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A Toast to GLOBACOM Chairman, Dr Mike Adenuga Jr.



By Michael Effiong

It is just like yesterday when Nigerians awoke to the birth Globacom, the only indigenous telecommunications company and national carrier-and 19 years after, it has become one of the most recognisable brands not only in Nigeria but on the continent of Africa and beyond.

The monumental success of Globacom can be attributed to the vision of the company’s chairman, Dr. Mike Adenuga Jnr, GCON. Fondly called the Great Guru or most recently, the “Spirit Of Africa” as christened by our Publisher, Dele Momodu, Adenuga’s persona as a hard-working risk taker, towering symbol of enterprise, undisputed game changer and  someone with an unquenchable quest for excellence are all encapsulated in Globacom.

Globacom, like its Chairman, entered the market in a bullish and bold way. The per second billing that the foreign-owned operators had said was impossible was implemented on day one. And with that audacious step, Globacom democratized the telecommunications industry and has catapulted him to the position of Nigeria’s richest billionaire by far.

Though Forbes Rich List will tell you other wise, Adenuga, with his investments in oil & gas, telecommunications, financial services, construction, real estate and more has no rival. But he likes it the way it is at the moment because he will never give out his financial data or details. He likes to keep us all guessing, while he is smiling to the bank every second!

But who really is Mike Adenuga? Adenuga is one of the very few humans in the world that is in a world of his own. He is comparable to no one-an enigmatic personality who is a typical Taurean: Tough as nails, audacious, patient and very reliable.

It is because of his zodiac sign that some call him The Bull. He has the insignia of the bull almost everywhere around him. Indeed, a bull is part of his personal crest. This is easily recognisable on all personal correspondences and envelopes. When you arrive Globacom’s Corporate Headquarters in Nigeria aptly named: Mike Adenuga Towers, you are welcome by an intimidating bronze bull sculpture, just like the famous charging bull that stands proudly on the famous Wall Street in New York. That is not all, the Headquarters of one his companies, Conoil in Marina, Lagos is called The Bull Plaza and golden bull sculptures are used to accentuate his new home in Banana Island, Ikoyi in Lagos.

His bullish nature is not only by pictures or sculptures, he breathes it, lives it and exhibits it in real life. Just like an ill prepared matador gets ripped, Adenuga, The Bull, usually crushes those who underestimate him or take him for granted.

He is a stickler for perfection who has zero tolerance for sloppiness or indolence, that is why the minutest of details in his operations interest him. He is not one of those arm-chair businessmen, he is hands-on and that always strives for nothing but the best, and his never-give-up attitude is exemplary.

Perhaps a good indication of his penchant for turning one’s travail to triumph was the birth of Globacom. With Globacom, he showed that failure is not final but an avenue to show your inner strength and strong will. For him, impossible is non existent.

The American owner of Orlando Magic basket ball team said ” The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants in life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe it is possible”

This point was also reaffirmed by Orison Swett Marden, Author and Founder of Success Magazine, who said “Great men have found no royal road to their triumph. It is always the old route by way of industry and perseverance”.

 His initial setback in the telecoms industry was enough to break any ordinary businessman, but not Adenuga. In 2001, the Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC) announced that the nation was ready to auction Global System Mobil (GSM) licences and called for bids.

At the end of the process, four companies, including Adenuga’s Communications Investment Limited (CIL) were declared winners. Everyone was to make a mandatory payment of $20million (Twenty million dollars) as commitment and then pay $265million as licence fee in 14 days.

While Adenuga was in the process of making payment, his technical team discovered a problem. They found that his allocated frequency was in dispute.  He was now in dilemma, should he pay such a huge amount on a venture that is a subject of litigation or withdraw? The lion-hearted Adenuga decided to effect payment with a condition as any smart businessman would do to protect himself. To his chagrin, government announced that CIL failed to meet the payment deadline and the licence was revoked.

Mike Jituboh, Globacom’s Executive Director, Special Duties who was part of the CIL team during the 3-day auction recalled the painful incident in an interview with Technology Times of Nigeria.

According to him “A day after winning one of the three GSM licences, a CIL team led by Adenuga  (an evidence of his penchant for being hands-on and in the thick of action) headed for Paris for negotiations with BNP Paribas. After several days of protracted negotiations, agreements were reached on terms and conditions for a loan facility for $265million for paying the balance for the GSM licence. The deadline for payment was 5pm of February 9th, on that fateful day, all was set for a transfer by SWIFT instruction then word came in from our colleagues in Lagos that the frequecncy allocated to CIL was the same as the one hitherto allocated to Motophone, owned by the Chagoury’s. The later was in court to challenge the frequency’s withdrawal.

“With its assigned frequency under litigation and the deadline of payment almost elapsing, we had to decide whether or not to pay the huge sum of $265million. With no time left to resolve this knotty issue with the government, we decided to make payment with the condition that the money should be released after the government gives CIL indemnity to cover the possibility of Motophone’s winning its suit and retaining the litigious frequency”

“Consequently, payment of $265million was made by BNP Paribas before the deadline directly to the JP Morgan, New York designated account along with the aforementioned condition.

