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Akwa Ibom 2023: “I’ll Prioritize Job Creation, Rural Development & Agri-business- Umo Eno



Michael Effiong
Umo Eno, a Pastor, is the Peoples Democratic Party ( PDP) gubernatorial aspirant for Akwa Ibom State. He is an acccomplished entrepreneur and visionary leader who at one time was the second highest employer of labour in the state after the government.
In this interactive session with journalists, the former Commissioner of Lands and Water Resources, who prides himself as a man of capacity, character, competence and compassion discusses his life story and vision for the state.
Akwa Ibom is generally regarded as a civil service state. How do you intend to change that perception?
That impression is not true. Yes, that used to be the case, but governments over the years have worked hard to refocus the state and its people. Having lived and done business here for over 25 years, I can say that things have changed remarkably.
In deed, Governor Udom Emmanuel has done a lot in the area of industrialization. That is why we now want to connect the dots and ensure that there is a trickle-down effect of the infrastructure and industries on the people.
Is this what has inspired your ambition to run for governor?
Becoming governor for me is a calling, not an ambition. I believe that God at any point in time controls the destinies of men.
I believe that with my experience, expertise and track record, I have so much to offer our people by serving as their governor. And we have very clear short, medium, and long-term plans.
Our current government, like I said earlier, is investing heavily in infrastructure. For example, it has done major roads, set up Ibom Air and facilitated the setting up of many industries.
Therefore, we intend to ensure that our people enjoy the benefits of these industries and natural resources. We intend to connect the dots while furthering peace and prosperity
What will be your major focus?
We will be all about jobs, jobs and more jobs.The next government would provide jobs in so many ways.
We will put resources into the completion of the Science Park, which was started by Governor Victor Attah. We will promote the knowledge economy by also funding and creating ICT hubs that will engage our talented youths. We will award grants and as well as, low interest loans to SMEs.
As someone who started business from the very scratch, I know full well how funding can hamper a budding entrepreneur. So this will be a top priority.
 We want our people to earn a descent living through the work of their hands which we believe will be ultimately blessed by God
In addition, we will be involved in massive rural development. Our women will be supported in their petty businesses. We intend to invest in primary health care , rural electrification, revamp our schools and ultimately reduce rural-urban drift.
We are an agrarian state. We will harness our agriculture potentials, for example, the Oil Palm. We will invest in and explore the agriculture value chain of various crops. Agri-business will be encouraged because of its job creation and economic benefits.
Because of the current realities of the country and even the world, our state needs someone who understands the practical aspects of running the economy not just people who talk about it.
 I keep telling our people that if God gives me the opportunity, we intend to create a middle-class for this state
Akwa Ibom has a vast array of waterbodies, any plans for the riverine areas?
Of course, we have 129kms of coastline. I have promised that within our first six months in office. I will invest in trawlers and boats for our people, build refrigerating facilities and put a fish canning factory along those areas.
The people are really suffering, they are not making much from their sweat because others own everything they use. Our government will stand in the gap for them. We will also collaborate with the security agencies to give them adequate protection along the waterways.
Also, we will develop the tourism potential of these water bodies, our beaches will be upgraded and we will tie this with our comprehensive hospitality and tourism plan.
You know hospitality/ tourism sector is my forte. We will upgrade all our tourists sites, harness our tourism assets and revamp our beaches to international standard as well as provide all support services like roads, bars etc. Our goal is to make Akwa Ibom the number 1 tourism destination in Nigeria.
Seriously, we intend to make the state very investment friendly, our people are hospitable, we have excellent road network, our state is peaceful. So, Akwa Ibom will be the one-stop investment destination. We will be deliberate about attracting businesses and as a businessman, I know what is required to make this happen.
 In addition, I am probably the only candidate who has conducted a needs assessment and has plans for all sectors and LGAs of this state.
My vision is to deliver a prosperous state with ease of doing business. We want to create a state where every Akwa Ibom person will have a sense of belonging and where every part of the state will be developed based on comparative advantage.
I will round off by saying that I have an economic blueprint encapsulated in what we have called the ARISE Agenda. Which covers agricural revolution, infrastructural renewal and maintenance, women and youth empowerment, ICT development security management and sound education and healthcare sector management, sports and tourism development, reorganisation and upskilling of the civil service as well as wealth creation.
