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Friday Sermon: The Quran and the Fall of Nations



By Babatunde Jose

We have already sent down to you verses making things clear, an illustration from (the story of) people who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who fear (Allah). (Quran 24: 34).

During a discussion of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, R. Briffault, in his book, The Making of Humanity, made some thought-provoking observations, which we will do well to ponder over:

“A society based on false principles inevitably disintegrates. What really happens is that the phase of society, the order of things in which disregard of right is habitual and accepted, inevitably deteriorates and perishes. However much the individual may temporarily benefit by inequity, the social organization of which he is a part and the very class which enjoys the fruits of that inequity, suffer inevitable deterioration through its operation. They are un-adapted to the facts of their environment. The wages of sin is death by the inevitable operation of natural selections: And for a nation, it’s cessation.”

The Quran has, repeatedly directed our attention to the phenomena of nations that flourished in the past, but which went into ruin because of their way of life, the goals they pursued, the values around which their culture was organized, their actions and the consequences of those actions. By looking back at them we can avoid pitfalls. That is why the Quran exhorts us to go round the world and see for ourselves “the fate of those who defied God”. History has judged them, as it will, in time, judge us. The prognosis is within our grasp.

The blame for what Nigeria has become therefore falls on you and me. Our wickedness and iniquities stinks to high heavens; pulling down everyone and everything to become rich. We import substandard products, fake drugs and expired baby food unfit for human consumption, container loads of dangerous addictive drugs, arms and ammunition when we are not at war, and we have the nerve and temerity to complain about leadership?

Is it the leadership that perpetrates the hooliganism on Oshodi bridge, drive recklessly on the wrong side on a one-way street, and kidnaps its fellow citizens?

We even steal from widows, orphans, and refugees. We take the food of IDPs and sell it for profit. A conscienceless people: nothing is sacred. From the construction of substandard roads and buildings, all for profit at the expense of human life; an invaluable item which all our profit and contract sum cannot buy.

Sadly, the perpetration of iniquities is all inclusive: They are Christians, Muslims, husbands, wives and sadly youths. We pervert justice and enthrone injustice and inequality. Slave traders pale into insignificance in comparison to what we do to ourselves: No surprise, after all, we sold our people to the Whiteman for looking glass and gin. We are wickedness personified. We fast and starve ourselves believing that we are bribing God; we pray and go into trance, speaking in a strange language called ‘tonguing’, hold deliverance services and vigils during which we call upon the ‘Holy Ghost’, invoking the sacred name of God in vain. Our problem today is beyond prayer and fasting.  We need a moral rebirth and behavioral reformation.

For the downtrodden and the righteous few, there is solace in the words of the Bible:”For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 4:1-3)

The Quran inspires unquestioning faith in its pronouncement when it says: Do they not travel through the earth and see what was the End of those before them? They were more numerous than these and superior in strength and in the traces (they have left) in the land: Yet all that they accomplished was of no profit to them. For when their apostles came to them with Clear Signs, they exulted in such knowledge (and skill) as they had; but that very (Wrath) at which they were wont to scoff hemmed them in. (Quran 40: 82-83).

How many were the populations We utterly destroyed because of their iniquities, setting up in their places other peoples? Yet, when they felt Our Punishment (coming), behold, they (tried to) flee from it. Flee not, but return to the good things of this life which were given you, and to your homes, in order that ye may be called to account. And that cry of theirs ceased not, till We made them as a field that is mown, as ashes silent and quenched. (Quran 21:11-14).

A nation which takes to destructive ways is invariably granted a respite, long or short. It is saved if it retraces its step and turns back to the right path before reaching the point of no return.

“To every People is a term appointed: When their term is reached, not an hour

can they cause delay, nor (an hour) can they advance (it in anticipation). (Quran 7:34),

The limit beyond which a nation cannot pass without being irretrievably lost is determined by Divine Law: In the Quran we read about the misguided leaders and rulers of the past like Pharaoh (political power), Haman (Religious hierarchy) and Qaroon (Economic control). They paid the price for disregarding the universal moral order. The Quran also cites the example of Aad and Thamud; both were rich and powerful nations, highly intelligent and keen observers (Quran 29:38); but their scales of values were wrong.