“As most Nigerians will recall the government rejected the condition and cancelled the CIL licence. The government refused all entreaties and the funds were eventually returned to BNP Paribas” This first hand account puts paid to the rumours that made the rounds at the time that CIL licence was cancelled because Adenuga did not have the funds to pay.

His elder brother, Otunba Ademola Adenuga had this to say about that setback ” Mike lost $20million but he never lost hope. He never gave up hope, that is one thing about my brother, he is an eternal optimist. Something kept propelling him not to give up on the matter”

And like the dogged fighter that he is, Adenuga took that upper firmly on the chin, brushed it aside and waited for another opportunity. And that opportunity soon came in August 2002.

The government decided to embark on another auction of licences, and interestingly, this was a bigger pie as it was about to sell the Second National Operator (SNO). The licence entitles the winner to operate a GSM, fixed wireless and more. The price was even lower $200million. Omnitel Nigeria Limited, AFZI (Telecommunications ) Limited and CIL now rechristened Globacom met the deadline-and it was only Globacom after paying the initial $20 that was able to pay the remaining $180 million and that was how Globacom was born.

Through Globacom, Adenuga is propagating his philosophies of life to the African continent. Glo has taught us to “Glo with Prride”, It has encouraged us to “Rule The World”, it has helped us to believe that opportunities for success on “Are Unlimited” and has reinforced the spirit of dedication by urging us all to start “Driving To Future” success.

Apart from spreading these messages of hope, it is an indigenous brand that elicits pride in all Africans for its top notch service and consistent innovation. Its contribution to sports, entertainmet and culture has been massive. Glo is it! Little wonder that Adenuga so believes in his brand that he sometimes personally voices commercials!

Despite his humongous success, some people still habour the long-worn story that he is fronting for some people. Those who are close to the Chairman laugh derisively at these set of people.

Those close to him have since confirmed that Adenuga is not a fan of partnership. The business guru is a one man riot squad who likes to be the main man and not part of an orchestra because he has his own set of rules.

All the business ventures he has been involved in, he reports to no one except God Almighty.

Yes, he loves God. He strongly believes in the God factor in the affairs of men and that is why as true Catholic, he goes almost everywhere with his chaplet, sometimes he is silent in prayers. He also has his own chapel at his expansive home.

He knows full well though that prayer alone is not the key and that is reason he is a workaholic. He has very little interests outside his business.

He is the sort of billionaire who loves his work. Like Rupert Murdoch, another hard work-loving fanatic said, Adenuga also believes that “Working is not a means to an end, it’s the end”. He has his own terms and time of doing things.

And that is why he chooses those around him carefully, he is someone who cherishes loyalty to the max and pays loyal workers handsomely. The work can be back-breaking, including putting in you all at odd hours but the reward for working close or for the guru is usually handsome.

Talking of reward, he is one of Nigeria’s most open-hearted and silent philanthropists. He is extremely generous and gives without much fanfare. His philanthropy budget is indescribable and touches so many lives.  He never forgets people who have been good to him. His official donations are now channeled through the Mike Adenuga Foundation.


And maybe because of this innate propensity to give, he steers clear of many people, he is not one of those we see at every social event. He is very private and strict about his security which we gathered was due to an incident many years back. Even at his company’s functions, it is no longer news that Adenuga will be absent. He has his own set of rules.

This not mean he does not create time to relax, he usually catches his fun with inner circle of family and friends. There they banter and share fund moments. As a connoisseur of fine wine and exotic spirits, they savour these beverages, munch on hors d’oeuvre and gourmet meals. It at occasions  like these that his joie de vivre becomes obvious.

To his children though, he is their dear doting dad. He, like his late sweet mother, Chief (Mrs) Oyindamola Adenuga, who was his business mentor, is firm but fair.

He always tries to show them the right path and now he has within the family, a chip of the old block, in his daughter, Mrs Bella Disu, who is is breaking barriers in the business world not only as Executive Vice Chairman of Globacom but sits atop the board of top companies including as non Executive Director at Construction giants, Julius Berger.

Mrs Disu once told Ovation in an exclusive interview that her father is very caring but firm. According to her when they were younger he encouraged them to play the piano, the family used to have carols at home during Christmas. “It used to be fun and the best piano player got good gifts” she reminisced.

Then she added “He has always said that he would never stand in our way if we are follwing the right path. He dotes on us so much more that other regular fathers would

Without any shadow of doubt, through Globacom, he has firmly planted his feet on the sands of time, and the world is proud of this prodigious son of Africa. We are all proud of his accomplishments and that is why as Globacom clocks 19, we raise a toast to the Chairman of Chairmen, Dr Mike Adenuga Jnr, GCON.

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Nigerian Community Gives Dele Momodu Rousing Welcome in Calgary, Canada




By Eric Elezuo

It was electric, indescribable and absolutely emotional as the Nigerian Community resident in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, pulled all the stops to give veteran journalist, who is the Chairman, Ovation Media Group, a rousing welcome, as he visits the town.

