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A Toast to Globacom Chairman, Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr



By Michael Effiong


It is just like yesterday when Nigerians awoke to the birth Globacom, the only indigenous telecommunications company and national carrier-and 19 years after, it has become one of the most recognisable brands not only in Nigeria but on the continent of Africa and beyond.

The monumental success of Globacom can be attributed to the vision of the company’s chairman, Dr. Mike Adenuga Jnr, GCON. Fondly called the Great Guru or most recently, the “Spirit Of Africa” as christened by our Publisher, Dele Momodu, Adenuga’s persona as a hard-working risk taker, towering symbol of enterprise, undisputed game changer and  someone with an unquenchable quest for excellence are all encapsulated in Globacom.

Globacom, like its Chairman entered the market in a bullish and bold way. The per second billing that the foreign-owned operators had said was impossible was implemented on day one. And with that audacious step, Globacom democratized the telecommunications industry and has catapulted him to the position of Nigeria’s richest billionaire by far.

Though Forbes Rich List will tell you other wise, Adenuga with his investments in oil & gas, telecommunications, financial services, construction real estate and more has no rival. But he likes it the way it is at the moment because he will never give out his financial data or details. He likes to keep us all guessing, while he is smiling to the bank every second!

But who really is Mike Adenuga? Adenuga is one of the very few humans in the world that is in a world of his own. He is comparable to no one-an enigmatic personality who is a typical Taurean: Tough as nails, audacious, patient and very reliable.

It is because of his zodiac sign that some call him The Bull. He has the insignia of the bull almost everywhere around him. Indeed, a bull is part of his personal crest. This is easily recognisable on all personal correspondences and envelopes. When you arrive Globacom’s Corporate Headquarters in Nigeria aptly named: Mike Adenuga Towers, you are welcome by an intimidating bronze bull sculpture, just like the famous charging bull that stands proudly on the famous Wall Street in New York. That is not all, the Headquarters of one his companies, Conoil in Marina, Lagos is called The Bull Plaza and golden bull sculptures are used to accentuate his new home in Banana Island, Ikoyi in Lagos.

His bullish nature is not only by pictures or sculptures, he breathes it, lives it and exhibits it in real life. Just like an ill prepared matador gets ripped, Adenuga, The Bull, usually crushes those who underestimate him or take him for granted.

He is a stickler for perfection who has zero tolerance for sloppiness or indolence, that is why the minutest of details in his operations interest him. He is not one of those arm-chair businessmen, he is hands-on and that always strives for nothing but the best, and his never-give-up attitude is exemplary.

Perhaps a good indication of his penchant for turning one’s travail to triumph was the birth of Globacom. With Globacom, he showed that failure is not final but an avenue to show your inner strength and strong will. For him, impossible is non existent.

The American owner of Orlando Magic basket ball team said ” The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants in life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe it is possible”

This point was also reaffirmed by Orison Swett Marden, Author and Founder of Success Magazine, who said “Great men have found no royal road to their triumph. It is always the old route by way of industry and perseverance”.

 His initial setback in the telecoms industry was enough to break any ordinary businessman, but not Adenuga. In 2001, the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) announced that the nation was ready to auction Global System Mobil (GSM) licences and called for bids.

At the end of the process, four companies, including Adenuga’s Communications Investment Limited (CIL) were declared winners. Everyone was to make a mandatory payment of $20million (Twenty million dollars) as commitment and then pay $265million as licence fee in 14 days.

While Adenuga was in the process of making payment, his technical team discovered a problem. They found that his allocated frequency was in dispute.  He was now in dilemma, should he pay such a huge amount on a venture that is a subject of litigation or withdraw? The lion-hearted Adenuga decided to effect payment with a condition as any smart businessman would do to protect himself. To his chagrin, government announced that CIL failed to meet the payment deadline and the licence was revoked.

Mike Jituboh, Globacom’s Executive Director, Special Duties who was part of the CIL team during the 3-day auction recalled the painful incident in an interview with Technology Times of Nigeria.

According to him “A day after winning one of the three GSM licences, a CIL team led by Adenuga  (an evidence of his penchant for being hands-on and in the thick of action) headed for Paris for negotiations with BNP Paribas. After several days of protracted negotiations, agreements were reached on terms and conditions for a loan facility for $265million for paying the balance for the GSM licence. The deadline for payment was 5pm of February 9th, on that fateful day, all was set for a transfer by SWIFT instruction then word came in from our colleagues in Lagos that the frequecncy allocated to CIL was the same as the one hitherto allocated to Motophone, owned by the Chagoury’s. The later was in court to challenge the frequency’s withdrawal.

