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Spring of Joy Foundation Unleashes Kindness, Distributes Foodstuffs, Conducts Free Medical Checkup for 250 Widows



By Eric Elezuo

A Godsent not-for-profit organisation, the Spring of Joy Foundation for Widows, has unleashed wholesome kindness to humanity as it reached out to 250 widows with its milk of human kindness, in an event tagged Food Pantry and Free Medical Checkup for Widows.

Spring of Joy for Widows Foundation, founded by a quintessential and passionate professional, Mrs. Anastiasia Daniel, is an NGO committed to making a profound difference in the lives of widows, addressing their unique challenges, and ensuring they lead lives of dignity, independence, and purpose.

The Foundation is grounded in a deep sense of compassion, equality, and social justice, with the goal of creating a world where widows are not marginalized, but celebrated for their resilience and strength.

At the well organized event held at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Christ Disciples Parish, Surulere, Lagos, which the Resident Pastor, Richard Umoren, graciously gave out for the occasion, the Foundation released diverse and assorted food items to deserving widows, as well as conducted free medical checkups to ascertain the state of their health, using the best of medical personnels, drawn from the Christian Medical and Dental Association, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) chapter.

Originally planned to cater for the welfare of a maximum of 100 widows, the Foundation ended up catering for 250 as women, who needed assistance continued to surge into the arena, and were well catered for.

In her address during the event, the Founder, Spring of Joy Widows Foundation, Mrs. Anastiasia Daniel, who spoke from her base in the United States of America, appreciated the women for turning out in their numbers, and revealed that help has come in the form of the Foundation, to cushion the effects and mitigate every challenge they have been going through.

“I’ll like you to know that you are not alone in this journey as we are here to walk alongside with you every step of the way,” Mrs Daniel assures the widows.

Below is the detailed speech of the Founder, Mrs. Daniel:

“My name is Anastasia Ndidiamaka Daniel, and I am the founder of Spring of Joy for Widows Foundation. I would like to send out a warm welcome to all the widows who have graced us with their presence today at the Spring of Joy for Widows Foundation food pantry and medical checkup. We are deeply honored and humbled by your presence here.

Today marks a special occasion as we gather not only to provide essential support but also to celebrate the strength, resilience and spirit of the incredible women in our community. Your presence here is a testament to your courage and determination in facing life’s challenges with grace and dignity. The Spring of Joy for Widows Foundation is committed to serving and uplifting widows in our community. An event like what we are having today, the food pantry and medical checkup are just one way we strive to fulfil that mission. Through the generosity of our donors, our volunteers and our supporters all over the world, we are able to provide vital resources and services to ensure your well-being and empower you on your journey forward. As you partake in today’s food pantry, medical checkup and also counseling session, i would like to encourage you to not only avail yourselves of the practical assistance provided but to also embrace the sense of community and solidarity that surrounds you. I would like you to know that you are not alone in this journey and we are here to work alongside with you every step of the way. I would like to recognize our dedicated volunteers and staff, If I am permitted I woulike to recognize certain persons too.

I would like to recognize first my dear husband, Pastor Samson Daniel for being a source of strength to me; he has been a backbone and my supporter. I want you to know that I love you and appreciate you. I want to say thank you for standing with me through this journey even the days I was down, I was scared and about to give up, you held my hands and said keep going. From the deepest part of my heart, I say thank you.

I would also like to appreciate my outreach coordinator, Apostle Paul Nwankwo of the Assemblies of God Church, who from the very beginning stood with me; a young lady he just met a couple of years ago, I say thank you.

I would also like to appreciate my personal assistant, Mrs. Elizabeth Adegbite; thank you for your resilience, thank you for running with this vision, thank you for not giving up, thank you for all you have done, I am highly grateful.

I would like to thank Pastor Richard Omoren and Pastor (Mrs.) Richard Umoren for your great support to this food pantry and medical checkup; thank you for opening up the church for us to use. I want to thank the RCCG community for allowing Spring of Joy for Widows Foundation to partake or come in to do this, we are really grateful. Thank you for giving us a platform, we really appreciate you.

I would also like to say a big thank you to the provincial pastor, Pastor Supo Oluwasakin, I am grateful to you for taking out time to come out, and be a part of this food pantry and for being a source of encouragement and strength and support for the widows and everyone there, you have never met me before and you did this; Spring of Joy for Widows Foundation is highly grateful. I will also like to use this opportunity to thank the doctors from LUTH. Thank you for accepting our invitation, thank you for what you are doing today, thank you for taking care of our widows, and ensuring that they are healthy, we are grateful.

I would like to thank the amazing widows that came out today, I want to thank you for leaving your homes and coming here, you could have said you don’t want to come but you came.”

In his sermon at the humanitarian event, the guest Minister, and RCCG Assistant Provicial Pastor, Lagos Province 4 (LP4), Pastor Supo Oluwasakin, took the audience on a journey of the importance of giving, as it breeds returns. He charged everyone present to imbibe the attitude of giving, and always remember the less privileged in the society, who needs daily assistance.

