Shyngle \X’igwc uneasy,
c) Ordinarily, Pastor Shyngle Wigwe would not have an issue with Aigboje Aig-lmoukhucde managing Herbert’s assets. However, Aigboje .\igImoukhuede’s influence is now extending beyond financial matters and affecting areas where Pastor Shyngle Wigwe should have full authority.
d) Pastor Shyngle Wigwe feels that his natural role as guårdian is being undermined. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede’s decisions concerning the estate are crossing into the territory that Pastor Shyngle Wigwe should manage for his grandchildren. ‘[his overlap is causing tension.
e) Pastor *hygnlc Wigwe is concerned that if this continues, his legal and natural role as guardian will be further eroded.
f) Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede has continued to cover some financial support of the deceased’s dependent parents, Pastor Shyngle Wigwe and Mrs, Stella Affiong-Wigwe, as well as the ongoing expenses related to the deceased’s chlldrena
g) Despite his continued financial involvement, he has not provided any formal updates or disclosed how these expenses are being met or their impact on the overall Estate.
h) ‘[his lack of transparency has left the beneficiaries and other stakeholders uninformed about the financial status of the Estate and whether these expenses arc affecting its valuc or liquidity.
i) He has not disclosed any information regarding the general wclPare, care, education or guardianship of the minor children or the administration of the Estate.
j) The absence of critical information or any accounting makes it unclear how much of the deceased’s wealth is being expended for the sustenance of the deceased’s dependents.
k) ‘Ihe deceased cousin, Uchc Wigwe has been named in a suit instituted in the USA against the airline company that owned the helicopter that crashed causing the death of the deceased, his wife and his son.
1) Aigbojc Aig-lmoukhuede appears comfortable with a situation where Uche Wigwe is named as guardian even if it undermines the authority of the family as long as it gives Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede son-xe indirect control over the affairs of -the deceased knowing that he has an over bearing influence over Uche Wig-wc.
m) Despite these concerns, Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede seems unconcerned. His main interest appears to be preserving his influence and maintaining control over the assets of the deceased, which Uche Wigwe, under his direction, allows him to achieve.
22. During our conversation on the same day, time and location stated above, Pastor Shyngle Wigwe informed me of the above. stated facts and expressed the following concerns, which I verily bellcve•
a) *Ilv,lt the significant age gap between Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede and both Uche Wigwe and Otucochi Wigwe, along with Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede>s prominent status, raises doubts about the independence of the decisions made by ()tutochi Wigwe and Uche Wigwe, particularly in their roles as guardians of the minor children and in managing the deceased’s estate.
b) ‘I%hat Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede’s influence over both Otutochi Wigwe and Uche Wigwe is affecting the proper guardianship of the minor children.
c) “I*hat this influence extends to decisions concerning the deceased’s estate, undermining the autonomy of the family in these critical matters.
d) That Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede’s overbearing influence over Otutochi Wigwe and Uche Wigwe creates tension within the fan-lily, given the delicate nature of the estate and guardianship issues.
e) Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuedc’s overbearing nature, coupled with his unrestricted access to Herbert’s wealth, is leading some family members to gravitate towards him in an effort to secure his favor. This dynamics is creating tension within the family, as it is systematically alienating other members, and this could strain relationships and lead to divisions amonofamily members if not addressed appropriately.
23. The purported Will (against which a Caveat is being filed) which has been deposited with the High Court within the jurisdiction prescribes that:
a) Chizoba Wigwe, the deceased’s wife, is the first choice as personal representative, However, she has passed away.
b) Betty Blanco, the deceased’s solicitor and an American, is named as the second choice to act as the representative in the event of Chizoba’s death.
c) With Chizob’,l \XfigwcPs death, Betty Blanco would ordinarily assume the role of the personal representative of the deceased’s assets.
d) BctLY Blanco, being an American, is unlikely to nyanage the deceased’s assets in Nigeria due to jurisdictional and practical limitations.
e) a result, Uche Wigwe, who was named as the default representative, has now assumed the role of personal representative.
f) A scheme appears to have been orchestrated to position Uche Wigwe as the personal representative, knowing that Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede wields considerable influence over Uchc Wigwe.
g) Through this arrano•ement, Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede becomes an indirect controlling agent over thc deceased’s assets, without being formally accountable to the beneficiaries or dependents of the listatc.
h) CJchc Wio•we is now placed in a conflicting role, serving as both the personal representative of the deceased’s list’,lte and the gwardian of the minor children.