If a nation suffers, it has brought the suffering on itself. It cannot blame it on any outside agency. Success or failure are the eventual consequences of our good or bad conduct. The Quran makes this clear: God does not do injustice to anyone. It is the people who do injustice to themselves; See Quran 11:101.

The “demise of nations” is a recurrent theme in the Quran. The Quran says that a nation begins to decline when it pursues wealth and takes to hoard money it should have spent for the general good. The rich, instead of helping the poor and the needy, amass wealth for themselves. The inevitable consequence was that the nation began to deteriorate. See (Quran 47:38).

The meaning is clear. If a nation refuses to work for the development of its people and for the establishment of Divine Order and pursues the ignoble end of self-aggrandizement, it will be supplanted by another nation carrying more weight in the balance of humanity.

The Quran rightly exhorts us to study history:

Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those before

them? They were superior to them in strength: They tilled the soil and populated it in greater numbers than these have done: There came to them their apostles with Clear (Signs), (which they rejected to their own destruction): It was not Allah who wronged them, but they wronged their own souls. (Quran 30:9).

The Quran says that it is the duty of the Mustabsirin, the intellectuals and the leaders of thought, to discover the right path and persuade the people to follow it. When these men do not discharge their duty properly, the nation slides into injustice and tyranny and heads for ruin. The leaders of thought are bound to keep a watchful eye on the nation and to warn when it goes wrong. The leaders are to blame if the nation pursues false values.

If a nation begins to decay, the process usually starts at the top. The upper stratum of society first becomes corrupt and the corruption percolates downwards. Is it strange that men of high intelligence should be the first to be corrupted? It is because they cannot resist the temptation to use their intelligence to further their own interests.

And verily, We had empowered them with that wherewith We have not empowered you, and had assigned them ears and eyes and mind; but their ears and eyes and mind availed them naught, since they rejected the laws revealed by Allah : and what they used to mock befell them (Quran 46:26).

The masses too, as they allowed themselves to be misled by their leaders, are not quite blameless. Though it is true that common people do not have the intelligence and knowledge that their leaders possess. As free responsible beings, however, it is their duty to think for themselves and reign in their leaders when they go wrong. If they fail to do this, they too cannot escape punishment. Resilience under a condition of misrule is tantamount to docility and it’s a crime. However, in Hell the common people will hold their leaders responsible for the fate that has befallen them:

Oh! If thou couldst see when the wrongdoers are brought before their Rabb, how they cast the blame one to another; how those who were weaker (the followers) say unto those who were proud (the leaders): “but for you, we would have been believers” (Quran 34:31).

In conclusion, it is pertinent to say that corruption starts at the upper layer of society and spreads downwards. Common men, by shirking their duty to think independently, become accomplices in the crimes of their leaders. Had they rebelled, the leaders might have been brought to their senses and checked themselves. Their willing obedience to errant leaders is in itself a crime and they have to expiate it.

May we not fall into ruin. That is why we have to make a hard choice and pursue change so that we may avoid the path which led others into ruin.

The great lesson that the Quran teaches us is that individuals as well as nations are the architects of their own fate. Their destiny lies in their own hands.

“Ih dinas-siratal mustaqeem”; guide us unto the straight path. (Quran 1:6)

Barka Juma’at and a happy weekend!

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Friday Sermon: Reflection on Allah’s Mercies: Rhapsodies of His Kingdom




By Babatunde Jose

It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.

Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him. Every day He has a matter to bring forth such as giving honor to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some. (Quran 55: 29)

From the very beginning of Man’s creation, the issue of gratefulness and thankfulness to Allah has been debated. After refusing to bow to ‘Adam, Iblis (Satan) said:

“Then I will certainly come to them from before them and from behind them, and from the right-hand side and from the left-hand side, and Thou (Allah) shall not find most of them thankful.” (Quran 7:17)

This statement from the worst of liars has proven to be true, not only among the disbelievers, but also among the Muslims. Unfortunately, many have fallen into the trap, and have gotten so caught up in our comings and goings, that we very rarely take the time to reflect on the favors of Allah, and to thank Him with the thanks that is due Him. We are so busy conducting our daily lives that we forget to appreciate and give thanks. This is not the way, for Allah says:

“Therefore, remember Me, I will remember you, And be thankful to Me, and do not be ungrateful to Me.” (Quran 2:152)

The problem that most of us face is that we are constantly focused on the things we don’t have, instead of being grateful to Allah for the things we have.

