By Tolulope A. Adegoke
“Time sees everyone, yet concentrates on nobody… It is too busy for that! It is a trend that is always willing to give its best to those that are ready and willing to sacrifice their very best for a proper investment.” – Tolulope A. Adegoke, PhD., MNIM, FIMC, CMC, CMS
Time is the most indispensable currency for exploitation if invested wisely!
Time is cheap, yet expensive! Time is light, yet heavy and loaded with events (Naturally-Spiritual and Artificial-Physical).
Time can be spent or invested in! Time can be handled and managed by effective planning, programming and wise steps/actions for undeniable and reliable results.
Time is no respecter of people; it does not stop for a while for any reason or person(s). It is not controlled by man, but by God Almighty, the Creator of the Creator of all things!
Time does not cheat! It works its way through from its beginning to that which is called its end (REVELATION).
Time sees everyone, yet concentrates on nobody… It is too busy for that! It is a trend that is always willing to give its best to those ready and willing to sacrifice their best for a proper investment.
Time expires… It evolves into phases!
Time is beyond the physical senses of MAN; it is beyond the tools (seconds, minutes and hours) that make up the clock to read its trends and moves! It is life… It goes on and on… It can not be measured but can only be maximized by investing in steady
Meditation is serenity for its revelations and illuminations of ideas and creativity at the speed of shock!
Time shocks man, but not God! Time is a ‘fact’ that is very direct! It works without patience… It is steady and consistent; slackers and the ignorant despise it!
The enemy of time is PLEASURE, which generates PROCRASTINATION! Pleasure abuses its (time) schedules and duties in the creations and manifestations of purpose from IDEALISM into REALISM.
Time flies! It never gives up! It has wings! Time is never tired! It does not wait to be motivated!
Time heals us if it is acknowledged and referred to by God Almighty! Only God Almighty can restore time, because time cannot restore itself.
Time has no friend or foe; it only relates to and works for those who seclude themselves in SERENITY to ponder facts and meditate for reasons in order to become the REASON
for the SEASON (Time).
“Time and chance happen to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:11).” Time is for everyone and no one in particular!
Time speaks and its voices echo! Its impacts are daily! Time is always trending in all mediums of communication; it cannot be caged; it cannot be saved; it can only be maximized through wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and their applicability.
True, “time” exists for everything, but it is always ready and available for everything, right? Everything must be done, adopted, implemented, executed, and realized on time, time, time, time.
Time is always positive… Only man’s actions corrupt/pollute it! Time is light, it illuminates, it reveals and exposes the deeds of men.
Light is eternal life; everyone is a candlestick. Your impact lights each candlestick that represents each life.
Time is deeper and sharper than a sword! Every word spoken at the time is WORK (i.e. IMPACT!)
It’s time to get moving…It does not sleep, it does not wait, so why wait till tomorrow before you do that which is right? Why wait till tomorrow before you light up another candlestick around you to lighten up/illumine the world? Why wait till tomorrow before you love, before you invest?
You do not know a true investment until you learn about an investment. Time is always NOW! It is always TODAY, it is clockwise and always today for the right CAUSE… But only the deeds of men pollute it!
Make today right, make it count and worthwhile for a better tomorrow! Time is always productive! Always ready to support everyone’s efforts!
Time is always prepared today to give you a better tomorrow! Time is invaluable… It is one of the greatest assets given to mankind.
Time respects ideas, thoughts, and reasoning, as well as, most importantly, its own full actualizations.
Time worked and produced YESTERDAY! Time works TODAY to produce a grand and brand new day called TOMORROW!
Time is official and must be guarded and maximized with care and responsiveness and respect! “Make hay while the sun shines!” Indolence is foolishness! No food for a lazy man.
“Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, because her lack of a captain or ruler provides her with supplies during the summer.
“How long will you slumber, oh sluggard?” she asked as she gathered her harvest.
“A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to sleep,
So, as a traveler, do you suffer from poverty?
“And you want a man who is armed?”(KJV Proverbs 24:33)
It takes the value of wisdom to enjoy the trends of TIME. Time is the principal raw material needed in the factory of ideas. Ideas are only answered by those who have “time” for them.
Without setting “time” apart for a reason (think), your rise is not in view! Time is where it all begins! Time is therefore of the utmost essence in the school of ideas!
Act Now! Every move you make moves you! For every action, there is a REACTION! Time will show you all of your efforts and rewards.
Time has targets… Its focus is always on TODAY for TOMORROW (the future). The certainty of a better tomorrow is determined by a well-planned and structured today!
“Time is therefore an asset of universal equality.” Most importantly, time is equal! It all depends on how much money you invest or spend on it.
Time is always available for everyone’s efforts, but only God rewards all accordingly (Paul plants, Apollo waters, but only God gives the blessings) with the blessings of man’s deeds! Time records the deeds of men, be they good or evil… God rewards all accordingly!
Time is specific to goals and facts! Time is always deliberate, depending on how smart you play your cards (work) and how prayerful you are.
The more time you devote to reasoning, the more insight you will gain and the better the results you will achieve. The mobile phones you carry with you, for example, frequently work against you. When an idea is coming, it rings and by the time you finish answering the call, the idea has flown away.
Time is an invaluable asset. Unfortunately, most people are abusers of time. We, therefore, must redeem our time from pollution (cultural bastardization, tradition and unrelated issues) by scrambling for our “time” during business/thinking hours.
Every ‘time’ INVESTOR eventually becomes an INVENTOR.
Life is all about timing! Time is life… Life goes on and on; only the life of man is short! Time is infinite, but its moments expire and evolve into phases and realms in the real cycle of life. Therefore, maximize your time judiciously!