By Tolulope A. Adegoke
Leadership is influence. Favour opens the doors, but INFLUENCE changes Nations!
When you are in a situation, and you don’t have money, please pray for influence, because if God ever gives you the influence with the people that have money, you can have or access whatever that you need.
The perfect Biblical exemplar is Christ Jesus. He never had the money, but He had influence with people that owned whatever that He needed per time. When He stepped off into His Boat, it was Peter that owned the boat, but He had influence with Peter, who later became one of His disciples.
When Jesus Christ went down to Joppa, and He needed a place to stay, He stayed in Peter’s house, because Peter owned the house, but Jesus had influence with the man who owned the house.
You don’t need to have all the stuff, but all you need is INFLUENCE with people that have the stuff, and you would realize that influence can be better than money. Even though it’s best to have both. It is favour that opens doors, but INFLUENCE is what changes nations.
Sometimes, God wants to use your influence to be able to change NATIONS. What happens on a platform can be a power of a thing; there is a difference between a stage and a platform. A stage is for performance, but platform is for INFLUENCE. A platform gives room for anyone to stage their performance(s).
Where ever you are at any level of your rising, if God calls a person to be your champion as a soccer player, baseball player, golf player, basketball player, football player or whatever it is, God would use the sport, the Hollywood, Nollywood, or the music to build the platform. Once the platform is established, then God’s purposes are done or fulfilled on the platform.
Sometimes, business is just the platform, and once God had built the platform, the opens the door and gives the influence, then the work of ministry (His Will) can be done or fulfilled. So, always ask God to give you the required WISDOM to ‘know how’ to use the platform for His glory alone. It is not a stage, it is a platform, and God will give you a ‘gift’(resources) just for the platform, because just one gift from God can revolutionize your life this way.
The word INFLUENCE comes from the Latin word ‘Influethy’ which means ‘to flow into’. It simply speaks of that which flows from the Heavenlies (Above) down into a being called you! it is the flow of God into the vessel called ‘you’. Whatever you might be doing, if you are in your ‘flow’, you become an instrument of DOMINION; you dominate in that place of ‘flow’. You are just ‘able’ to dominate in that area of ‘flow, naturally.
Do you know that you can mess up your ‘flow’? Stress, worry, weariness, bitterness are potent factors that aides such.
When you are all trusting God, to say that ‘God, I want you to use me for your glory’; it does not matter whether you are male or female, young or old. It doesn’t even matter your level of (formal) education. What matters is that your heart must be submitted to God. To say ‘God, whatever you can do in me and through me, I want you to now do through me, and let it touch the world at large; do something great in me.’ Not until God does great things in you, He cannot do anything great through you. This, is why we must ask and crave for an experience (encounter) with God, so that He can use us in a huge way, so that He can transform who we are, our age notwithstanding.
A lot of people, young among especially, have been used by God, case study of Samuel in the Holy Book. You would realize that, this is not a child talking to me, but this is God speaking to me through this child. It doesn’t matter if you are in your tender ‘teens’, your teachable ‘twenties’, your tireless ‘thirties’, your forcible ‘forties’, your ‘feelful’ (emotional) ‘fifties’, your seasoned ‘sixties’, your civil ‘seventies’, your aching ‘eighties’, your nebulous ‘nineties’ and your ‘peticious’ ‘hundreds’, where ever you are.
Whatever stage or age that you are, God can still speak to you powerfully and use you for His glory. But we just need to be determined that God should simply have His way in our lives fully, and be glorified truly.
When we talk about the dimensions of INFLUENCE, we need to first discuss the HEART Revolution (Heartwork). It is the work that God does in your heart, so as to become a good ground for His Seeds of potentials for Influence to be staged in and for all ages. Until God has done the work in your heart properly, you are not fit to use it anywhere for any purpose. If it doesn’t change our heart, our mouth would be polluted; our thinking is contaminated until God does the works in the heart. That is why, until God has washed us properly of bitterness and resentments in our HEARTS to the degree that we are no longer upset with the breakthroughs of others or because God has blessed someone else, we are not fit to fit into His Power of Influence and feature in His Dominion.
Beware! What worries or wearies you, masters you! God blesses you with what you can manage. God will never bless you with what you cannot give. For instance, if you cannot give away money, He will never trust you with it. If you never learned to give Him praises, He will never trust you with it.
God cannot trust you with what does not make you happy in others… you must be able to celebrate God’s victory in their lives.
Men of genius are admired,
Men of wealth are envied,
Men of power are feared,
And God does the character works in your heart. If you do not have character, nobody would want to have anything to do with your influence, no matter your level of packaging; because influence is determined by RESPECT! If you lose RESPECT, you lose EFFECT!
You have no influence if you do not have a good name, because you do not work in integrity in your heart. That is why you need to guard your heart with all diligence. Everything is trying to influence your thought patterns. Your though patterns determine your outputs in whatever form.
We need to have a God-influence in our hearts. Only the pure in heart shall see God! Everything begins from the heart and with the heart.
And this, is the HEART REVOLUTION!
Thank you all for reading
“The Power of an Empowered Zero” (From Zero to HERO) is a Book authored by Tolulope A. Adegoke, PhD. Foreword by Dr Yomi Garnett (CEO/Chancellor, Royal Biographical Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., U.K., Abuja, Nigeria.) Edited by Ola Aboderin. Designed by Sceptirus. It is currently available on Selar, Amazon and Bambooks.