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MoneyMaster PSB at Ojude Oba, Promotes Mobile Wallet 



MoneyMaster Payment Service Bank Limited (MMPSB), a leading payment service bank, is attending the 2024 Ojude Oba Festival to promote its mobile wallet, which simplifies banking transactions in the country.

The Payment Service bank is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria and insured by NDIC to promote financial inclusion in furtherance of the Nigerian financial literacy initiative driven by the Central Bank of Nigeria. With Moneymaster, Nigerians can open mobile wallets, savings account, individual and business accounts to make payments, buy airtime, pay utility bills to over 4,000 companies.

It was recently appointed a payment partner to the Ounje Eko initiative by the Lagos State government in its bid to provide discounted food items to residents of the state amidst rising cost of food items. Moneymaster is positioned to support individuals and businesses in their journeys towards financial prosperity by offering bespoke financial services that meet their aspirations.

In a press release issued at the weekend, Moneymaster said it is rounding off a month-long market activation, engaging indigenes and residents of Ijebuland to come onboard its digital banking platform – mobile wallet. Moneymaster mobile wallet avails customers the opportunity to transfer or withdraw cash from an agent, buy airtime and pay utility bills.

It added that during this month-long activation, customers in Ijebuland who open an account stand a chance of winning free airtime amongst other gift items.

The PSB further said that the drive towards a cashless economy can become a reality when more and more Nigerians embrace mobile wallet so as to help them cultivate a more convenient savings habit and also enable them engage in banking transactions with ease.

“While we rejoice with the people of Ijebuland at this time, we also want to showcase what we have in Moneymaster’s mobile wallet that can help various people to enjoy seamless banking from their phones”, the statement said.

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Dangote Confirms Minor Fire at Refinery, Says It’s Been Contained




By Eric Elezuo

Following a fire incident that occurred at a section of the Dangote Refinery at Ibeju Lekki, Lagos, on Wednesday, the group has said that there is no cause for alarm.

A section of the refinery reportedly went up in flames, and staff were evacuated from the premises.

In a press statement, Dangote’s spokesman, Anthony Chiejina, confirmed the fire incident, but added that it has been contained, and there is no cause for alarm.

“We have swiftly contained a minor fire incident at our effluent treatment plant (ETP), today Wednesday 26th of June,” he stated.

Mr Chiejina added, “There is no cause for alarm as the refinery is operating, and there is no recorded injury or body harm to all our staff on duty.”

The cause of the fire was not disclosed.

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You’re a Now Private Citizen, Kano Gov Tells Deposed Emir Bayero




Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State on Wednesday declared that the deposed Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, is a private citizen like others.

Governor Yusuf disclosed this through his Chief Press Secretary, Sanusi Bature.

Bature said the rulings of the Kano State High Court affirm the State Assembly’s law that repealed the 2019 Kano Emirate law, thereby making Ado Bayero a private citizen.

In May, Governor Yusuf had dethroned Aminu Bayero while reinstating Muhammad Sanusi as the 15th Emir of Kano.

The governor’s decision followed the enactment of the 2024 Kano Emirate law by the Kano State House of Assembly, which repealed the 2019 law.

However, speaking on Arise TV’s Morning Show, Bature said the rulings of the court affirm Sanusi as the Emir of Kano pending decisions by other courts.

According to Bature: “The decision of the Kano State Assembly has been reaffirmed by the court. Ado Bayero is now a normal citizen, and whatever happened is based on the repealed 2024 law which invalidated the 2019 Emirate laws that divided the Kano Emirate into five.

“Even if the Emir was not reinstated, the State Assembly, under its constitutional responsibility, decided to repeal the law, which is valid. Automatically, we have reverted to the pre-2019 circumstances where Emir Sanusi was the sole Emir of a united Kano State.

“Based on the court’s decision that actions taken under the repealed law were brought to the governor by the Speaker of the State Assembly, and he assented and announced the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi. This occurred at 5:10 PM on May 23, 2024.

“For this reason, we have filed an interlocutory appeal which the judge granted. By this context, Emir Sanusi remains in the palace and continues to discharge all the responsibilities of an Emir of one united Kano while we wait for outcomes in other courts.

“By virtue of the High Court declaring the law as valid, it confirms the deposition of former Emir Ado Bayero, and he remains a private citizen like every other resident of Kano. He should not be seen occupying any government property. That government property is defective; it’s a mud house where he has forcefully stayed for over a month now.”


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Sanwo-Olu Marks 59th Birthday, Appreciates Team, People of Lagos




By Eric Elezuo

The governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has expressed profound appreciation to as many that supported him, including his team, and the good people of Lagos State, in his bid to progressively govern the state.

The governor expressed this wish while identifying his 59th birthday via his X handle on Tuesday.

He wrote:

Today, I turn 59.

As I mark this special day, I am thankful for the amazing journey that has led me to this moment. Being the Governor of Lagos State is an immense privilege, and I am grateful for the chance to make a positive impact in the lives of our citizens.

I want to express my appreciation to everyone who has supported me, from my hardworking team to the wonderful people of Lagos. Your unwavering support and belief in our shared vision are the hallmark of our successes.

Here’s to another year of hard work, progress, and making Lagos a shining example of excellence.

Together, we will keep moving forward, stronger than ever before.

Congratulations to Mr. Governor!

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