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Eid-el Kabir: Glo Felicitates with Muslims



Telecommunications service provider, Globacom, has rejoiced with Muslims all over Nigeria on the celebration of the 2024 Eid-El-Kabir.

In a message of goodwill released in Lagos on Saturday, the company asked the Muslim community to take advantage of the occasion and offer prayers for the nation’s prosperity, unity, and well-being.

The company noted in the statement: “We felicitate with the Muslim Ummah in Nigeria as they celebrate the Eid-El-Kabir festival. We call on them to use the occasion to continue to live up to the tenets of their faith through acts of charity, peaceful co-existence with their neighbours and obedience to the injunctions of the Holy Quran”.

Globacom congratulated Muslims who completed the Hajj this year as part of the Islamic injunctions. It also urged Muslims to emulate the commitment, dedication, and obedience exhibited by Prophet Ibraheem, who demonstrated these qualities by offering his son as a sacrifice to Allah, a move that is commemorated on Eid-El-Kabir.

“It is a season of charity, peacemaking and forgiveness. We must remember to cater for the poor and the needy in line with Allah’s injunction to be our brother’s keeper”, Globacom also noted.

The company sent its best wishes for a joyful Eid-El-Kabir to all Muslims who observe the festival. It also guaranteed its subscribers a seamless communications experience by offering top-notch services during the festival and beyond.

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Police Takeover Kano Emir’s Palace, Sack Hunters Guarding Sanusi




The Police have reportedly stormed the emir’s palace in Kano, and displaced the hunters protecting Muhammadu Sanusi, the recently reinstated emir.

According to Premium Times, the hunters who served as local guards left the palace as soon as the police officers took over the security of the building.

This was said to be a move aimed at securing the main palace for the relocation of Aminu Bayero, the deposed 15th Emir of Kano, following a court order that faulted his dethronement.

On Thursday, a federal high court in Kano nullified all actions of the state government repealing the Emirates Council Law of 2019.

In his ruling, Muhammad Liman, the presiding judge, said the defendants were aware of an interim order previously granted by the court but ignored it and implemented the law.

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We’ve No Confirmed Cases of Cholera – Osun State Govt




The Special Adviser to the Osun State Governor on Health Matters, Dr. Adekunle Akindele, has said the state is yet to record any confirmed case of cholera, describing the report of 11 confirmed cases of Cholera in Osun state as inaccurate.

Dr. Akindeleade the clarification contrary to the claim in the report, Osun recorded 13 suspected cases of cholera, adding that all turned out negative upon a laboratory assessment, and assuring the people of the state of adequate preventive measures by the government to prevent the occurrence, and respond to the outbreak if ever a case is recorded.

“Osun State Government through the Ministry of Health, has proactively reactivated and established the Public Health Rapid Response Team (PHRRT) and Cholera Technical Working Group (CTWG) respectively, to ensure adequate surveillance and risk communication activities in order to guarantee the health of the citizens,” he disclosed, adding that “Though, Osun is yet to record any confirmed case of Cholera, adequate preventive measures have been put in place to prevent the occurrence, and respond to the outbreak in case we eventually record a case.”

Speaking further, Dr. Akindele noted that the State Government is exploring the media to sensitize the public on preventive measures against cholera while surveillance mechanisms across the 30 local government areas and border towns has been heightened to fight the spread of the disease.

“Thirteen (13) sample(s) collected so far. All 13 samples sent to laboratory, of which 13(100%) were negative, 0 positive and no pending result,” he pointed out, adding that “Cholera RDT kits and Transport media has been strategically distributed to some Health Facilities across the 30 LGAs.”

He said the Ministry of Health will continue to intensify public awareness on the prevention of cholera and what to do when symptoms develops, calling on the media not to pander to sensationalism at a time like this but rather focus on the dissemination of information that will save lives.

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Christ Embassy Church Building Razed by Fire




The Christ Embassy building in the Oregun area of Lagos has been razed by fire.

The incident occurred on Sunday morning.

Thick black smoke was still billowing from the white edifice,  according to TheCable report.

Personnel of the Lagos state fire and rescue service were on the scene to put out the fire.

Police have cordoned the area to prevent a breakdown of law and order.

Vehicular and pedestrian movement on the street where the church is located have been halted for the moment.

Worshippers told TheCable that morning service was immediately moved to Corner Stone, an annex of the church, due to the inferno.

A couple of worshippers said an electrical spark may have been responsible for the fire.

Led by Chris Oyakhilome, Christ Embassy is one of Nigeria’s biggest churches.

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