This is a very serious illness, for which the Prophet (SAW), has given the cure. He admonished us, to always look to those beneath us, for this will keep us thankful: And  Allah says that in him we have the best of examples.

The Prophet (SAW), advised us, the best way to stay thankful to Allah is to count His Favors in our lives everyday. For Allah says:

“And He gives you all that you ask for. But if you count the favors of Allah, never will you be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.” (Quran 14:34)

This statement of Allah is so true, yet we put so little value on it, and do not take heed.

Thankfulness frees the heart from greed, jealousy and envy. When we are thankful to Allah, we remain mindful of Him and His continuous Mercy toward us, and this in return humbles us and improves our characters.

Allah also says that only a few of His servants thank Him. Let us then strive to be among these few by keeping our tongues wet with His remembrance and our hearts soft with His praise.

To Allah ascend all good words, the sincere supplication, the tears of the innocent, and the invocations of the afflicted. Hands and eyes are extended to Him in times of hardship and misfortune. The tongue chants, cries out, and mentions His name. The heart finds peace, the soul finds rest, the nerves are relaxed, and the intellect is awakened — these are all achieved when we remember Allah. ‘How perfect He is, the Exalted.’ Gracious is Allah to His servants: He gives Sustenance to whom He pleases: And He has Power and can carry out His Will. (Quran 42:19)

And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if ye count the favors of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude… (Quran 14:34)

Health, safety, nourishment, clothing, air, and water — these all point to the world being yours, yet you do not realize it. You possess all that life has to offer yet remain ignorant.

It is not a coincidence that you were born with functioning eyes, nose, ears, tongue and other functioning parts of the human body. Your sense of sight, hearing, speech, touch and smell are blessings from Allah to you. But nay! You have taken them for granted; you think they are your birthright. You have at your disposal all this things which many others are deprived of.

Do ye not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all things in the heavens and on earth, and has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding measure, (both) seen and unseen? Yet there are among men those who dispute about Allah, without knowledge and without guidance, and without a Book to enlighten them! (Quran 31:20)

You have at your disposal two eyes, a tongue, lips, two hands, and two legs. Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both [jinn’s and men] deny? (Quran 55:13)

Can you picture yourself walking without feet? Should you take it lightly that you slumber soundly while misery hinders the sleep of many? Should you forget that you fill yourself with both delicious dishes and cool water while the pleasure of good food and drink is impossible for some, due to sickness and disease? Consider the faculties of hearing and seeing with which you have been endowed. Look at your healthy skin and be grateful that you have been saved from diseases that attack it. Reflect on your powers of reasoning and remember those that suffer from mental ailments.

The Quran contains 27 verses (Ayats) on thankfulness. At times Allah commands us to be thankful and at times Allah warns of not being thankful. There are 9 ayahs that warn us of the negative consequences of not being thankful.

“And certainly, we have established you in the earth and made it a means of livelihood for you, little it is that you give thanks.” (Quran 7.10)

Similarly, ayats, 10.60, 12.38, 23.78, 32.9, 34.13, 40.61, 56.70 and finally ayah 67.23, are all worded in such a way that they contain the same meaning that mankind does not give thanks for blessings, provisions, creation, signs such as night and day, the sea and its provision and various other blessings that are enumerated from Allah, that mankind is ungrateful for.

This leaves 16 ayats that relate to thankfulness towards Allah. They all command the giving of thanks for various reasons in various ways. It is here that Allah addresses Bani Israel for their ungratefulness towards Him after all He had done for them.