A lot of people say that you do not have the requisite political experience for the job at hand?
Really? I am probably one of the few who combines public sector and private sector experience.
In terms of political experience, I have been in politics for decades, though not an active participant. I began my stint in public service courtesy of Obong Victor Attah, who made me Chairman, Akwa Ibom Hotels and Tourisim Board from 2004-2007. While there, we made our modest contribution. It was under my watch that the first Hotel/Tourism Directory was published in this state.
After that assignment, I went back to my business until Governor Udom Emmanuel invited me to become Executive Director, Agricultural Investments Directorate of Akwa Ibom State Investment Corporation ( AKICORP). While there, among other things, we planned and developed the first ever comprehensive data base of farmers in the state. And we covered crops and animal farmers. It has helped government to easily coordinate, support, educate and execute programmes.
 Also, I was made to Chair the team to establish the Ibom Fadama Microfinance Bank. This was a project that had been in the pipeline for years, but we were able to get all the approvals done. The bank is now up and running.
It was while still on that assignment that I was made Commissioner for Lands and Water Resources. I was there for slightly over a year before I resigned to face this gubernatorial race.There too, we initiated the Akwa GIS project, began the revamping of Akwapalms which had been moribund for decades and also negotiated compensation for communities whose land had been acquired for years. As you can see, I have always tried to leave a mark in any assignment I take up. God has been faithful at all times.
In the private sector, I began my work career in banking and left paid employment as a Group General Manager to start my own business called Royalty Group, a company that at a time employed over 2500 people and was second highest employer of labour in the state. We were the first indigenous company to win catering contract in the oil and gas industry. We were servicing thousands of staff daily on different platforms. That takes a lot of discipline, precision, project management, personnel management, quality control, and above all integrity. That is why I say with all sense of modesty that no one in the race has my job creation and management credentials.
Let’s mellow down a bit. I have heard that your story is an inspirational one. Tell us about growing up?
I grew up in the Police Barracks. I am a Barracks boy. I started from the lowest of the low. I grew up in the barracks because my father was a police officer. Therefore, because of my upbringing, I understand community living, and I understand inter- tribal living. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon.
As someone from that kind of setting, people sometimes may look down on you, because you have to struggle to survive. But the culture of discipline was something that helped to shape one’s life.
Tell us about your dad, the police officer
Fine police gentleman, one of the finest I have seen. My father was trained by the British, a very strict disciplinarian, someone who will not take no for an answer, a man who brought us up under strict disciplinary conditions, clean person.
I remember that while growing up that he won the award of the cleanest officer of the year times. He was meticulous
He was the kind of man that when he sits down, he will rub his hands on the table to see if it was dusty. If it was, you would be in trouble.
My father will put his radio (radio Nigeria)on to listen to the 4 O’clock news because he will come back home by 3pm and he knew where he left the setting of that radio.
 So if anyone tampered with it, he usually finds out. He will call me, Umo, who touched the radio? and you dared not lie to him because he knew what had happened. That was the kind of father I had.
He paid attention to details. I think some of these characteristics I have imbibed, and I will eternally remain grateful to him.
What of your mum?
My mum was everything to me and I don’t like talking about it in interviews because sometimes I become emotional,you know my father died in active service in Kaduna and my mum was barely forty years then.
My mum gave up everything to take care of all of us, six of us .
My mum was there for us, she never got married again. We were her only priority.
I am happy that later, she came to live with us and enjoyed her older years. She was able to live peacefully with my wife in the same house until she passed.
She was my prayer warrior. To her, I was still that small boy. She will scold you for things you didn’t do right, and for the ones you did right, she will hug and pray for you. My mum was just special
Take us into your educational journey?
My first school was Local Authority Primary School in Ikeja, we just used to trek to school because it was close to the Ikeja barracks.
While other boys used to go out to play football after school, I could not because I used to have so many chores to do and you dared not go out without finishing all my tasks. That was how I lost interest in football.
When I finished my primary education at Local Authority, my parents felt that we had to understand our language and culture because at the time, when you speak Ibibio to us, we could hear but we could not speak. We only spoke English, pidgin and Yoruba.
My father and all police officers from here decided to send their children home. That was how I was bundled to St. Francis secondary school in Eket.