Momodu’s international influence came to the fore as the Nigerians, led by the ebullient social media content creator, YYC Social Prefect, and their other African friends, rolled out the drums at the airport, singing traditional songs in royal welcome, and sweaty dance steps that say so much about the African culture, with special emphasis to the Nigerian way of life, which Momodu, in over three decades of journalism have dedicated his life to projecting.

Among many places he visited were the African Treasure Market, run by a princess of Ile-Ife, Mrs Tomi Ajayi nee Aderemi, where everything Africa in terms of groceries, was on display.

His other port of call was the Health Watch Medical Clinic where the duo of Mr Emmanuel Aladi and Dr. Flora Aladi along with their impressive staff, gave him a much deserved welcome. Momodu was presented a customary ‘kola’ in appreciation and welcome.

At the second branch of Health Watch Medical Clinic, Momodu was received by Dr. Robert Aka, who could not hide his joy at meeting the proverbial publisher of Ovation International Magazine.

Momodu also visited the Delish Restaurant (African Cuisine), which showcased the best of African food. The restaurant is a typical a home away from home.

There was also a visit to Beauty Sponge, where delectable proprietress, Tola Banks, took the special guest and every other person present on a round Robin journey of how she got to her present status. She was a delight to watch.

Chief also put up a cameo appearance at HODYYC, where Pastor Olatunbosun was in charge.

At Flavour Restaurant, the first Nigerian Restaurant in Calgary, owned by Mrs Bola Esan, Chief Momodu was treated to sumptuous lunch comprising dishes from not a few continents in company of Lanre Ajayi, Imole Ayo and Kazeem Shamshudeen.

However, the ultimate of Momodu’s visits was at the Osuji and Smith Lawyers, where diminutive Nigerian professionals showcased the mettle that make Nigerians great in the league of global business.

The visit is summed up in the speech presented by Barrister Juliet Omonigho  as presented below:


Delivered by


Date: SEPTEMBER 26, 2024

I cannot even believe that this is happening. My name is Juliette Omonigho. I am legal counsel at this firm, a Director at the Foot In the Door Initiative, and a huge fan!

So I have the greatest joy and honour to welcome a most distinguished guest: one of Nigeria’s most illustrious sons, a giant of Africa, a giant in the fields of journalism, publishing, philanthropy, and entrepreneurship, a global icon, a visionary who changed the way Africa and its stories are told to the world—the epitome of glamour! Just look at him! We stand in awe of your achievements, Chief Dr. Dele Momodu.

Charles Osuji and the whole team of Osuji & Smith lawyers are deeply privileged to welcome you, whose name is synonymous with excellence, integrity, and cultural pride. Chief Dr. Dele Momodu, we humbly welcome you to our firm’s main location.

Chief Dr. Dele Momodu, your life is an inspiration. From the ancient and storied city of Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, you have not only risen to become a global force in media but have also remained true to your roots; you have committed to telling the African story from the African perspective. Your work through Ovation International, magazine and the Boss Newspaper has crossed borders and bridged cultural divides, reflecting a deep understanding of the beauty, diversity, and resilience of Africa and its diaspora.


Can I just talk about Ovation magazine for a moment, Africa’s finest magazine! Wow, I remember the first time I saw an Ovation magazine. Before then, we only saw celebrities from Hollywood in magazines, even in our own local magazines! It was powerful to see Nigerian glamour in print in a glossy, world-class magazine format!

Every Nigerian, from baby boomers to millennials, passed through the excellence delivered by Ovation International. Since its inception in 1996, Ovation has remained a beacon of glamour, culture, and sophistication. Chief Dr. Dele Momodu’s touch of publishing brilliance was unlike anything the continent had seen. It set a new standard, one that many tried to imitate but could never quite replicate. Like-minded magazines emerged, all attempting to be Ovation, which is great because Ovation International set the pace, but none ever reached the same heights. Every magazine wanted to be Ovation, and everyone wanted to be in Ovation.

One of my favourite ads from Ovation back in the day was the cheeky line: “If you’ve already had your wedding and it wasn’t featured in Ovation, you had to do it again.” It was a lighthearted take, but it carried so much truth. Ovation wasn’t just a magazine; it was a cultural movement. There was no denying its gravitational pull. The glitz, the colours, the glamour—we were all captivated. But even beyond that, you celebrated Africa, not just the grand celebrations of the elite of Africa, and I tell you they are grand but also the inspiring stories of everyday heroes. We are all proud that this is our magazine, from Nigeria to Africa and the world!

And as technology evolved, so did Chief Dr. Dele Momodu and Ovation. What’s fascinating is that while others were still trying to catch up, Chief Momodu was already leading the way, entering the digital space. Ovation remains unmatched, a testament to the lasting vision and drive of Chief Dr. Momodu. A great example for others to follow.

You are courageous, and you continue to innovate. Your impact on how the world perceives Africa cannot be overstated. Africa is not a continent of starving children but of unique sophistication and glamour. Because of your contributions, sir, Africa is no longer seen as merely a continent of challenges but one of limitless potential, immense culture, and success—lifting the image of Africa and promoting its stories in the most vibrant and authentic way possible. And now the world proudly sees that.