“Then we pardoned you after that that you may give thanks.” (Quran 2.52)

 “Then we raised you up after your death that you may give thanks.” (Quran 2.56)

Bani Israel became ungrateful for the favors. Allah showered blessings upon them, delivering them from the people of Pharaoh, who persecuted them in Egypt. In the first instance they took to worshipping a cow when their Prophet Musa was receiving revelation from Allah, and had gone away to Mount Tur, and the second ayat refers to when Musa was contested as to the authenticity of the Torah. He took seventy men and purified them then took them to mount Tur, whereby Allah confirmed with them the divine origin of Musa’s book. However, they still did not believe, and said to Musa they would only believe if they could see Allah himself. For their insolence Allah killed then with a lightning bolt. Musa became concerned that the Bani Israel would accuse him of killing the leaders, so he prayed to Allah to bring them back to life. Allah revived them and made it clear that they should be grateful. Two arguments appear here, Allah does not like insolence, and he does not like shirk, or worship of others such as cows. The Bani Israel were punished for both.

Allah said to him, in Quran 14.7; “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you in favors.”

However, the Bani Israel were ungrateful and were eventually superseded in faith by Prophet Muhammad, and the Islamic faith.

A more favorable ayat discusses the favour of Ibrahim where in Quran 16.121 Allah states; “He showed his gratitude for the favors of Allah, who chose him and guided him to a straight way.”

The 35th beautiful name of Allah is the Grateful/the One who accepts Gratitude. Thus, Allah acts in a grateful manner towards us by giving more of his grace and is also the one who accepts our grateful worship such as dua’s and Quranic recitation and worship.

Quran 7.180 states; “The most beautiful names belong to Allah: So, call on him by them; but shun such men as use profanity in His names: For what they do, they will soon be requited.”

Imam Ghazali states; “Know that thankfulness is from the highest of stations, and it is higher than patience and fear and detachment of the world.”

The prophet Muhammad (SAW) has indicated in hadith that whoever learns and recites the names of Allah will be admitted to paradise.

The next way of expressing our gratitude is by performing Sujood As-Shukr, the prostration or prayer of gratefulness. This is a two rakat prayer that we perform and then we make dua of gratefulness for whatever has occurred to us.

In conclusion, we can see that we owe a duty to Allah to be thankful towards him and his many blessings. We realize his divine presence, omnipotence, and its benefits through this worship. It is not only remembrance, but it means to internalize the virtues and beauty emulating from the name of Allah and try to embody it in our actions. Thus, do we develop spiritually in our hearts, minds, body and souls with which we worship Allah. Perhaps the final goal is to reach such a station of praise with Allah as a grateful one as some of his Prophets did and to try to serve him in this way, ensuring success on the day of judgement and in the Akhirah.

“On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) “Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith.”(Quran 2:286)

Barka Juma’at and a happy weekend.

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Friday Sermon: The Twilight of Life: Journey into the End of Days: Latif Adisa Adejumo at 80




By Babatunde Jose

Human life is a journey that can be compared to a day from dusk to dawn. Elaborate with reference to ‘The Seven Ages’ by William Shakespeare. The cycle of life from birth to death is inescapable and we should play the roles assigned to us at various stages just like professional actors

A human being’s journey of life is like a day. When he is an infant, he is very gentle and sweet – just like dawn. Slowly, when he goes to school, he is lazy just like in the morning. Then he is a lover filled with illogical thoughts. Then he plays the role of a soldier, very angry, just like the scorching sun of the noon. Slowly, the age shifts, just like the temperature of the sun. Now he is full of advice and good thoughts. Then he becomes a slippered pantaloons, just like the setting sun. At last, comes a halt to his life and he has nothing, like the darkness of dusk.

Dawn is young and energetic, beautiful and peaceful, just like a newborn child. His life is calm and not chaotic. He brings with him hope and love, just like every sunrise. As the day commences, every living soul loves the mild sunlight, just as everyone loves a child. Noon is the time the sun shines bright and brims with all the emotions as if trying its best to please every soul touched by its rays. Similar is the state of a human when in love.

The wings of time fly and now the sun is no more bright, yet strong enough to make its presence felt. Then comes evening, which shows the sun is about to set and its rays are very mild. One, in this phase, is old and needs support. As it is the time for the sun to set, so is there a time for one to leave this world. Yet, both leave with the promise to return, be it in the same form or another, and travel their journeys of life all over again.