“With its assigned frequency under litigation and the deadline of payment almost elapsing, we had to decide whether or not to pay the huge sum of $265million. With no time left to resolve this knotty issue with the government, we decided to make payment with the condition that the money should be released after the government gives CIL indemnity to cover the possibility of Motophone’s winning its suit and retaining the litigious frequency”

“Consequently, payment of $265million was made by BNP Paribas before the deadline directly to the JP Morgan, New York designated account along with the aforementioned condition.

“As most Nigerians will recall the government rejected the condition and cancelled the CIL licence. The government refused all entreaties and the funds were eventually returned to BNP Paribas” This first hand account puts paid to the rumours that made the rounds at the time that CIL licence was cancelled because Adenuga did not have the funds to pay.

His elder brother, Otunba Ademola Adenuga had this to say about that setback ” Mike lost $20million but he never lost hope. He never gave up hope, that is one thing about my brother, he is an eternal optimist. Something kept propelling him not to give up on the matter”

And like the dogged fighter that he is, Adenuga took that upper firmly on the chin, brushed it aside and waited for another opportunity. And that opportunity soon came in August 2002.

The government decided to embark on another auction of licences, and interestingly, this was a bigger pie as it was about to sell the Second National Operator (SNO). The licence entitles the winner to operate a GSM, fixed wireless and more. The price was even lower $200million. Omnitel Nigeria Limited, AFZI (Telecommunications ) Limited and CIL now rechristened Globacom met the deadline-and it was only Globacom after paying the initial $20 that was able to pay the remaining $180 million and that was how Globacom was born.

Through Globacom, Adenuga is propagating his philosophies of life to the African continent. Glo has taught us to “Glo with Prride”, It has encouraged us to “Rule The World”, it has helped us to believe that opportunities for success on “Are Unlimited” and has reinforced the spirit of dedication by urging us all to start “Driving To Future” success.

Apart from spreading these messages of hope, it is an indigenous brand that elicits pride in all Africans for its top notch service and consistent innovation. Its contribution to sports, entertainmet and culture has been massive. Glo is it! Little wonder that Adenuga so believes in his brand that he sometimes personally voices commercials!

Despite his humongous success, some people still habour the long-worn story that he is fronting for some people. Those who are close to the Chairman laugh derisively at these set of people.

Those close to him have since confirmed that Adenuga is not a fan of partnership. The business guru is a one man riot squad who likes to be the main man and not part of an orchestra because he has his own set of rules.

All the business ventures he has been involved in, he reports to no one except God Almighty.

Yes, he loves God. He strongly believes in the God factor in the affairs of men and that is why as true Catholic, he goes almost everywhere with his chaplet, sometimes he is silent in prayers. He also has his own chapel at his expansive home.

He knows full well though that prayer alone is not the key and that is reason he is a workaholic. He has very little interests outside his business.

He is the sort of billionaire who loves his work. Like Rupert Murdoch, another hard work-loving fanatic said, Adenuga also believes that “Working is not a means to an end, it’s the end”. He has his own terms and time of doing things.

And that is why he chooses those around him carefully, he is someone who cherishes loyalty to the max and pays loyal workers handsomely. The work can be back-breaking, including putting in you all at odd hours but the reward for working close or for the guru is usually handsome.

Talking of reward, he is one of Nigeria’s most open-hearted and silent philanthropists. He is extremely generous and gives without much fanfare. His philanthropy budget is indescribable and touches so many lives.  He never forgets people who have been good to him. His official donations are now channeled through the Mike Adenuga Foundation.


And maybe because of this innate propensity to give, he steers clear of many people, he is not one of those we see at every social event. He is very private and strict about his security which we gathered was due to an incident many years back. Even at his company’s functions, it is no longer news that Adenuga will be absent. He has his own set of rules.

This not mean he does not create time to relax, he usually catches his fun with inner circle of family and friends. There they banter and share fund moments. As a connoisseur of fine wine and exotic spirits, they savour these beverages, munch on hors d’oeuvre and gourmet meals. It at occasions  like these that his joie de vivre becomes obvious.

To his children though, he is their dear doting dad. He, like his late sweet mother, Chief (Mrs) Oyindamola Adenuga, who was his business mentor, is firm but fair.

He always tries to show them the right path and now he has within the family, a chip of the old block, in his daughter, Mrs Bella Disu, who is is breaking barriers in the business world not only as Executive Vice Chairman of Globacom but sits atop the board of top companies including as non Executive Director at Construction giants, Julius Berger.

Mrs Disu once told Ovation in an exclusive interview that her father is very caring but firm. According to her when they were younger he encouraged them to play the piano, the family used to have carols at home during Christmas. “It used to be fun and the best piano player got good gifts” she reminisced.

Then she added “He has always said that he would never stand in our way if we are follwing the right path. He dotes on us so much more that other regular fathers would

Without any shadow of doubt, through Globacom, he has firmly planted his feet on the sands of time, and the world is proud of this prodigious son of Africa. We are all proud of his accomplishments and that is why as Globacom clocks 19, we raise a toast to the Chairman of Chairmen, Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr, GCON.