We showcase our glamorous music, film and cultural industries, and you took the lead in making that happen. Film and cultural industries You have won numerous accolades; you have met President Bill Clinton, President George Walker Bush and even the Queen of England, to name a few, and you have touched the lives of millions across the globe. But most of all, you are a wonderful family man and a loving father. We admire you for that.

As we celebrate his presence with us today, I couldn’t help but draw parallels between his inspiring journey and that of our very own Dr. Charles Osuji and the phenomenal growth of Osuji & Smith Lawyers.

Sir, let me tell you a bit about Dr. Charles Osuji; like Chief Dr. Momodu, he embarked on a journey fueled by vision and determination. Charles arrived in Canada and quickly rose through the ranks with sheer hard work, humility, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. In just a few short years, five years to be exact, he went from a young Nigerian boy in his twenties who, though graduated at the top of his class, seemed to have no prospects when he arrived in Canada, working three menial jobs to make ends meet, to finally getting an articling position after over 200 rejections! He bought the firm just three years after Articling and, in just five short years as managing partner, led it to become the largest black-owned law firm in Canada! His story is one of resilience, innovation, courage and the kind of tenacity that transforms dreams into reality.

Osuji & Smith Lawyers, under Charles’ leadership, mirrors the journey of Ovation International. Both entities began with a vision, faced numerous challenges, achieved feats that had never been achieved before… and ultimately became symbols of success and excellence in their respective fields. Just as Chief Dr. Dele Momodu has become a beacon of pride for Africa in the global media landscape, Dr. Charles Osuji and his firm have become shining examples of what can be achieved by a young immigrant lawyer with no connections in Canada but through hard work and a commitment to uplifting others rise to national recognition in this country.

Through the Foot in the Door Initiative, FIDI, an organization founded to empower internally trained lawyers Charles, our firm’s reach is international, giving incredible opportunities to internationally trained lawyers around the world to gain legal experience so they do not have to spend years writing hundreds of applications as he did before getting a foot in the door into a legal profession.

As a director of the program, we get contacted by lawyers from around the world about the opportunity to be part of the initiative, and we say yes, which gives them the confidence to move to Canada to pursue their legal careers. The impact of the FIDI innovation is truly global.

Our firm is so successful because Charles has assembled an incredible team of legal minds producing first-class work and the most dedicated and brilliant administrative staff. And collectively, we are all determined and dedicated to giving back. We are a full-service law firm with a diverse staff that speaks over 31 languages; by the way, Chief Momodu, we know you are a linguist who speaks several languages. Our ages range from twenties to seventies, and we serve a diverse Canada.

As a result of Charles’ leadership, Nigeria is uplifting others regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality. Over 200 FIDI students from different races have passed through our doors. Osuji & Smith has won landmark cases that established precedents, especially in employment law.

Our firm has won over 105 awards across Canada, and Charles was recognized as one of Canada’s 25 most influential lawyers at age 35.

Chief Dr. Momodu, you have led the way, setting an incredible example for a person like Dr. Charles Osuji—to rise to remarkable heights while keeping your focus on a larger mission: showcasing excellence, rewriting narratives, and creating opportunities for others. Your story continues to impact us even in the diaspora. It reminds us that with vision, determination, and the courage to stand for something greater than ourselves, there are no limits to what we can achieve.

Chief Dr. Dele Momodu, we are deeply honored to welcome you today to Osuji & Smith Lawyers. You are an icon! You inspire us all. Thank you for being a shining example of what is possible and for paving the way for future generations of storytellers, leaders, and change-makers.

Please join me again in giving a warm welcome to the one and only Chief Dr. Dele Momodu! I will now invite Dr. Charles Osuji for a presentation.


Chief Dr. Dele Momodu: The Influential Voice in Media to Inspire at Calgary’s Cultural Trilogy

Chief Dele Momodu has remained a global figure, who has used his media platforms to project the integrity and class of the African continent. And of course, the people of Calgary Alberta, Canada, quite recognized his feat in all ramifications.

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John Mahama Identifies, Proffers Solutions to Challenges Confronting Africa




By Eric Elezuo

The former President of the Republic of Ghana and President candidate of the NDC in the forthcoming December General election, Dr. John Dramani Mahama, has said that that though the challenges confronting Africa as a continental are enormous, they are not insurmountable, adding that it will take the lion-hearted, and not the faint-hearted to undertake the task of rebuilding the continent.

Dr. Mahama made the remarks while presenting his address titled “The Future of Africa in the Midst of Rising Security, Economic, and Political Challenges”, as a keynote speaker at the just concluded 64th edition of the General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), held at the Convention Centre of the Eko Hotel and Suites in Lagos with the theme, Pressing Forward: A National Posture for Rebuilding Nigeria.