i) #1his dual role creates a clear conflict of interest and great responsibility, which could affect the proper management of the Estate and the guardianship of the deceased’s minor children.
24. It is considered an abomination within the Wigxve family hierarchy to nominate Uche Wigwe, the cousin of the deceased, as the guardian of the minor children while their grandfather is still alive.
25. Fllhe family believes that Uche Wigwe’s nomination as both the personal representative of the Estate and the guardian of the minor children undermines the authority and role of the family head, Pastor Shyngle Wigsve.
26. The dual roles of Uchc Wigwe as personal rcpresentativc of the Estate and guardian of the children present a significant conflict of interest, which raises concerns about fairness and transparency in the administration of the deceased Estate.
27. rrhis awkward situation is being fuelled by Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede, who has a strong and overbearing influence over Uche Wigwe who is unable to confront him.
28. By supporting Uche Wigwe’s appointment, Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuedc ensures that he can indirectly control key decisions related to Herbert’s family matters.
29. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede appears to be taking advantage of Uche Wigwe’s respect and reluctance to oppose him, allowing Aigbojc Aig-lmoukhuede to exert undue influence over matters that should be handled by the family.
30. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede also holds sway over I-Ictbert’s eldest daughter, Otutochi Wigwe, further consolidating his influence. This allows him to manage affairs that should ordinarily remain within the control of the family,
31. It is essential that the children’s welfare is prioritized in all decisions relating to the estate. Proper oversight is crucial to prevent any conflicts from impacting their rightful inheritance including the Wigwe family values The estate should serve to support their upbringing and education as well as peculiar values, until they reach the agc of majority.
32. Otutochi Wigwe, the 25-year-old daughter of the deceased, requires assistance from the grandparents to take care of her younger siblings.
33. Otutochi Wigwe, having grown up knowing Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede as her father’s business partner is reluctant to ask relevant questions out of fear of antagonizing him. In addition, being brought up in the African values, she is hesitant to challenge such traditional values by asking pertinent questions in relation to the administration of the deceased’s Estate as well as the guardianship of her minor siblings.
34. avoid such apprehension for confrontation, Pastor Shyngle Wigwe expected that he will be consultecl in the affairs of the deceased particularly as regards the welfare and custody of the minor children. ‘llhat he will stand as an interested party to protect the interest of thc deceased’s children.
35. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede has imposed a domineering presence in Otutochi Wigwe’s life, such that there is reason to ascertain whether her decisions are truly independent.
36. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede has deliberately orchestrated the scheme above including relying on the purported Will of which concerns have been raised about its applicability to assets in Nigeria, to give Uche Wigwe undue authority that undermines the deceased’s family hierarchy.
‘l’he ultimate goal, being to give Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuecle a controlling dominance over the deceased’s family and by extension, his assets.
38. Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede’s influence over Otutochi Wigwc has tended toward encouraging an unperturbed distance between her and her grandfather as long as this enables him to remain in direct Of indirect control of the deceased’s assets.
39. l\igboje Aig-lmoukhuedc’s actions continue to create tension within the family.
40s Pastor Shyngle Wigwe, who is 90 years old, is deeply distressed by the lack of fcspcct shown to him by Aigboje Aig-lmoukhuede in matters concerning the guardianship of his minor grandchildren,
41. rIlhe exclusion of the grandfather, who is an accomplished civil servant and certified nwdiator, from decisions related to the guardianship of his minor grandchildren and management of his deceased son’s Estate continues to cause hiin significant emotional pain.
42. ‘lhe decisions regarding the guardianship of the deceased’s minor children, including the appointment of Uche Wigwe, were made without consulting the grandfather, who holds a key leadership role within the family.
43. *I’he grandfather’s health has deteriorated due to the anxiety and distress caused by improper care and welfare of his grandchildren and the lack of information regarding his deceased son’s Estate.
44. The deceased’s Will lodged in the Probate Registry of the Lagos State High Court refers to a Trust having been created. But the Will does not provide any specific details regarding the terms or conditions of the Trust, leaving the family uncertain about its proper administration.
4-5. ‘I the absence of clear instructions• about the Trust raises questions about whether the best interests of the minor children will be safeguarded.
46. I am informed by Pastor Shyngle Wigwe that the deceased’s family requests that a caveat be placed on the grant of letters of administration/probate of the deceased’s Estate to prevent any further action being taken without their involvement.
‘”Ilhis affidavit is made in good faith and in the best interest of the deceased’s minor children and the family as a whole.

