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How to Truly Immortalize MKO Abiola – Gov Adeleke



The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has highlighted free and fair elections as the best way to honour the memory of the acclaimed winner of the June 12 Presidential election, Bashorun MKO Abiola and other democratic heroes.

Describing free and fair elections as the lifeline of any virile democracy, Governor Adeleke acknowledged the sacrifices and struggles that paved the way for the civil rule that we currently enjoy today in a statement to commemorate Democracy Day.

He called on politicians in the country to submit themselves to upholding the tenets of democracy by respecting the will of the people.

According to the Governor, the political class must recommit to strengthen the country’s electoral system to deliver credible elections and ensure that the will of the people is not subverted.

Calling election rigging an act of war , Governor Adeleke said “our best homage to our democratic heroes is our continued upholding the basic tenets of democracy. Such include free and fair elections and observance of rule of law.

“We cannot at one hand celebrate democracy day and on the other hand undermine the democratic machine. You cannot be applauding the great memories of the late Bashorun Abiola and at the same time be working against free and fair elections.

“I call on leaders locally and nationally to re-dedicate ourselves to democratic ideals. The will of the people freely expressed must be accepted by genuine democrats. Our electoral system must be strengthened to deliver credible elections. Under no circumstances should the will of the people be subverted.

“Free and fair elections are the lifeline of any virile democracy. Politicians must grow to know and accept that power flows from the people. Rigging elections is an act of war against democracy. Genuine democrats accept electoral verdicts as a mark of respect for the voters, the ultimate holder of sovereignty. That’s what I did in 2018 when I was denied victory.

“If there is any lesson June 12 every year is to teach us, it is that democracy thrives when electoral candidates bow to people’s will. We must stop being autocratic in democratic garb.

“If you are rejected at an election, take it in good faith and prepare for the next round of election. After all, Abraham Lincoln failed several polls before his eventual emergence as American president,” the Governor concluded.

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Ojude Oba, Others Enormous to Promote Cultural Heritage, Unity – Glo 




Telecommunications company, Globacom, has said that Ojude Oba and similar festivals in the country have enormous potential to promote cultural diversification, national identity, harmony and unity.

In his goodwill message to this year’s Ojude Oba festival in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, on Tuesday, the Chairman of Globacom, Dr. Mike Adenuga Jr., also noted that these age-long festivals could foster cultural exchange and showcase Nigeria’s rich heritage to the world.

Dr Adenuga observed that the theme of this year’s celebration, UNITY AND HARMONY IN IJEBULAND: THE GIFT OF OJUDE OBA, emphasised the values that the festival had espoused for over a century that it has been in existence.

He added that the festivals also had potential to boost tourism and help in the diversification of the economy which was why the Federal Government and many governments across the globe have placed tourism on top of their development agenda. Dr. Adenuga pointed out that Globacom has kept its partnerships with the nation’s largest festivals to solidify and establish them as premier events that would draw even more visitors to Nigeria from around the globe.

He further stated that Globacom and the sons and daughters of Ijebuland, both at home and in the Diaspora, would greatly benefit from the partnership with the Ojude Oba Planning Committee.

One of the star activities of the Globacom-sponsored festival was the Regberegbe competition among the different age groups in Ijebuland. Egbe  Bobasete Okunrin Omooba came first; Egbe Bobagunte Okunrin Akile Ijebu second and Egbe Bobamayegun Okunrin Asiwaju came third.

In the female category, Egbe Bobagunwa Obinrin Omooba was adjudged the best dressed with Egbe Bobagunwa Obinrin Asiwaju and Egbe Arobayo Obinrin Akile Ijebu coming second and third respectively.

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Abdul Blasts Elder Brother, Kola Abiola over Inability to Sustain Father’s Legacy




One of late MKO Abiola’s sons, Abdulmumuni Abiola, has taken his elder brother Kola Abiola to the cleaners, saying he cannot rule Nigeria.

The younger Abiola stated this during an interview on a podcast show – Mic On – on Sunday with Seun Okinbaloye.

He accused Kola of failing in his duty to manage their late father’s empire.

Kola contested the presidency on the platform of the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) in 2023.

However, Abdul lamented Kola’s inability to sustain Abiola’s political legacy and unite the family.

Abdul said: “MKO Abiola’s legacy would have been properly sustained if Kola was in a better position. And he could have been a voice of better democratic values, but he chose not to.

“During the time my father was still in jail, he was busy (with other things). It’s sad, but I’m a little pleased that my father didn’t come out to see what his first son has become.

“I’m unhappy with him (Kola Abiola), and even Nigerians are unhappy. You can see how many people voted for him when he campaigned for the presidency.

“I wondered how he thought he could be president when he could not manage Abiola’s empire. How will he manage Nigeria?

“This is the problem in Nigeria: people are not showing capacity in their own little sphere of work but want a higher position.”

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MoneyMaster PSB at Ojude Oba, Promotes Mobile Wallet 




MoneyMaster Payment Service Bank Limited (MMPSB), a leading payment service bank, is attending the 2024 Ojude Oba Festival to promote its mobile wallet, which simplifies banking transactions in the country.

The Payment Service bank is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria and insured by NDIC to promote financial inclusion in furtherance of the Nigerian financial literacy initiative driven by the Central Bank of Nigeria. With Moneymaster, Nigerians can open mobile wallets, savings account, individual and business accounts to make payments, buy airtime, pay utility bills to over 4,000 companies.

It was recently appointed a payment partner to the Ounje Eko initiative by the Lagos State government in its bid to provide discounted food items to residents of the state amidst rising cost of food items. Moneymaster is positioned to support individuals and businesses in their journeys towards financial prosperity by offering bespoke financial services that meet their aspirations.

In a press release issued at the weekend, Moneymaster said it is rounding off a month-long market activation, engaging indigenes and residents of Ijebuland to come onboard its digital banking platform – mobile wallet. Moneymaster mobile wallet avails customers the opportunity to transfer or withdraw cash from an agent, buy airtime and pay utility bills.

It added that during this month-long activation, customers in Ijebuland who open an account stand a chance of winning free airtime amongst other gift items.

The PSB further said that the drive towards a cashless economy can become a reality when more and more Nigerians embrace mobile wallet so as to help them cultivate a more convenient savings habit and also enable them engage in banking transactions with ease.

“While we rejoice with the people of Ijebuland at this time, we also want to showcase what we have in Moneymaster’s mobile wallet that can help various people to enjoy seamless banking from their phones”, the statement said.

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