The former president, who is a most preferred candidate come December, when Ghana returns to the polls, said that all and sundry must brace up to tackle the crises that have bedeviled the continent while itemizing some of the challenges to include ‘heavy reliance on exporting commodities and importing essential goods’ among a host other handicapping measures that have rendered the continent backward in the indices of development.

He called on Africans to capital on the recent breakthrough with the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which he said is not merely an economic agreement, arguing that legal framework of the AfCFTA offers an unprecedented opportunity to reshape the economic landscape of our continent. He further highlighted the need to check brain drain and address youth unemployment as a step towards curbing the many challenges of underdevelopment facing Africa.

He used the opportunity to call out the government of Ghana, saying that “87% of Ghanaians believe the country is heading in the wrong direction. Additionally, 85% of Ghanaians rate the country’s economy as “bad,” while 72% describe their personal living conditions as “fairly bad” to “bad.”

“Now, this is where it gets interesting. About 55% of Ghanaians say they have lost trust in Parliament, and 53% have lost trust in the Presidency. Moreover, 73% believe the government is not doing enough to fight corruption, and 64% feel the government is failing to improve the economy. Another revealing statistic is that 22% of Ghanaians agree that the country would be better off under military rule.”

The speech reads in full:

The Chairperson, President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Members of the Nigerian Bar here present, Invited Guests,
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is with profound gratitude and a deep sense of responsibility that I stand before you today as the special guest at this Annual General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association. Your invitation to address this distinguished gathering is not just an honor for me, but a recognition of the crucial role the legal profession plays in shaping the future of our beloved continent.

Your invitation is also historic. In my nearly 30 years of public service, this is the first time I have been invited to a bar conference. I was genuinely surprised to receive your invitation, as I had always believed that bar conferences were exclusive events meant only for members of the legal profession.

I thoroughly enjoyed the opening ceremony yesterday, and your keynote speaker, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a distinguished daughter of Africa, truly did justice to the conference’s theme.

I have been asked to speak for about 30 minutes on the topic, “The Future of Africa in the Midst of Rising Security, Economic, and Political Challenges.” As a student of history, I like to begin my lectures with some historical context.

Following the Second World War, a combination of factors sparked the struggle for independence in Africa. Soldiers returning from a war that had little to do with them, and African students who had been radicalized by the ideas of Pan-Africanism and the American civil rights movement, became catalysts for the independence movements, particularly in Ghana. By 1957, Ghana emerged as the first country south of the Sahara to gain independence, paving the way for several other African countries, including Nigeria, to follow soon after.

Emerging from colonial rule was an exhilarating and hopeful time for Africans, who looked forward to a future of building great nations that would ensure dignity and prosperity for all their people.
That dream was short-lived. By the late 1960s and into the 1970s, most African governments had fallen under military or autocratic rule. Human rights were routinely violated, and free expression and an independent media were aspirations that seemed reserved for future democracies.

This period in African history, which I refer to as the “lost decades,” was marked by stagnating economies and oppressive military regimes. The few attempts to return to civilian rule were short-lived, with the military quickly reclaiming power.

The 1990s signaled a new dawn for Africa. One by one, African countries began returning to constitutional democracy. It was widely believed that democracy would not only protect the rights and freedoms of the people but also unleash their creative potential to build prosperous lives. Once again, there was hope. At one point, six of the world’s fastest-growing economies were in Africa, reigniting our belief in a prosperous future.

Fast forward more than two decades, and Africa finds itself at a critical juncture. The neocolonial stranglehold continues to choke the continent. While democratic governance has undoubtedly led to some commendable progress in infrastructure and the emergence of an affluent middle class, Africa remains largely an exporter of raw materials and a consumer of finished goods. Per capita incomes remain low compared to many countries with which Africa was on par at the time of independence.

Time is running out to make the crucial decisions that will once again inspire hope in the future of our democratic governance. Let me share a few examples from my own country, Ghana. According to the latest Afrobarometer survey, an overwhelming 87% of Ghanaians believe the country is heading in the wrong direction. Additionally, 85% of Ghanaians rate the country’s economy as “bad,” while 72% describe their personal living conditions as “fairly bad” to “bad.”

Now, this is where it gets interesting. About 55% of Ghanaians say they have lost trust in Parliament, and 53% have lost trust in the Presidency. Moreover, 73% believe the government is not doing enough to fight corruption, and 64% feel the government is failing to improve the economy. Another revealing statistic is that 22% of Ghanaians agree that the country would be better off under military rule.

These figures indicate a significant decline in trust in democratic governance in Ghana, which should serve as a wake-up call for all of us. While I am not certain of the most recent statistics for Nigeria, given that our two countries—often called Siamese twins from the same mother, and always playfully competing over football and jollof—are so similar, the sentiments in Nigeria are likely not too different.

The African continent today is grappling with a range of complex issues that threaten to derail our progress. Recent geopolitical tensions have led to a cascade of economic challenges, including rising food and energy prices. At the same time, the looming threat of climate change casts a shadow over our agricultural productivity and energy security. These challenges are further exacerbated by ongoing political instability, as seen in the recent coups d’état in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger, and Mali—clear reminders of the fragility of democratic governance in parts of our continent.