to at Lhe I-ligh Court Registry, _l:agos, Nigeria


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Tinubu Presents N47.9trn 2025 Appropriation Bill to NASS




President Bola Tinubu, on Wednesday, presented the proposed 2025 federal budget to a joint session of the National Assembly.

The N47.9 trillion budget saw a whopping N3.5 trillion allocated to the education sector.

Other sectors that got higher allocations include defence and security – N4.91tn, infrastructure – N4.06tn and health – N2.4tn.

“It is with great pleasure that I lay before this distinguished joint session of the National Assembly, the 2025 Budget of the National Assembly of Nigeria titled, ‘The Restoration Budget’ security peace, building prosperity,” Tinubu said as he concluded his 30-minute presentation at 1:10pm.

This budget highlights the government’s focus on improving education, healthcare, and infrastructure, in line with its ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’ aimed at boosting the economy and addressing key national priorities.

The live broadcast of the budget presentation today revealed the government’s plans for the next fiscal year. With a strong emphasis on human capital development, the president highlighted the budget’s commitment to improving the nation’s economic foundation.

Education sector receives major funding 

A significant portion of the 2025 budget is dedicated to education, with N3.5 trillion allocated to the sector. President Tinubu stated that part of this funding would be directed toward infrastructure development, including support for Universal Basic Education (UBEC) and the establishment of nine new higher educational institutions.

We have made provision for N826.90 billion for infrastructural development in the education sector,” Tinubu said.

This allocation aims to improve educational facilities and support ongoing efforts to strengthen Nigeria’s educational system.

Focus on human capital development 

During the presentation, the president emphasized the importance of investing in Nigeria’s human capital. “Human capital development, our people are our greatest resource. That is why we are breaking record investment in education, healthcare, our social services,” he remarked.

Tinubu also pointed to the N34 billion already disbursed through the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) to assist over 300,000 students.

The budget includes continued investments in healthcare and social services as part of the broader goal of enhancing the quality of life for Nigerians.

Strengthening the economy and national security 

Tinubu highlighted that the 2025 budget is designed to build a robust economy while addressing critical sectors necessary for growth and security.

“This budget reflects the huge commitment to strengthening the foundation of a robust economy, while addressing the critical sectors essential for the growth and development we envision; and secure our nation,” he said.

The budget aims to tackle key challenges and foster long-term economic stability by prioritizing infrastructure and development in key sectors.

Healthcare and social services allocations 

In addition to education, Tinubu focused on the allocation for healthcare and social services. The government plans to increase investments in healthcare infrastructure and services to ensure broader access to essential healthcare for Nigerians.

These investments are part of the administration’s strategy to improve overall living conditions and enhance public health across the country.

President Tinubu’s proposed 2025 budget is said to reflect the administration’s commitment to achieving its development objectives, with a focus on economic growth, human capital development, and infrastructure improvement.

As the National Assembly reviews the budget, the president reiterated his administration’s resolve to address the nation’s most pressing needs.

Source: Nairametrics

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Ghana’s President-elect Mahama Visits Tinubu in Abuja




Ghana’s President-Elect, Dr. John Dramani Mahama, a courtesy visit to President Bola Tinubu at his residence, Presidential Villa, State House on Monday.


Mahama won 56 percent of the votes in this month’s presidential election, compared to the ruling party candidate and Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, who secured 41 percent.


The landslide comeback for former president Mahama ended eight years in power for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) under President Nana Akufo-Addo, whose last term was marked by Ghana’s worst economic turmoil in years, an IMF bailout and a debt default.

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I Stand by What I Said, Kemi Badenoch Replies VP Shettima




The leader of the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party, Kemi Badenoch, has lashed back at Vice President Kashim Shettima over the latter’s reaction to her comments about Nigeria.

Badenoch was born in the UK in 1980 to Nigerian Yoruba parents.

Badenoch, who attained age 16 in Nigeria before departing the country for the UK where she was elected Conservative Party’s leader, described Nigeria as a nation brimming with thieving politicians and insecurity.

However, Shettima, while speaking at the 10th Annual Migration Dialogue at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on Monday, December 9, 2024, accused Badenoch of “denigrating her country of origin” with her remarks.

The vice-president listed influential people whose families had migrated to other countries, commending former UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as a “brilliant young man who never denigrated his nation of ancestry.”

Reacting on Wednesday, Badenoch lashed back at Shettima, saying she doesn’t do “PR for Nigeria”.

Her spokesperson, as the Tory leader, according to UK Express, said: “Kemi is not interested in doing Nigeria’s PR; she is the Leader of the Opposition in the UK.

“She tells the truth; she tells it like it is; she isn’t going to couch her words. She stands by what she said.”

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