I spent only two years there because to be honest with you, I couldn’t really cope with the environment, the disciplinary nature, the punishments, it was just something I couldn’t stand so after my second year when I went on vacation, I was seriously sick so my mum decided that I should not return there despite my father’s insistence. That was how my mum took me to Victory High School in Ikeja which was where I eventually finished.I left as the Senior Prefect.
Pastor Umo Eno
Fill us in on the years between Secondary School and University?
The truth is that if you look at my CV, there is a lot of gap in my educational sojourn because when I finished secondary school and got employed in the bank. I started working in the bank two years before my father died.
I decided to work to augment the income of my parents and also save some money to continue my education.
I had been working for about two years when my father died. I was the eldest of six siblings, so I had to grow up very fast and become a bread winner.
At the time, too, I was courting my wife and she lost her mother too. She had five siblings as well and they too became my responsibility.
I was at the bank and was attending Apostolic church. It was in that church that I met a gentleman, Mr. Albert Inyang, MD, Bertola Machine Tools Nigeria Limited who invited me join his business because he knew the troubles I was going through and he stated that, if I worked hard, the money the bank was paying me in one year, I can make in one month.
He is still alive, he is one of the greatest men I respect because he gave me encouragement and that was how I found myself working for him as his Commercial Director and I moved on in life after that.
So, the gap in my education is the years spent trying to raise my kids and family. I eventually went to stùdy at the University of Uyo after I formed Royalty Group and relocated to Akwa Ibom State.
Now that you have mentioned Royalty. How did it happen?
From Bertola, two of us were invited for an interview at Norman Holdings. I was the preferred candidate. You know, they referred to me as the preferred candidate. So that name has been with me from way back. I have always had the grace of God in my life, and that was how I joined Norman Holdings as Investment Officer. I grew through the ranks and became the Group General Manager.
The company needed to do some expansion, and I led the team that was commissioned to come up with three areas of investment that we would like the company to dabble into.
After weeks of hard work, I made my presentation to the board. We asked the company to consider investing in hotels, water bottling, and salt.
My Chairman said, “Umo, you have done well, but I don’t think this will work. We think you should go and do some more research”.
We have been working on this thing for six months and I knew how thorough and solid our research was.
I felt really sad, especially the fact that the Board had lost confidence in my abilities. So I went to my immediate boss and we used to discuss in pidgin English, and I said, Aunty I dey go.
I told her I believed in these projects and God helping me, I will go and execute them. That was how I tendered my resignation.
At the time I took this decision, I was very much well paid.But I had made up my mind. I then decided to come back to Eket, Akwa Ibom State. When we got here, I saw an opportunity that despite Mobil now ExxonMobil being here, the town had very few hotel facilities. I made some enquiries, and that was how we started Royalty Group.
We built our first 5-room hotel facility. Our business is a story in resilience and today, we have many other facilities in other parts of the state and we are also into other businesses including water bottling.
You are reputed as someone who loves to serve. Kindly expatiate.
I am in the hospitality industry and I love serving my customers.
I would not sit and watch my staff do everything. You show leadership. If I walk into a place and things are not done right, I make it right. We are all called to serve and besides, I am a pastor and a pastor is a servant. People see it as humility for the owner to serve, but I see it as being a first among equals.
At Royalty, you called yourself Executive Governor. How did this come about?.
I had two inspirations.In those days, I used to go to Nightshift,this was a popular night club in Ikeja, Lagos. The owner of the place was Ken Calebs- Olumese. Everyone used to call him the governor. He was always on his feet, working and serving, and I really admired that.
Secondly, I always wanted to be different. Everybody was called MD, so I wanted to create my own identity, an empire where I will be in charge, so that was what propelled me to call myself Executive Governor.
How do you see your chances, especially with the opposition that characterized your emergence?
The PDP is a very formidable force in Akwa Ibom State. Virtually all the accolades the state receives today is the work of the PDP. The party is strong, but we are not resting on our oars. We campaigned vigorously and sold our vision across the 31 LGAs.
On my emergence, we had to deal with court cases. All manner of cases, some very frivolous and annoying, outright lies, but I am told it comes with the territory.
 We have overcome them, winning all the way to the Supreme Court. Like I have said, I abhor no grudges, we are going to run an all-inclusive government.
 My running mate, Senator Akon Eyakenyi and I, assure Akwa Ibom people that the future they desire for themselves and their children is possible.
We intend to run a state couched in Christian values and virtues. With the votes of our people, I promise that we are about to witness the golden years of Akwa Ibom State.