Our young people, who are emerging from schools better educated than ever, have access to more information thanks to the digital age. However, many Millennials, Gen Z, and other generations feel that African democracies are not working for them.

It is crucial that we, as leaders, understand that these challenges are not isolated. They are symptoms of deeper, systemic issues rooted in the power dynamics of the contemporary international system. The current global order, dominated by Western democracies, has created a paradigm of intense competition among key state actors, often perpetuating external dependencies and manipulations that disproportionately impact regions like Africa.

The paradox of our time is that some of the largest holders of natural and human resources, including many African nations, find themselves vulnerable and dependent in this era of globalization. The accompanying structures and institutions of these power dynamics ensure that decision-making processes, even within organizations like the United Nations, are dominated by a select few—often to the detriment of the Global South.

Recent developments on the international stage underscore the instability and insecurity pervading the global system. These events point to institutional failures and the inability of powerful interests to act decisively when it matters most. The ripple effects of these global crises are felt acutely in Africa, intensifying existing challenges and giving rise to new ones.

The recent wave of political insurrections and coups in Africa, particularly in the Sahel region, reflects deep-seated issues of injustice, alienation, and marginalization. The state fragility and insecurity that have led to military takeovers in Guinea, Mali, Chad, Niger, and Burkina Faso have not only disrupted mutual understanding within the ECOWAS sub-region but also exposed the limitations of current diplomatic and interventionist strategies.

Distinguished members of the Bar, we must ask ourselves: What is the future of Africa? What are the challenges that threaten Africa’s future? And what role do you, as legal professionals, have in securing this future?

To answer these questions, we must first examine the structural challenges that undermine our African economies—challenges that have been starkly highlighted by recent global events. These events have not only disrupted our economies but have also exposed the deep-rooted vulnerabilities that have long persisted beneath the surface of our economic frameworks.

Our continent’s heavy reliance on exporting commodities and importing essential goods has made us especially vulnerable to the unpredictable fluctuations of global markets. This vulnerability is not a recent development; it is a lingering legacy of colonial economic structures that we have yet to fully dismantle. The recent commodity price shocks have sent shockwaves through our economies, exposing the fragility of our financial stability and undermining our economic sovereignty.

Let’s examine these structural challenges in more detail:

Firstly, the mono-product nature of many African economies poses a significant barrier to sustainable growth. Take Nigeria, for example—it is heavily dependent on oil exports, which account for a major portion of its export earnings. This overreliance on a single commodity leaves the economy highly susceptible to global oil price fluctuations, as we have seen all too clearly in recent years. Similar situations exist across the continent, whether it’s cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire, gold in Ghana, copper in Zambia, or diamonds in Botswana.

Secondly, despite its enormous potential, our agricultural sector remains largely underdeveloped and underutilized. We continue to import vast quantities of food that could be produced locally, which drains our foreign exchange reserves and stifles the growth of domestic agribusinesses. Moreover, the legal frameworks governing land use, agricultural financing, and food safety standards often lag behind global best practices, discouraging investment and innovation in this vital sector.

Thirdly, our manufacturing base is severely underdeveloped. The premature deindustrialization of Africa, driven by poorly designed structural adjustment programs and inequitable global trade practices, has resulted in our exclusion from global value chains. Our contribution to global manufacturing value-added remains below 2%, a statistic that does not reflect our potential and instead perpetuates our role as exporters of raw materials.

Fourthly, the informal sector, which accounts for a substantial portion of employment and economic activity in many African countries, operates largely outside the formal legal and regulatory frameworks. This not only restricts productivity and growth but also deprives governments of much-needed tax revenues and workers of essential legal protections.

It goes without saying that our financial systems remain underdeveloped and are often inaccessible to large segments of our population. The lack of robust credit reporting systems, limited access to long-term capital, and high interest rates stifle entrepreneurship and hinder economic diversification.

As legal professionals, you have a crucial role in addressing these structural challenges. Your task is not just to advocate for change but to actively shape the legal frameworks that will support the diversification and strengthening of our economies. This requires a multifaceted approach:

The recent breakthrough with the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is not merely an economic agreement; it is the embodiment of the pan-African vision championed by leaders like Kwame Nkrumah. As Nkrumah once prophetically stated, “Africa must unite now or perish.” The AfCFTA reflects this spirit, ushering in a new era of economic integration and opportunity that transcends the arbitrary borders imposed by colonial powers. It stands as a testament to our collective determination to carve out our own path and shape our economic destiny.

However, we must acknowledge, with a clear-eyed realism, that this immense potential remains largely unrealized due to ongoing structural impediments and external shocks. The lingering effects of colonial exploitation, the burden of unsustainable debts, and the volatility of global commodity markets continue to challenge our progress. Yet, it is precisely in facing these challenges that you, as legal professionals, must step forward.

The legal framework of the AfCFTA offers an unprecedented opportunity to reshape the economic landscape of our continent. As custodians of the law, you bear the responsibility of ensuring that this framework not only promotes trade but also protects the rights of our workers and citizens. You must diligently scrutinize and refine the protocols on trade in goods and services, ensuring they align with international labor standards and human rights conventions.