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Beware of ‘Full Blown Dictatorship, Dele Momodu Cautions Tinubu in New Letter




By Eric Elezuo

Chairman, Ovation Media Group, Chief Dele Momodu, has again written an open letter to President Bola Tinubu, cautioning him against metamorphosis into full blown dictatorship.

As usual, Chief Momodu took the instrumentality of his social media handles to send his message to Tinubu, which is coming barely two after he wrote him the first letter bordering on the need to curtail his spendthrift attitude and embrace empowerment of Nigeria’s teeming youths.

In the letter titled Once Again, An Appeal to President Tinubu, Momodu outlined their days in the struggle for democracy against the military government, wondering why someone, like Tinubu, who had congregated and protested in the past, will turnaround today to say there will be no protest.

Momodu further blamed Tinubu for the present hardship in the country, accusing him of not knowing the difference between running Lagos as governor and running Nigeria as president.

“And let me be frank Sir. You caused it all. You did not realise that a country is much more complicated than a State,” he said, further accusing of having a stranglehold on Lagos for 24 years since he became governor in 1999.

Momodu advised that the proposed protest should be seen as a litmus test for the security agencies, especially as the Department of State Service (DSS), claimed they have unraveled the identities of those wishing to cause mayhem.

“But I’m reasonably assured that any potential threat can be contained and nipped in the bud, since our secret service claims to have discovered the sponsors of mayhem. Such people should be arrested speedily,” Momodu advised.

He finally advised Tinubu to seek friendly advice, and extricate himself from the ‘hawks’ surrounding him as they do not mean well for him.

It would be recalled that the country has been on edge since the masses vowed to embark on a 10-day protest over extreme hardship in the country, beginning from August 1, 2024.

Read Dele Momodu’s letter in full:


Your Excellency,

For the second time within two weeks, I’m compelled to write you this epistle. As I write this, my mind goes back to my earliest recollection of you as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As a young journalist, you were everyone’s delight. The June 12 Presidential election annulment brought out the best in you as a pro-democracy figure. You spent money and time fighting the military. Our exile years were lived in constant fear and trepidation.
Fast forward Sir. We returned to Nigeria in 1998

You contested the Lagos State Governorship election in 1999, and pronto, you won. Since then, you have been in absolute control of a state described as the California of Africa, and possibly the sixth richest economy in Africa. Lagos is a country on its own…. I’m just trying to let you know that you’ve been a President in Lagos for 24 years before becoming the President of Nigeria.

Unfortunately, things have not been easy for Nigerians (except members of the privilegentsia) since you realized your lifelong ambition. And let me be frank Sir. You caused it all. You did not realise that a country is much more complicated than a State.

I’m sad and embarrassed that a fighter for Democracy is now saying Nigerians will not be allowed to congregate and demonstrate on the streets, something you and I enjoyed during the military regimes, at home and abroad.

I will never support anarchy, after engaging in peace initiatives in Sierra Leone, Liberia and The Gambia. But I’m reasonably assured that any potential threat can be contained and nipped in the bud, since our secret service claims to have discovered the sponsors of mayhem. Such people should be arrested speedily.

Please Sir, go back to your original friends in civil liberties and seek their assistance. Then, use this opportunity to test the strength, security architecture and combat readiness of our security agencies. Ignore the advice of the hawks in your team. They have nothing to lose since they are mostly beneficiaries of what others died for. Resist the temptations of full blown dictatorship…
You’re in my prayers as you bear this cross…

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Rotary International District 9112 Launches Coastal Restoration Initiative, Plants 1000 Coconut Trees in Lagos




In a bid to promote its mission of improving the environment, Rotary International District 9112 on Sunday kicked off an environment-saving intervention tagged: Coastal Restoration Initiative at Westside Beach, Okun, Ajah, Lagos, where 1000 coconut trees were planted along the coastal shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

Speaking at the event, the Governor of Rotary International, District 9112 Rotarian Femi Adenekan, said the “initiative is conceived to save the environment as well as reduce the adverse effect of the climate change.”

According to him, “the environment is one of the main focus areas of Rotary International. We need to consciously come to the realization that we need to save our environment. We need to save ourselves. So that in the future, those that will come after us will have life.”

“People assume that the world belongs to them. They have forgotten that they are just tenants on the surface of the earth. If you try to change nature, nature will react, which is the reason we are having a lot of environmental damage in the world. Some of wrong human activities, such as throwing plastics and other items into water or where it ought not to be is causing us environmental challenges. If we don’t take care of our environment, the environment will react and take us out of the surface of the earth,” He said.

