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27 Months After, Abba Kyari Gets Two Weeks Bail for Mother’s Burial Rites



A Federal High Court in Abuja has granted the former commander of the Force Intelligence Response Team, DCP Abba Kyari, two weeks’ bail after 27 months in detention.

Kyari is expected to conclude his mother, Yachilla Kyari’s burial rites.

The court subsequently set Friday, May 31, for the determination of his bail application in the trial over drug-related charges filed by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency following his arrest over two years ago on February 14, 2022.

Recall that the mother died in the early hours of Sunday, May 5, 2024, and was survived by 10 children (five males and five females), including Abba, who is the eldest son.

While Abba Kyari was not able to attend his mother’s burial, residents of Borno State turned out in large numbers to pay their respects to Yachilla, who was buried according to Islamic rites the same day.

In 2022, the Police Service Commission suspended Kyari and two senior police officers — Sunday Ubua and James Bawa — named in a cocaine deal involving the suspended Deputy Commissioner of Police.

“The Police Service Commission has suspended assistant commissioner of police, ACP Sunday Ubua and assistant superintendent of police, ASP James Bawa from the exercise of the powers and functions of their respective Offices with effect from Monday, 14th February 2022,” the PSC said in a statement.

The NDLEA had also declared Kyari wanted over alleged links with an international drug cartel.

Femi Babalola, spokesperson for the NDLEA, alleged that Kyari and his Intelligence Response Team arrested some drug traffickers who arrived in the country from Ethiopia with 25kg of cocaine but took 15kg of the seized substance for themselves.

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Eid-el Kabir: Glo Felicitates with Muslims




Telecommunications service provider, Globacom, has rejoiced with Muslims all over Nigeria on the celebration of the 2024 Eid-El-Kabir.

In a message of goodwill released in Lagos on Saturday, the company asked the Muslim community to take advantage of the occasion and offer prayers for the nation’s prosperity, unity, and well-being.

The company noted in the statement: “We felicitate with the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria as they celebrate the Eid-El-Kabir festival. We call on them to use the occasion to continue to live up to the tenets of their faith through acts of charity, peaceful co-existence with their neighbours and obedience to the injunctions of the Holy Quran”.

Globacom congratulated Muslims who completed the Hajj this year as part of the Islamic injunctions. It also urged Muslims to emulate the commitment, dedication, and obedience exhibited by Prophet Ibraheem, who demonstrated these qualities by offering his son as a sacrifice to Allah, a move that is commemorated on Eid-El-Kabir.

“It is a season of charity, peacemaking and forgiveness. We must remember to cater for the poor and the needy in line with Allah’s injunction to be our brother’s keeper”, Globacom also noted.

The company sent its best wishes for a joyful Eid-El-Kabir to all Muslims who observe the festival. It also guaranteed its subscribers a seamless communications experience by offering top-notch services during the festival and beyond.

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Gunmen Abduct Three Fouani Brothers in Lagos




Three brothers who work for Fouani Nigeria Ltd have reportedly been abducted in Lagos state, according to a TheCable’s report.

Fouani Nigeria Ltd specialises in electronics and is the sole distributor of LG, Hisense and Maxi products in Nigeria.

The brothers; Abbas Fouani, Youssef Fouani and Amtal Fouani, were said to have been abducted around 6pm on Friday.

They were reportedly coming from their factory by boat when they were abducted.

The Lagos police command confirmed the abduction to TheCable.

“We got a report about the abduction and we have commenced investigations,” TheCable quoted Benjamin Hundeyin, the command’s spokesperson.


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You’re Still Not Members of Rivers House of Assembly, Appeal Court Tells 27 Decamped Lawmakers




The Court of Appeal in Abuja, on Friday, refused to set aside a judgment ordering the removal of Martins Chike Amaewhule and 26 others as members of the Rivers State House of Assembly.

Justice Charles Wali of the Rivers State High Court, Port Harcourt, on May 30 declared the seats of the 27 lawmakers who dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC) in October last year vacant.

The judge, who delivered the ruling in a suit filed by the Speaker of the Assembly, Victor Oko Jumbo, and two others, also restrained Amaewhule from parading himself as Speaker of the Assembly.

Dissatisfied with the verdict, the aggrieved lawmakers approached the appellate court to set it aside.

However, at a virtual hearing of the matter on Friday, a three-member panel of the appellate court declared that the reversal of the lower court ruling would amount to pre-judging the appeal currently before it.

The panel, thereafter, fixed June 20 for the hearing of the appeal filed by the lawmakers in their quest to regain their seats in the Assembly.

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