Slowly but surely, the landmarks of one’s childhood, youth and adult years disappear, and so do those one spent those years with. And there are other sorrows as well.

For those who have had an active life; retirement and progressing age bring feelings of uselessness and despair. Those who have worked their entire lives now find it difficult to kill time since their lives previously revolved around their work schedules. The lack of activity or involvement is a major cause of depression among the elderly. With fewer responsibilities on their shoulders and not having tasks to do, they often begin to lose purpose in life and begin to think that they are now useless and sometimes even a burden on the family and society.

For many parents, a time comes when their children are no longer with them; some leave for greener pastures while others may consider a nuclear family as better suiting their lifestyle and hence move out, leaving the parents alone.

The parents may be well provided for and may have other people or domestic help caring for them and doing their chores, but the very thought that they are away from their children adds a feeling of loneliness to depression.

Alhaji Nasir is one such senior member of society who spends almost every evening with a couple of like-minded (and like-aged) people from his community. Presently, he is working on establishing a small computer centre and library around the nearby mosque.

This is just one example. There are so many ways in which the elderly can make the most of the time on their hands and keep themselves busy. They can pick up hobbies and interests for which they didn’t have much time when they were professionally busy; they can read books (or write books, for that matter) or help with small routine chores around the house. The key is to keep oneself busy and useful. Don’t count the years that have passed; count the ways you can make the remaining one’s matter.

It should be remembered that from 60, after attaining the evening of life, the time remaining on this terra firma can never be as much as the time spent. Each day in the twilight of time becomes an added grace. It is therefore a signal to start tidying up our affairs.

Our thoughts are – nominally – free to go in any direction at any time of day or night. In practice, perhaps far more than we dare to admit, they remain tightly tied to wherever we happen to be on the Earth’s twenty-four-hour axial journey around the Sun.

There can be no more resonant span in this rotation than the interval we know as dusk, when the sun slips below the horizon and throws its beams across the lower atmosphere, rendering the sky – for up to forty minutes in the northern latitudes, and as little as twenty minutes in the equatorial ones – neither quite light nor quite dark.

There might be many sorts of dusks around the world, but what they whisper to us tends to be very similar. Harald Sohlberg, Spring Evening.

Throughout daylight hours, we are invited to be purposeful. Our horizons are limited to the human world. The shadows are short, and our perspectives can grow so too. We push our miniscule part of history forward a few more millimeters: we send emails, call meetings, attend conferences, write a paper. With the sun high in our meridian, we grow tall in our own estimations. We make plans, we accuse someone of disrespecting us, we get frustrated with our progress.

But then comes dusk with its range of contrary messages. A narrow band of cloud many miles away turns a brilliant crimson. Distances we had forgotten about make themselves felt. We are no longer the measure of all things. Whatever has agitated us recedes in importance. The moment bids us to loosen our mind’s fervent hold on the memory of the missing document or the course of the tetchy meeting; for the first time in many hours, we know viscerally that these things, too, will pass. Harald Sohlberg, Spring Evening.

Dusk invites all of us – the desperate, the anxious and the arrogant – into the shelter of night, where grown-up priorities can weigh less heavily on us. There is nothing more we can do to alter anything now; we will have to wait and keep faith. We must stop grandstanding. And for a few especially pained ones among us, dusk is there to confirm that it might all be OK, despite the hatred, the shame and the ignominy.

The miraculous thing about every day – often missed by people who are extremely busy, content or conceited – is that it will inevitably end. However dreadful it has been, and some days are mightily so, it will reach a close. And all the things that draw their seriousness from the height of the sun will be dimmed by the approach of night.

How unbalanced we would be if – through some technological innovation – we managed to banish night altogether. Dusk saves us through erasure. Without dusk, there would be no more recalibration and no time for our arrogance to abate nor for our anxiety to be absorbed. We can be grateful that, despite all our gadgets and our pride, the wisdom of dusk is only ever a few hours away.

Unfortunately for man, the dusk does not promise a new dawn. It marks the journey to the end of days. It’s a journey of no return. 

