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FG Endorses Groundbreaking Clean Cookstoves Project, Partners GreenPlinth Africa



In a landmark move towards sustainable development and environmental conservation, the Federal Government of Nigeria through the National Council on Climate Change has officially endorsed a revolutionary initiative aimed at addressing global climate crisis, environmental challenges and improving livelihoods across the nation.

Under the auspices of GREENPLINTH AFRICA LIMITED, in collaboration with strategic partners, an ambitious Article 6.4 project has been launched to distribute 80 million clean cookstoves free of charge to households throughout Nigeria.

This initiative, the largest single clean cooking systems project in the world, marks a significant step forward in combatting the adverse health and environmental impacts associated with traditional cooking methods, such as indoor air pollution and deforestation.

The provision of clean cookstoves is set to transform the lives of millions of Nigerians, particularly women and children, who are disproportionately affected by the harmful effects of traditional cooking practices. The adoption of clean and efficient cookstoves by households will lead to improved indoor air quality, reduce respiratory illnesses, and largely contribute to mitigating climate change through lower carbon emissions.

In a statement by Dr. Olawale Akinwumi, president and CEO of GREENPLINTH AFRICA LIMITED, the Director General of the National Council on Climate Change, Dr. Salisu Dahiru recently issued a formal Letter of Endorsement (LoE) for the Improved And Efficient Cooking Energy Solution For Nigeria – a Programmatic Article 6.4 Project.

Dr. Dahiru, who is also the Designated National Authority (DNA) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Focal Point in Nigeria averred that the project would result in greenhouse gas emission reduction and more importantly lead to sustainable forest development and job creation in Nigeria.

According to him, besides reduction in domestic emissions, the project will decrease upper respiratory infections, thereby leading to improved health conditions; and equally enhance the nation in achieving sustainable development and the goals of Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Speaking on the importance of the project, Dr. Victor Fodeke, vice president and GMD of Greenplinth Africa Limited stated that the initiative will particularly benefits vulnerable communities, women, and children, who bear the brunt of health issues linked to traditional cooking practices. “Nigerians will experience tangible benefits while collectively contributing to global efforts in combating climate change”, he said.

Dr. Fodeke, a former Technical Adviser on Climate Change to the African Union (AU), declared that in addition to the deployment of clean cookstoves, the project includes an ambitious afforestation campaign, with plans to plant a staggering 4 billion economic trees across the nation. This initiative not only aims to combat deforestation but also to promote sustainable land management practices, enhance biodiversity, and create economic opportunities for communities across Nigeria – stimulating economic growth by creating new avenues for employment and income generation.

“The Article 6.4 Clean Cookstoves Project will be a foreign exchange earner for the Nigerian economy. This is first time anywhere in the world that efficient clean cookstoves project of this magnitude is being launched to be fully funded for every household, and 100% financed by Carbon Credits.

“Our PANDA Cookstove is also the first clean cookstove in the world to be launched with the co-benefit of Innovative Tree Planting and Nurturing to eliminate or reduce Poverty, Hunger, and Diseases,” he concluded.

The Federal Government’s endorsement of this groundbreaking Article 6.4 initiative underscores its commitment to fostering sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and the well-being of its citizens.

The Improved and Efficient Cooking Energy Solution for Nigeria is a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Global Climate Action Portal (GCAP) registered Initiative.

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You’re a Now Private Citizen, Kano Gov Tells Deposed Emir Bayero




Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State on Wednesday declared that the deposed Emir of Kano, Aminu Ado Bayero, is a private citizen like others.

Governor Yusuf disclosed this through his Chief Press Secretary, Sanusi Bature.

Bature said the rulings of the Kano State High Court affirm the State Assembly’s law that repealed the 2019 Kano Emirate law, thereby making Ado Bayero a private citizen.

In May, Governor Yusuf had dethroned Aminu Bayero while reinstating Muhammad Sanusi as the 15th Emir of Kano.

The governor’s decision followed the enactment of the 2024 Kano Emirate law by the Kano State House of Assembly, which repealed the 2019 law.

However, speaking on Arise TV’s Morning Show, Bature said the rulings of the court affirm Sanusi as the Emir of Kano pending decisions by other courts.