A Nigerian citizen of Enugu extraction, and born in Lagos, Mrs. Daniel is an embodiment of compassion, who has taken it upon herself to contribute to the upliftment of the indigent, using the widows as a starting point.

She strongly believe that the fact that a woman has lost has husband, does not mean that she has lost her purpose, self-will and destiny goal, maintaining that “Every widow is still destined for greatness no matter the circumstances.”

This is the first leg of the food pantry and free medical checkup for Widows as undertaking by the Spring of Joy Foundation, and many more are bound to follow.

Mrs Daniel added further that come August 17, 2024, a formal launch of the Foundation will be held, in addition to a fundraising, at RCCG, Christ Disciples Parish, in Surulere,  Lagos.

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Lagos to Demolish Illegal Structures in Sangotedo, Ago Palace




The Lagos State Government, on Sunday, issued a 14 day removal notice to owners of buildings and structures at Sangotedo area of Lekki and Okota, Isolo areas of the state, which were built on drainage channels.

Commissioner for The Environment and Water Resources, Mr Tokunbo Wahab, said this after an inspection tour to various contravention sites and on-going drainage enforcement projects in Ago Palace Way, Isolo, Sangotedo, Lekki and Ikoyi areas of the state.

Neighbor recounts how woman abused 12 years old niece, burnt her with hot knife and forced…

Wahab said the state government was determined to restore sanity in the state.

He said: “The era of environmental indiscipline and nuisance are over in Lagos. We will not shy away from enforcing all relevant laws irrespective of whose ox is gored.

Lagos despite its peculiarities as a coastal state with low-lying terrains and a high population density among others has remained afloat because of various measures put in place by the government.”

Wahab, who said the ministry has strengthened its Drainage Enforcement activities said: “I tell people climate change is real and there is a cholera outbreak, We must know that all these things are Interwoven.  We must all be responsible and responsive as a people, people cannot continue to brazenly abuse the environment and expect that there will be no consequences.”

At Sangotedo by Lagos Business School, the Commissioner said: “A 48 hours contravention notice have been served to owners of buildings lying within the channels and 14 days abatement and when that elapses the law will take its course.

“We will commence full enforcement after the expiration of all notices with an option of voluntary compliance.

“Lagos despite its peculiarities as a coastal state with low-lying terrains and a high population density among others has remained afloat because of various measures put in place by the government.”


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How We Rescued Man Who Spent 24 Years in Prison for Following Friend to Police Station – CJMR




In a harrowing account of injustice within the Nigerian criminal justice system, Lukman Adeyemi recounts his 24-year ordeal behind bars, a consequence of a misguided act of loyalty towards a friend.

His narrative sheds light on the flaws and injustices prevalent within the system, leading to a prolonged and unjust incarceration. Adeyemi describes his initial encounter with the system as a descent into hopelessness, spending nine years in pre-trial detention, followed by an agonizing 15 years on death row.

The conditions he faced were nothing short of torture, reminiscent of a dark and endless nightmare. Recalling moments of interrogation by SARS Police officers, he vividly portrays the physical and psychological torment endured as he was coerced into admitting to crimes, he had no knowledge of, under duress and threat.

Reflecting on his incredulity at being held accountable for another’s transgressions, he questions the system’s integrity and fairness. Despite being an innocent bystander caught in the web of injustice, he found himself entangled in a legal quagmire that seemed insurmountable.

His decision to accompany his friend to the police station, out of a sense of loyalty and duty, inadvertently led to his own wrongful arrest and subsequent incarceration.

Throughout his years of imprisonment, he faced skepticism and disbelief when attempting to share his truth with others. The prevailing sentiment of doubt and suspicion only added to his misery, as he grappled with the weight of false accusations and a lack of justice. However, a glimmer of hope emerged when he crossed paths with the Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation (CJMR) and his team, who offered support and advocacy on his behalf.

The intervention of the Organization, headed by Pastor Hezekiah Deboboye Olujobi, brought a renewed sense of optimism and possibility, signaling a potential breakthrough in his quest for freedom.

In his own word:

I am Lukman Adeyemi, a native of Iwerele, Iwajowa Local Government, Oyo State. I am a Bricklayer by profession. My fathet has many wives but my mother was the first wife, we were three born by my mother, I am number 2, the third is a female.

I was 26 years old when I had this problem. In August, 2000, after returning home from work with a friend living with me, Ismaila Lasisi, we were told that Police came to look for Ismaila and he was asked to report himself in the station, I immediately decided to follow him to the station, lo and behold I was arrested and detained along with him. I was tortured to the point of death over a crime I knew nothing about, right from the police station I had a close shave with the death over a murder of a woman who was hired by some ex-friends of Ismaila Lasisi to fetch water for them at the construction site.

