By Tolulope A. Adegoke
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act!
Action will delineate and define you.”
― Thomas Jefferson
You have nothing to worry about, friend. Everything you need to succeed has been encrypted into you through your potentials and personality traits. Even the storms of challenges that you are facing or may face are blessings in disguise. They are your training grounds for unleashing your natural endowments!
As we have already seen, you need the “sixth sense” given by God to discover your purpose in life. Thereafter, you must play your part by activating your potentials and improving in your weak areas. This will help you not to be drowned in the pits of failure and regrets like multitudes who are daily losing out in the battle of destiny.
God’s desire is for you to emerge a HERO in your generation. And you can only achieve this by harnessing your “empowered zeros” in your specific areas of calling.
As we wrap up our exploration of the world of greatness in preparation for individual activation and ultimate elevation, take good note of the following and constantly meditate on them:
· Talents are useless until you put them to use.
· Seeds are useless until you cast them into the ground – not just any ground, but fertile ground.
· You make yourself nobody – no matter how gifted you are – until you activate and harness your potentials for maximum impact.
· You are not alive because you are smart, but because of what you have been called and chosen to do by the Almighty!
· Every seed, talent or potential in you is for a specific purpose!
· Therefore, you must understand your purpose (calling) and deliver your gifts to your world through positive impacts upon lives, corporates and nations! What the world wants to hear are your breakthroughs (testimonies of possibilities), and not mere stories.
· You are Heaven on earth…Your gifts and talents are heavenly deposits inside your earthly vessel (2 Corinthians 4: 7)
· Empowering them all gives you full access into reigning (Heaven) on earth. You are not of this world, neither are your potentials; but you must be on this earth (that is, stay alive) for your talents to function. You are the full identity of the power of God in action. And that is the basis and the peak of all leadership!
· It is your gifts that lead to excellence, which attracts success when empowered (worked upon), then leads to greatness that has posterity.
· While your earthly vessel will decay as a result of expiration of its existence on earth, the hero in you never stops speaking for you even while you are gone!
· Therefore, never stop discovering, empowering, activating and harnessing your zeros. You are the next HERO the world is waiting for!
Here is something to cheer you on from Edgar A. Guest:
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you are trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must-but don’t you quit…!
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about.
When he might have won had struck it out;
Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow-
You might succeed with another blow…
Success is failure turned inside out-
the silver tint of the cloud of doubt-
And you can never tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to fight when you are hardest hit-
It’s when things get worse that you must not quit!”
Here is a golden piece, dedicated to everyone building capacity and harnessing it for the deliveries of possibilities in Peoples, Corporates and Nations!
A Teachable Spirit & A Heart of Deliverance!
By Tolulope A. Adegoke
‘When you’re learning how to be humble, you have to be willing to listen, learn, and grow and be open to suggestions and corrections from other people. You don’t know it all, and you can’t act like you know it all, either! Therefore, here is a daily mantra for all seasons: calm, quiet and available is my soul before My Maker, God Almighty!
I shall remain teachable,
I shall not be foolish to be full of Myself!
I shall seat at the feet of my God sent masters to learn, so as to soar beyond the skies,
I shall remain humble for life!
I shall recognize my helpers and glorify God in them, I shall make peace with all men,
I shall keep working on my gifts/potentials with utmost focus of blessing lives globally,
I shall never look down on any man I come across,
I shall keep being at my best for God(Divinity) and people(Humanity),
I won’t give up, until I fulfill my destiny,
I won’t let go, until I am exhausted,
I am simply a tool in the Mighty Hands of my Creator, He uses me according to His perfect will, to fulfilling purposes, all to His Glory!
Through me, the world shall continue see the irresistible wonderfulness of my Maker. He shall continue to increase in and through me… I refuse to be a ‘wander-fool’!
I am not ashamed of these choices I have made, of these steps I am taking…
I shall remain happy and joyful for life! It is not my life, it is my Father’s… God in a MAN (Me); with this, I’m boundless, unchained and limitless.
I am not ashamed nor afraid of this mission, due to this vision…
I shall remain truthful, smart and grateful!
I shall ensure that my impacts are felt across the world, yet, down to earth so as to be launched into the yonder beyond the skies where the realms of impacts continues…
I shall never give up, I shall build my castles in the skies and leave my footprints in the skies…
Yes! There are footprints in the skies… Only visionaries can see them…
The strength of an eagle lies in its flights and vision!
I remain humble, so as not to tumble and fumble!
In humility lies true strength, lies true vision and flights into the yonder!
I shall remain swift and completely obedient to the end… In obedience lies my chances of honor and grace.
I shall ride on the wings of the Holy Spirit to surmount all challenges and oppositions…
I won’t focus on the cross, but the crown… Not the tests but the testimonies, not the price but the prize… Not the grains but the gains, not the hisses but the ease, not the pests but the rest that is to come after all work has been completed…I shall have my crowns of Glory, sitting in Glory and splendor, glorifying my Creator, my Master for keeping me thus far without giving up on me…”
This, is, when a tool becomes ‘The Tool’! We are nothing but tools in the Mighty Hands of the Creator- To fulfil His perfect will on Earth: to love, fix, build, to solve, to touch, bless and impart.
Do not envy the successes, envy the sacrifices!
(…The End…)
Watch out for the Book titled: “The Power of an Empowered Zero” (Awakening the Giant Within You) byTolulope A. Adegoke. Foreword by Dr Yomi Garnett (CEO/Chancellor, Royal Biographical Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U.S.A., U.K., Abuja, Nigeria.) Edited by Ola Aboderin.