Talking about the twilight years of man, we come to the realization of the entry of our big brother, Latif Adisa Adejumo, who today moves up to the 8th floor of life. Like his late father before him, he is a quintessential good man. My late father met his father in 1948 and they bonded and developed a friendship that developed into inseparable brotherhood. Brother Latif was just 4 years old then.

Writing in his epic book. ‘Walking a Tight Rope’ my father had this to say about his friend: “ . . .  (1948) I met Abdul Raheem Akande Adejumo. At the end-of-Ramadan Eid prayer at Obalende, Lagos, a man beckoned to me to come on his mat. When the prayer was over, the man introduced himself to me as Raheem Adejumo, a police sergeant in the Special Branch (Intelligence). We shook hands and he invited me to have a drink with him in his one-bedroom apartment at Igbosere Road. . . . Three years later, he retired from the Police Force as an Inspector, but he has remained my most trusted friend and confidant, after my father.

“When I was going to England for attachment to UK newspapers in 1951, he was tempted to go for law studies. His elder brother, Alhaji Brimoh Adejumo wanted to finance his studies. But my friend calculated the cost of five years stay in England and decided that he could use the money to trade with real benefit.

“By the following year, he left the Police and started trade with money provided by his brother. Today, he is the Chairman of Adejumo Fam Nigeria Limited, a wealthy businessman, a philanthropist and one of the leading promoters of lawn tennis in Nigeria.”

It is fortuitous to note that when the late Jose and late Adejumo met in 1948, Adejumo had a 4-year-old son, Latif who had lost his mother. He would remain in his father’s apron until Papa remarried and started having other children. But Latif would forever remain his father’s pet-child, his eyes and ears and his right-hand man, following in the business started by his illustrious father.

Brother Latif, as we all fondly call him, has been an inspiration to us all. Studied Textile Technology in Manchester and came back in 1971 to take a position in his father’s business. He has since retired from active business involvement but not from life.

A devout Muslim and religious leader in NASFAT, Brother turns 80 today and we pray that Allah will preserve him and grant him many more years in good health.

“Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us: Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; help us against those who stand against Faith.” (Quran 2:286)

Barka Juma’at and happy weekend.

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Friday Sermon: Facing Mount Arafat: Pilgrimage of the Hypocrites




By Babatunde Jose

In 630 AD, Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his nascent Islamic group conquered the city of Mecca and his Quraish adversaries. It turned out to be an anti-climax as it was a bloodless war, despite the age long animosity of the Quraish to the young Islamic religion and its forced exile to Medina Munawara ten years earlier.

The first port of call of the Prophet (SAW) and his party was the Ka’aba, the ancient citadel of monotheism which had been serially desecrated and made to house over three hundred idols that were being worshipped by the Arab dwellers. It was even reported that the circumambulation of that building known from ancient times as the Tawaf, was sometimes performed naked, presumably accompanied by an orgy of spiritual nature by the Arab tribes.

The Ka’aba which was allegedly built by ‘father’ Abraham and his son Isma’il (the progenitor of the Arabs) as a monument to their God, 2000 years earlier, required spiritual and physical cleansing which the prophet (SAW) carried out personally with his followers.

With the cleansing and institution of modern Hajj rites, it was never envisaged that impure people, people of doubtful religious piety, people of questionable faith, people of dubious religious persuasion, people with atavistic penchant for corruption and proclivity for political, social and economic crimes would turn the holy pilgrimage into a faith laundering annual exercise. This is exactly what our leaders have turned the Hajj into. But they forget that you cannot mock God.

This year again, they have gone to Mecca in droves to ‘face Mount Arafat’ on the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhu’l Hijjah, which is tomorrow, Saturday 15th of June, a day for the atonement of sins, confession and supplication for Allah’s forgiveness. They will be chanting the Talbiyah: “Labbayka Allaahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Inna al-hamd wa’l-ni’mata laka wa’l-mulk, laa shareeka lak (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner).”

Which God are they reciting Talbiyah to? A God whose injunctions they have serially flouted and abused, or His people whom they have abandoned and sentenced to a life of poverty and tattered penury. The concepts of justice, equity and fairness enjoined on them are being operated in the breach. These are three interrelated concepts that combine to make a spiritual whole.