Furthermore, the protocol on the free movement of persons is not just an economic necessity but a realization of the pan-African dream. It is your duty to advocate for and implement legal mechanisms that enable seamless movement across our borders while addressing legitimate security concerns. You must work tirelessly to harmonize immigration laws, recognize professional qualifications across member states, and establish robust systems for the mutual recognition of judgments and arbitral awards.

For your profession, the implementation of the AfCFTA opens up new opportunities and responsibilities. You must proactively adapt your legal education and practice to meet the needs of an integrated African market. This involves developing expertise in international trade law, cross-border disputes, and comparative African law. It also means establishing pan-African law firms and legal networks capable of serving clients across the continent, thereby fostering a truly African legal ecosystem.

Moreover, you must lead in developing a body of African commercial law that reflects our values and realities. This includes drafting model laws for e-commerce, intellectual property protection, and competition, all tailored to the African context. You should also advocate for the creation of an African Commercial Court to resolve disputes arising from the AfCFTA, ensuring that African jurisprudence plays a central role in interpreting and applying the agreement.

As we navigate this new landscape, we must remain vigilant in addressing potential challenges. The benefits of economic integration should not be limited to large corporations or political elites. You must develop and enforce competition laws that prevent monopolistic practices and ensure that small and medium enterprises can thrive in this expanded market. Additionally, environmental protection must be an integral part of our trade policies, ensuring that our pursuit of prosperity does not come at the expense of our natural heritage.

In the spirit of Nkrumah’s vision, let us view the AfCFTA not as an end in itself, but as a stepping stone toward greater political and economic unity. As legal professionals, you must become the architects of this new Africa, crafting laws and institutions that bring our nations closer together. You should also work to revive and modernize concepts of African customary law, creating a distinct African legal identity that honors our diverse traditions while addressing the needs of a modern, integrated economy.

The task before you is monumental, but so too is your capacity to meet it. Let us take inspiration from the words of another great pan-Africanist, Julius Nyerere, who said, “Without unity, there is no future for Africa.” As we move forward with the implementation of the AfCFTA, let us do so with an unwavering commitment to unity, justice, and prosperity for all Africans. Your legal expertise must serve as the foundation upon which the structure of African economic integration is built, ensuring that the dreams of Nkrumah and our other founding fathers are not just aspirations, but become the lived reality of every African citizen.

Ladies and gentlemen, climate change poses an existential threat to our agricultural sector and energy security. As guardians of the law, you must take the lead in developing and implementing legal instruments that promote sustainable agricultural practices and incentivize investment in renewable energy. Your role goes beyond mere advocacy; you must draft legislation that balances economic development with environmental sustainability, ensuring that the Africa of tomorrow is not constructed at the expense of its natural heritage.

The specter of political instability continues to cast a shadow over our continent. The recent wave of coups d’état in West Africa is a stark reminder of the fragility of our democratic institutions. Even more concerning is the rise of “people’s coups,” which reflect a deep disillusionment with the democratic process. As legal professionals, you have a solemn duty to strengthen the pillars of democracy—the rule of law, the separation of powers, and the protection of fundamental rights.

You must undertake a critical examination of our constitutional frameworks, electoral processes, and accountability mechanisms. The Nigerian Bar Association must be at the forefront of advocating for reforms that enhance the credibility of our democratic institutions and restore trust in the social contract between the governed and their leaders.

Distinguished members of the Bar, let us now turn our attention to a matter of paramount importance—the youth of Africa. This demographic represents both our greatest challenge and our most promising asset, a duality that requires our urgent attention and coordinated action.

The alarming rates of youth unemployment across our continent are not just statistics to be discussed in academic discourse or political rhetoric; they are a ticking time bomb of social unrest and unfulfilled potential. As legal practitioners, you cannot afford to be passive observers of this unfolding crisis. It is your duty to champion policies and initiatives that create meaningful opportunities for our young people. Your role extends beyond the courtroom and the boardroom; you must become architects of a future that fully harnesses the boundless potential of our youth.

First and foremost, you must advocate for educational reforms that are aligned with the needs of a 21st-century economy. The current educational system, a remnant of our colonial past, is utterly inadequate for preparing our youth to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of the modern world. You must push for a comprehensive curriculum overhaul that emphasizes critical thinking, digital literacy, and practical skills. As legal professionals, you can contribute to this by offering internships, mentorship programs, and practical legal education initiatives that bridge the gap between academic theory and professional practice.

Additionally, you must work toward establishing a robust legal framework that fosters entrepreneurship among our youth. This involves advocating for legislation that simplifies business registration processes, provides tax incentives for young entrepreneurs, and improves access to credit and capital.

In this context, I propose the creation of a Youth Entrepreneurship Legal Clinic. This initiative would offer free legal advice and support to young entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the complex legal landscape of business formation and operations. By lowering legal barriers to entry, we can unleash a surge of innovation and job creation driven by our youth.