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Beware of ‘Full Blown Dictatorship, Dele Momodu Cautions Tinubu in New Letter




By Eric Elezuo

Chairman, Ovation Media Group, Chief Dele Momodu, has again written an open letter to President Bola Tinubu, cautioning him against metamorphosis into full blown dictatorship.

As usual, Chief Momodu took the instrumentality of his social media handles to send his message to Tinubu, which is coming barely two after he wrote him the first letter bordering on the need to curtail his spendthrift attitude and embrace empowerment of Nigeria’s teeming youths.

In the letter titled Once Again, An Appeal to President Tinubu, Momodu outlined their days in the struggle for democracy against the military government, wondering why someone, like Tinubu, who had congregated and protested in the past, will turnaround today to say there will be no protest.

Momodu further blamed Tinubu for the present hardship in the country, accusing him of not knowing the difference between running Lagos as governor and running Nigeria as president.

“And let me be frank Sir. You caused it all. You did not realise that a country is much more complicated than a State,” he said, further accusing of having a stranglehold on Lagos for 24 years since he became governor in 1999.

Momodu advised that the proposed protest should be seen as a litmus test for the security agencies, especially as the Department of State Service (DSS), claimed they have unraveled the identities of those wishing to cause mayhem.

“But I’m reasonably assured that any potential threat can be contained and nipped in the bud, since our secret service claims to have discovered the sponsors of mayhem. Such people should be arrested speedily,” Momodu advised.

He finally advised Tinubu to seek friendly advice, and extricate himself from the ‘hawks’ surrounding him as they do not mean well for him.

It would be recalled that the country has been on edge since the masses vowed to embark on a 10-day protest over extreme hardship in the country, beginning from August 1, 2024.

Read Dele Momodu’s letter in full:


Your Excellency,

For the second time within two weeks, I’m compelled to write you this epistle. As I write this, my mind goes back to my earliest recollection of you as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. As a young journalist, you were everyone’s delight. The June 12 Presidential election annulment brought out the best in you as a pro-democracy figure. You spent money and time fighting the military. Our exile years were lived in constant fear and trepidation.
Fast forward Sir. We returned to Nigeria in 1998

You contested the Lagos State Governorship election in 1999, and pronto, you won. Since then, you have been in absolute control of a state described as the California of Africa, and possibly the sixth richest economy in Africa. Lagos is a country on its own…. I’m just trying to let you know that you’ve been a President in Lagos for 24 years before becoming the President of Nigeria.

Unfortunately, things have not been easy for Nigerians (except members of the privilegentsia) since you realized your lifelong ambition. And let me be frank Sir. You caused it all. You did not realise that a country is much more complicated than a State.

I’m sad and embarrassed that a fighter for Democracy is now saying Nigerians will not be allowed to congregate and demonstrate on the streets, something you and I enjoyed during the military regimes, at home and abroad.

I will never support anarchy, after engaging in peace initiatives in Sierra Leone, Liberia and The Gambia. But I’m reasonably assured that any potential threat can be contained and nipped in the bud, since our secret service claims to have discovered the sponsors of mayhem. Such people should be arrested speedily.

Please Sir, go back to your original friends in civil liberties and seek their assistance. Then, use this opportunity to test the strength, security architecture and combat readiness of our security agencies. Ignore the advice of the hawks in your team. They have nothing to lose since they are mostly beneficiaries of what others died for. Resist the temptations of full blown dictatorship…
You’re in my prayers as you bear this cross…

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Rotary International District 9112 Launches Coastal Restoration Initiative, Plants 1000 Coconut Trees in Lagos




In a bid to promote its mission of improving the environment, Rotary International District 9112 on Sunday kicked off an environment-saving intervention tagged: Coastal Restoration Initiative at Westside Beach, Okun, Ajah, Lagos, where 1000 coconut trees were planted along the coastal shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

Speaking at the event, the Governor of Rotary International, District 9112 Rotarian Femi Adenekan, said the “initiative is conceived to save the environment as well as reduce the adverse effect of the climate change.”

According to him, “the environment is one of the main focus areas of Rotary International. We need to consciously come to the realization that we need to save our environment. We need to save ourselves. So that in the future, those that will come after us will have life.”

“People assume that the world belongs to them. They have forgotten that they are just tenants on the surface of the earth. If you try to change nature, nature will react, which is the reason we are having a lot of environmental damage in the world. Some of wrong human activities, such as throwing plastics and other items into water or where it ought not to be is causing us environmental challenges. If we don’t take care of our environment, the environment will react and take us out of the surface of the earth,” He said.

The chairman of the District 9112 Tree Planting Committee, Rtn. Gboyega Bada recommended the adoption of an “Every Rotarian Plant a Tree Every Year” policy and also indicated plans for Rotary International District 9112 to propose a Private Bill to the Lagos State House of Assembly to enable all Lagos Residents plant a tree every year for the next five years to address the challenges of climate change.

Rtn Bada stated that the vision of Rotary District 9112 on Tree Planting is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment by planting 10,000 seedlings of Coconut, Mango, Breadfruit, Avocado and other ralated crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.