Justice is the sum-total, in a sense, of all recognized rights and duties, as it often consists of nothing more than a balanced implementation of rights and duties, and of due regard for equality and fairness. The Quran is emphatic on the objectivity of justice, so much so that it defies any level of relativity and compromise in its basic conception. A perusal of the Quranic evidence on justice leaves one in no doubt that justice is integral to the basic outlook and philosophy of Islam. But are our leaders just?

The injustice being perpetrated by our leaders is being witnessed daily in our clime, where our rights are denied and trampled upon; no potable water, no roads, no  electricity for the vast majority who have had to live like cavemen in the 21 Century, no education for their children, no future for those that are educated not to talk of the teeming population of uneducated, no employment and where they are employed, no salaries. Yet our leaders have dusted their jalabiya and ihrams in anticipation of hoodwinking Allah. But He will not be deceived by these vile men who have refused to carry out the job which they were elected to do.

Should the country, for example, have spent 160 million Naira each to buy SUVs for our Legislators? Should we have spent so much on the Vice President’s lodge and other Governors’ lodges across the country? Does splurging a 90 billion Naira on pilgrimage make sense? Why are international companies exiting the country?

It has been alleged that an Executive Governor in one of the states flew his mother to Saudi Arabia in a private jet to perform Hajj. He is also recorded as defending the Government’s position that the minimum wage cannot be afforded by the country.

At a time, the government is dragging its feet to increase minimum wage for workers, the chairman of a federal agency, is alleged to have squandered over N3.5billion of taxpayers money on six Lexus LX600 Bulletproof SUVs. Very callous and ungodly act.

Yet as a result of the hike in the electricity tariff, over 300 Companies have shut down, and 380,000 jobs lost, as revealed by the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria.

In Surah Al-Nahl: Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He

instructs you that ye may receive admonition. (Quran 16:90)

In Surah Al Ma’idah, Ayah 9, it is said that we should stand firmly for Allah as witness to fairness:  O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: That is next to Piety: And fear Allah. For Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do. (Quran 5:9)

Narrow dictionary equivalents for Justice and Equity are the words Insaaf, ‘Adl and Qist. But the words are more comprehensive in their meaning and application.  The root meanings of the word ‘Adl’ include the sense of Justice, Equity, Fairness, Non-Discrimination, Counterbalance, to Rectify, Put in Order, Evenness, Proportion and the like. When Prophet Muhammad (SAW), said “help the oppressor and the oppressed”, he was stressing this same concept. The Companions responded that they understood what “helping the oppressed” meant, but what did he mean by “helping the oppressor”? He replied, “By preventing the oppressor from oppressing others”. The root meanings of the word Qist include Equity, Fairness, Justice, Fair Distribution, Correctness, Balance, and Scale. See Surah Al Nisa’, Quran 4:135

It has been said that the issues of injustice, unfairness and inequitable dispensation of resources are an all-pervasive malaise. From the flinching tramp by the roadside, the woman who sells her body for money, the rich with their insatiable thirst for more, to the legislator, who is the sole beneficiary of his legislations and the executive who corners the people’s commonwealth to feather their own nests, are all guilty. The disproportionate emoluments of our legislators, government officials, governors and the tribal lords in Aso Rock is not only an injustice but a sin.

When justice, equity and fairness depart from a society, that society is finished. We are reminded when Allah said: “And O my people! Give just measure and weight, nor withhold from the people the things that are their due: Commit not evil in the land with intent to do mischief. (Quran 11:85)

But Allah said in Surah Taha that He would punish the transgressors saying: “. . . . . .And those on whom descends My Wrath do perish indeed!” (Quran 20:81)

However, for the genuine pilgrims who are intent on turning a new leaf, changing and mending their ways and returning to the path of righteousness; we wish them a rewarding Hajj. And to them we say “Hajj Mabrur!

May Allah’s condemnation never fall on us, Amin! And may Allah accept the prayers of the oppressed and the supplications of the hopeless and the distressed.

Barka Juma’at and Barka de Sallah.

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