Furthermore, you must ensure that our labor laws evolve to protect the rights and interests of young workers in an increasingly dynamic and digital economy. The rise of the gig economy and remote work presents both opportunities and challenges for our youth. You should advocate for legislation that provides social protections for freelancers and gig workers, ensures fair compensation, and prevents exploitation. This may involve pushing for amendments to the Labor Act to recognize new forms of employment and extend essential protections to all categories of workers.

Additionally, we must address the brain drain that depletes our continent of its brightest minds. While we cannot halt the forces of globalization, we can create conditions that make staying in Africa a compelling choice for our youth. This means advocating for policies that improve the ease of doing business, enhance public infrastructure, and foster a more meritocratic society. As legal professionals, you can play a crucial role by promoting transparency and accountability in governance, thereby cultivating an environment where talent and hard work are genuinely rewarded.

We must also recognize that youth issues intersect with other societal challenges. For instance, climate change disproportionately impacts our youth, who will bear the brunt of our environmental decisions. You should therefore promote environmental law and advocate for sustainable development practices that create green jobs and secure a livable future for generations to come.

Moreover, it is essential to address the gender disparities that persist in youth employment and entrepreneurship. Young women face unique barriers to entering and succeeding in the workforce. You must champion policies that promote gender equality in education and employment, combat discrimination, and support young women entrepreneurs.

Ladies and gentlemen, the task before us is formidable, but not insurmountable. By harnessing the innovative spirit of our youth, combined with your legal expertise and advocacy, we can transform this demographic challenge into a demographic dividend. I urge you to commit yourselves to this cause with the same zeal and dedication that you bring to your legal practice.

I call upon every member of the Nigerian Bar Association to take up this challenge. Establish a Youth Empowerment Committee within your organization, tasked with developing concrete policy proposals and initiatives to tackle youth unemployment and underemployment. Engage with legislators, policymakers, and industry leaders to create a national youth empowerment strategy that transcends political divides and electoral cycles.

Let us remember the words of Wole Soyinka: “The greatest threat to freedom is the absence of criticism.” As legal practitioners, it is your duty to critically examine and challenge the status quo, to be the voice of the voiceless, and to pave the way for a future where every young person can realize their full potential. The future of our continent depends on our ability to transform the latent energy of our youth into a driving force for progress and prosperity. By empowering our youth, we secure not just their future, but the future of Africa.

Furthermore, we must recognize that the legal profession itself must evolve to meet the needs of a changing world. Our legal education systems need reform to produce lawyers who are not only technically proficient but also deeply committed to social responsibility. We must revive the vision of our forebears, who saw lawyers as fearless defenders of the rule of law and unwavering advocates for the common citizen.

To this end, I call upon the Nigerian Bar Association and other Bar Associations across Africa to establish a comprehensive pro bono program, requiring each member to dedicate a minimum number of hours to providing free legal services. We must also strengthen our legal aid systems and promote public interest litigation as powerful tools for advancing social justice and good governance.

The challenges before us are formidable, but so too is the resilience of the African people. Like the eagle, we must rise above the storms that surround us, using our keen vision to chart a path toward a brighter future. We must muster the strength to break free from the constraints of our colonial past and forge a distinctly African path to development.

As we move forward in rebuilding Africa, let us be guided by the principles of inclusivity and sustainability. Your efforts must ensure that the benefits of development are equitably distributed, reaching all segments of society, particularly women, rural communities, and persons with disabilities. The recent leadership of the NBA Conference Committee by an allfemale team is a commendable step in this direction, but it should be seen as a starting point, not the culmination, of our efforts toward achieving gender equality.

In conclusion, the task of rebuilding Africa is not for the faint-hearted. It requires the wisdom of the owl, the courage of the lion, and the vision of the eagle. As members of the legal profession, you are uniquely positioned to lead this transformative journey. Let us leave this conference not just with words, but with a renewed commitment to action. Let us pledge to use our legal expertise not only in service to the powerful but also in uplifting the vulnerable and voiceless.

The future of Africa rests in our hands. Let us move forward with determination, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to justice. For in the words of your national anthem, “The labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain.” May your actions and advocacy ensure that the Africa of tomorrow realizes the full potential of its people and resources.

Thank you for your attention, and I wish you all the best for the rest of the conference.

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Boss Picks

Adetola Nola and Quotable Quotes




Compiled by Eric Elezuo

In the course of his entrepreneurial journey, Nola Adetola has made statements that shaped his being, and stand as reference point of motivation for up and coming entrepreneurs. Some of them are:

“We are dedicated to providing world-class homes and shaping the real estate sector in Nigeria.”

“Supporting and nurturing emerging talent is a crucial part of my journey. The Adetola Business Incubator is our way of giving back and fostering innovation in Nigeria.”

“Africa has immense potential for growth, and we are determined to play a significant role in solving housing challenges on the continent.”

“I am a perfectionist, and I take nothing short of excellence”

“It is an honour to be part of this list that features so many great people. Forbes has done a great job compiling and ensuring the credibility of this list since inception, and it is a leading resource for entrepreneurs, like myself.”

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