The event was well attended by Stakeholders in the Private and Public Sectors. Pan African Towers Ltd, Tolaram Group, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica Ltd, amongst others were well represented. Past District Governor Tunji Funsho led other Rotary Leaders to give their support. The DG’s wife Rtn Tayo Adenekan, the District Governor elect Rtn Lanre Adedoyin, General Manager of Lagos State Coconut Development Authority, Dapo Olakulehim and Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency, Club Presidents and Rotarians from the 73 Clubs graced the occasion.

Also speaking at the event, one of the Guest Speakers, the world acclaimed horticulturist, Mr. Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group and The Lagos Free Zone, highlighted the importance of trees, saying; “planting trees improves air quality, reduces air pollution, and illnesses from air pollution. More so, plants produce oxygen and provide shelter, medicine, and many more.”

In his own special remarks, Chairman, LUFASI Park and DG Coconut Naija, Dr. Desmond Majekodunmi, said; “the basic fact about the environment is that whatever you sow, you shall reap. The environment will always treat you, the way you treat it.”

It is of note that the vision of District 9112 on tree planting for this year is to achieve a safer and cleaner environment through the planting of 10,000 seedlings of coconut, mango, breadfruit, avocado and other related crops that have economic, health and environmental benefits.

The event was witnessed and supported by main stakeholders in the industry, agencies and partners which included, Mr Dapo Olakulehin, General Manager, Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA), Mr Andrew Vale of Tolaram Group, Channel Scott from Pan African Towers, Azeez Amida Foundation, Telenoetica, The Legend Lifeskills Foundation, Etam Avitat, Lagos State Parks and Gardens Agency (LASPARK) , presidents and members of various Rotary Clubs in District 9112 amongst others.

Rotary leaders who witnessed the event are PDG Tunji Funsho, PDG Kamoru Omotosho, PDG Omotunde Lawson among others.

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Protest: Oluwo Advises Tinubu to Dialogue with Opposition Leaders, CSOs, Labour Leaders, Students, Others




The Paramount Ruler of Iwoland,His Imperial Majesty, Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi, has called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to invite stakeholders for dialogue ahead of August 1st, 2024 planned protest.

Oluwo stated consultation is necessary to avert violent confrontation by inviting the stakeholders for national discourse.

He feared protest might be hijacked by hoodlums to steal and destroy public properties built by our collective patrimony. Oluwo said dialogue becomes reasonable when it’s embraced before protest. He called on Nigerians to learn from Endsars protest that got many properties built with public funds destroyed.

Oba Akanbi asked President Tinubu to extend the invitation to major political opposition parties leaders mostly the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Labour Party, labour union leaders, students’ unions, civil society organizations (CSO), notable traditional rulers and other stakeholders to discuss the state of the nation and collate more ideas to address the economic hardship.

Oluwo expressed strong conviction in patriotic opposition political parties leaders to honour such national conversation.

Oluwo affirmed the economic hardship and inflation are global, conveying the need to hold national talks with stakeholders to discuss solutions to the country’s challenges.

A statement released by Oluwo through his press secretary, Alli Ibraheem, reads “At this crucial moment of global economic challenge, Nigeria inclusive, I call on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to convey a national dialogue most especially with the dog handlers comprising the opposition parties leaders, civil society organizations, labour leaders, students, traditional rulers and religious leaders”

“In a democratic setting,a peaceful protest is guaranteed provided some are not waiting somewhere to hijack it. Protest will not be advisable at this critical moment of tense global economic hardship”

“I’ve strong hope in the opposition leaders to honour national dialogue and contribute intellectual ideas to national development. No patriotic opposition leaders will want Nigeria to be destroyed”

“Even if a protest is held, we will resort to a round table discussion after the road show. Rather than allowing hoodlums to hijack and destroy the nation we are trying to construct, why not embrace dialogue? When we sit together and talk to each other, more virile approaches and solutions may be suggested for application. It will also provide an avenue for the government to reveal their plans in checkmating food crisis and manage the economy to our collective advantage ”

“Different bodies should have representative(s) at such gathering. Those willong to protest should appoint leaders. It shouldn’t be like endars protesters without leader. No harm will be done to them. As a traditional ruler and leader, I’m watching to ensure masses interests are protected and always ready to speak truth to power. Sincere protesters can reach out to notable traditional rulers”

“The inflation is killing. It’s a global phenomenon. I visited Saudi Arabia recently. Prices of goods have gone up acrosa the world. Even the rich are finding it difficult. Addressing the challenge should involve everyone to come together and discusss way forward”

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