According to Bature: “The decision of the Kano State Assembly has been reaffirmed by the court. Ado Bayero is now a normal citizen, and whatever happened is based on the repealed 2024 law which invalidated the 2019 Emirate laws that divided the Kano Emirate into five.

“Even if the Emir was not reinstated, the State Assembly, under its constitutional responsibility, decided to repeal the law, which is valid. Automatically, we have reverted to the pre-2019 circumstances where Emir Sanusi was the sole Emir of a united Kano State.

“Based on the court’s decision that actions taken under the repealed law were brought to the governor by the Speaker of the State Assembly, and he assented and announced the reinstatement of Emir Sanusi. This occurred at 5:10 PM on May 23, 2024.

“For this reason, we have filed an interlocutory appeal which the judge granted. By this context, Emir Sanusi remains in the palace and continues to discharge all the responsibilities of an Emir of one united Kano while we wait for outcomes in other courts.

“By virtue of the High Court declaring the law as valid, it confirms the deposition of former Emir Ado Bayero, and he remains a private citizen like every other resident of Kano. He should not be seen occupying any government property. That government property is defective; it’s a mud house where he has forcefully stayed for over a month now.”


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Sanwo-Olu Marks 59th Birthday, Appreciates Team, People of Lagos




By Eric Elezuo

The governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, has expressed profound appreciation to as many that supported him, including his team, and the good people of Lagos State, in his bid to progressively govern the state.

The governor expressed this wish while identifying his 59th birthday via his X handle on Tuesday.

He wrote:

Today, I turn 59.

As I mark this special day, I am thankful for the amazing journey that has led me to this moment. Being the Governor of Lagos State is an immense privilege, and I am grateful for the chance to make a positive impact in the lives of our citizens.

I want to express my appreciation to everyone who has supported me, from my hardworking team to the wonderful people of Lagos. Your unwavering support and belief in our shared vision are the hallmark of our successes.

Here’s to another year of hard work, progress, and making Lagos a shining example of excellence.

Together, we will keep moving forward, stronger than ever before.

Congratulations to Mr. Governor!

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Fubara Cancels Wike’s Order Revoking Former Gov’s Property




Rivers State governor, Siminalayi Fubara, has canceled the revocation on the property owned by a former military governor, General Anthony Stephen Ukpo.

The property, which the former military governor gave to Ogeyi Place Le Meridian Hotels Limited located at Plot 319, GRA Phase II, Port Harcourt, was revoked by Nyesom Wike’s administration on December 29, 2022 ostensibly for government’s use.

But in a newspaper publication, the Governor Fubara said the revocation was done in error hence the cancellation.

He said: “In exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 28 (5) (a) (b) of the Land Use Act, Cap L5, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, all other powers enabling me in that behalf, I, SIMINALAYI FUBARA GSSRS, Governor of Rivers State of Nigeria hereby withdraws and cancels the revocation of the aforementioned property,” the publication reads in part.

Below is the full publication


WHEREAS, by a Certificate of Occupancy dated 20 July, 1998 and registered as No. 54 at page 54 in Volume 144 of the Lands Registry Office, Port Hercourt, Rivers State, the Rivers State Government issued a Certificate of Occupancy to ANTHONY UKPO in and over all that piece or parcel of land measuring 2864.64 at Plot 319 GRA Phase II, Port Harcourt.

WHEREAS; by a Deed of Assignment dated 3″ August, 2001 and registered as No. 50 at Page 50 in Volume 272 of the Lands Registry Office, Port Harcourt, ANTHONY UKPO assigned his interest on the property to OGEYI PLACE HOTELS LIMITED.

WHEREAS, by an official Gazette of Rivers State No. 37 Volume 58 and dated 29 December, 2022 the then Rivers State Governor Nyesom Ezenwo Wike revoked the aforementioned statutory Right of Occupancy covering the above subject property, from ANTHONY UKPO and OGEYI PLACE HOTELS LIMITED for the use by Government.

AND WHEREAS, in exercise of Powers Conferred on me by section 28 (5) (a) (b) of the Land Use Act, Cap L5, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, all other powers enabling me in that behalf, I, SIMINALAYI FUBARA GSSRS, Governor of Rivers State of Nigeria hereby withdraws and cancels the revocation of the aforementioned property.

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