The woman left home in the morning and she never return home. Ismaila Lasisi once lived with them, he begged to come and live with me after he had a misunderstanding with these people in March, I knew these people from a far distance, our path never crossed in life for anything. This was how I was charged to court along with these people, over the offence I never had any knowledge of. In 2009, we were sentenced to death. We filed separate appeal but the Appeal failed to the Supreme Court. My story of innocence to whoever care to listen fell on deaf ears, with many questionings, ‘If you’re not one of them, why mention your name?’ If truly you were innocence why can’t court free you? I felt abandoned by truth itself.” I spent 24 years behind bars like 24 hours, a sleepless night that lasted for two decades. In June, 2023 one of the officers of the Correctional Service AbdulKareem Awesu introduced my case to a Pastor and I spoke with him on phone. On 17th July, 2023, a group of Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation CJMR led by Pastor Hezekiah Olujobi visited us at the Ibara Correctional Service where they listened to all of us including the culprits who exonerated us, the organization went with all our judgement and shed light to our innocence. June 14, 2024 shall remain evergreen and memorable day in my life. Light shine upon me, rain fell on my head for the first time and I saw the moon for the first time.

I never knew I could pay for the sin of another man. How could I have committed an offense and still boldly walk into a police station to report myself?

I am grateful that the organization Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation intervened on my behalf, a beacon of hope in a sea of despair. Her belief in my innocence reignited the flame of justice within me, propelling me towards the possibility of redemption.

While I was in the prison, I learnt Computer and I graduated in Quranic School.

According to Pastor Hezekiah Deboboye Olujobi, the Executive Director for Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation CJMR an NGO based in Ibadan who shed light to the innocence of Lukman Adeyemi and Ismaila Lasisi, “Our attention was drawn to the complaints of these two people on their claim of innocence by the Welfare Officer DCP Awesu, who invited us to come and help these people assuring us on their innocence and the effort made through the legal process without justice, we came down to Ibara Custodial Centre Abeokuta to hear from them.

“The two perpetrators confided on us that truly, they were the one who committed the crime that the two people were totally innocent of the crime, we adjusted our seats to hear them very well, it was a long drilling of questions on their parts, but yet they insisted on their innocence. What they said carry no weight in my ears until I read through the judgement that convicted them.

“We obtained their judgements both the trial court to the Supreme Court for our review, we noticed the presentation of the state before the appellate court could never allow the court to shift ground. Each of them filed separate appeal to the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court.

“We realized that none of the lawyers explore the way of arrest of each person in this case, this is what the lawyer at the trial court should have done but very unfortunate he couldn’t, failure of the perpetrators to clear them of the innocent of the crime could not have help them at that time. In the cause of probing the way of arrest of individual in the case unfolded the truth on this matter.

“In the record of proceedings, we stumbled on the evidence of the PW1, the police officer in charge of the case gave evidence before the Court that the first defendant was referred to him from Ilaro Police divisional office to Abeokuta with one Esther Shitu, then he jumped to how he arrested them and how the defender led him to Shaki in his father’s house, and how the head of the deceased was recovered under his bed in his room at his father’s house. While reading through their separate judgement it was a contradiction, they said they took the head of the deceased to the house of the herbalist at Sepeteri. Then I asked the first defender who was the lady that was arrested along with you from Ilaro to Abeokuta? He told us that was the lady he sent to go and call the deceased from the house of her husband in the morning, it was the lady the police first arrested, it was her arrest that led to the arrest of my elder brother, it was my elder brother who orchestrated my arrest.

“The second question: where did you take the head of the deceased to? He said; we took it to the Herbalist at Sepeteri who promised to make ritual money for them. Where is the herbalist and the lady? They have been released at the station. With all the analysis and the evidence in the record, we forwarded our findings to the office of the Attorney General of Ogun State and the Committee for the board of Prerogative of Mercy and they considered our appeal. It’s not about their story, it’s about the fact in the record which corroborated their story”

With the efforts of the Nigeria Correctional Service, the Attorney General of Ogun State, and Governor Prince Dapo Abiodun, Lukman Adeyemi’s innocence was finally recognized. The real perpetrators confessed, leading to his release. He expresses gratitude to all who played a role in his eventual freedom, acknowledging the challenges faced and lives lost during his wrongful imprisonment.

Your support can unlock more stories like Lukman and provide hope and purpose to others.
Donate: Naira Account: 1012189729 Zenith Bank / 2013454021 First Bank.

Dollar Account: 20134969882 Name: Centre for Justice Mercy and Reconciliation

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Road to 2027: Atiku, PDP Bigwigs Visit Buhari in Daura




Reports reveal that the former Vice President was accompanied on the visit by former governor of Sokoto State, Aminu Tambuwal, as part of the entourage, which includes other PDP bigwigs and stakeholders.

The visit of the Waziri Adamawa to the immediate past president is coming barely three days after he visited former military heads of state, Ibrahim Babangida and Abdulsalami Abubakar, in their respective residences in Minna, Niger State.

Announcing the earlier visits in a post on X, Atiku had said, “Today, I paid Sallah homage to former Heads of State Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (rtd) and Gen. Abdusalami at their residences in Minna, Niger State.”

The visits have heightened speculations that Atiku is preparing grounds to contest the 2027 presidential election.

In May, Atiku had vowed to continue contesting for the presidency as long as he is healthy.

He made the declaration amid moves to form a coalition with his counterpart from Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, and other political parties.

The discussions the parties during the visits still remained shrouded in mystery.

A resident of Daura, who confided in Channels Television, said the visit may not be unconnected with the 2027 general elections.

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