The chairman of the District 9112 Tree Planting Committee, Rtn. Gboyega Bada recommended the adoption of an “Every Rotarian Plant a Tree Every Year” policy and also indicated plans for Rotary International District 9112 to propose a Private Bill to the Lagos State House of Assembly to enable all Lagos Residents plant a tree every year for the next five years to address the challenges of climate change.

Rtn Bada stated that the vision of Rotary District 9112 on Tree Planting is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment by planting 10,000 seedlings of Coconut, Mango, Breadfruit, Avocado and other ralated crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.

The event was well attended by Stakeholders in the Private and Public Sectors. Pan African Towers Ltd, Tolaram Group, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica Ltd, amongst others were well represented. Past District Governor Tunji Funsho led other Rotary Leaders to give their support. The DG’s wife Rtn Tayo Adenekan, the District Governor elect Rtn Lanre Adedoyin, General Manager of Lagos State Coconut Development Authority, Dapo Olakulehim and Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency, Club Presidents and Rotarians from the 73 Clubs graced the occasion.

Also speaking at the event, one of the Guest Speakers, the world acclaimed horticulturist, Mr. Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group and The Lagos Free Zone, highlighted the importance of trees, saying; “planting trees improves air quality, reduces air pollution, and illnesses from air pollution. More so, plants produce oxygen and provide shelter, medicine, and many more.”

In his own special remarks, Chairman, LUFASI Park and DG Coconut Naija, Dr. Desmond Majekodunmi, said; “the basic fact about the environment is that whatever you sow, you shall reap. The environment will always treat you, the way you treat it.”

It is of note that the vision of District 9112 on tree planting for this year is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment through the planting of 10,000 seedlings of coconut, mango, breadfruit, avocado and other related crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.

The event was witnessed and supported by main stakeholders in the industry, agencies and partners which included, Mr Dapo Olakulehin, General Manager, Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA), Mr Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group, Channel Scott from Pan African Towers, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica, The Legend Lifeskills Foundation, Etam Avitat, Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK) , presidents and members of various Rotary Clubs in District 9112 amongst others.

Rotary leaders who witnessed the event are PDG Tunji Funsho, PDG Kamoru Omotosho, PDG Omotunde Lawson among others.

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Protest: Oluwo Advises Tinubu to Dialogue with Opposition Leaders, CSOs, Labour Leaders, Students, Others




The Paramount Ruler of Iwoland,His Imperial Majesty, Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi, has called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to invite stakeholders for dialogue ahead of August 1st, 2024 planned protest.

Oluwo stated consultation is necessary to avert violent confrontation by inviting the stakeholders for national discourse.

He feared protest might be hijacked by hoodlums to steal and destroy public properties built by our collective patrimony. Oluwo said dialogue becomes reasonable when it’s embraced before protest. He called on Nigerians to learn from Endsars protest that got many properties built with public funds destroyed.

Oba Akanbi asked President Tinubu to extend the invitation to major political opposition parties leaders mostly the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Labour Party, labour union leaders, students’ unions, civil society organizations (CSO), notable traditional rulers and other stakeholders to discuss the state of the nation and collate more ideas to address the economic hardship.

Oluwo expressed strong conviction in patriotic opposition political parties leaders to honour such national conversation.

Oluwo affirmed the economic hardship and inflation are global, conveying the need to hold national talks with stakeholders to discuss solutions to the country’s challenges.

A statement released by Oluwo through his press secretary, Alli Ibraheem, reads “At this crucial moment of global economic challenge, Nigeria inclusive, I call on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to convey a national dialogue most especially with the dog handlers comprising the opposition parties leaders, civil society organizations, labour leaders, students, traditional rulers and religious leaders”

“In a democratic setting,a peaceful protest is guaranteed provided some are not waiting somewhere to hijack it. Protest will not be advisable at this critical moment of tense global economic hardship”

“I’ve strong hope in the opposition leaders to honour national dialogue and contribute intellectual ideas to national development. No patriotic opposition leaders will want Nigeria to be destroyed”

“Even if a protest is held, we will resort to a round table discussion after the road show. Rather than allowing hoodlums to hijack and destroy the nation we are trying to construct, why not embrace dialogue? When we sit together and talk to each other, more virile approaches and solutions may be suggested for application. It will also provide an avenue for the government to reveal their plans in checkmating food crisis and manage the economy to our collective advantage ”

“Different bodies should have representative(s) at such gathering. Those willong to protest should appoint leaders. It shouldn’t be like endars protesters without leader. No harm will be done to them. As a traditional ruler and leader, I’m watching to ensure masses interests are protected and always ready to speak truth to power. Sincere protesters can reach out to notable traditional rulers”

“The inflation is killing. It’s a global phenomenon. I visited Saudi Arabia recently. Prices of goods have gone up acrosa the world. Even the rich are finding it difficult. Addressing the challenge should involve everyone to come together and discusss way forward”

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