Pendulum: Prophet T B Joshua and the Journey to Nazareth

By Dele Momodu
Fellow Nigerians, let me say how delighted I feel right now that I made the trip to Israel this past week. Israel is not new to me just like I’m not new to Israel. In addition, I have good friends from that small, but extremely powerful nation. I will return to that shortly, as this trip was full of drama.
Let’s begin with Act 1, Scene 1. I had no intention of heading to Israel at this time, my studies in Oxford and a couple of projects in Nigeria and Ghana meant that travelling to that side of the world was not in my consciousness at all. However, God must have planned the journey without my knowledge. The trip dropped itself on my laps without warning.
I had received a call from one of the most prayerful and extremely benevolent women of God, Reverend Mother Abimbola Esther Ajayi, popularly known by her moniker, Iya Adura, who incidentally had invited and taken me to Jerusalem, between 2017 and 2018. On the trip I got introduced to a very efficient tour operator, Shadia, who took good care of all of us.
The call from Iya Adura, with whom I talk almost daily on several issues, this time was at the instance of Shadia who wanted an introduction and recommendation to the incredibly popular Prophet, Temitope Balogun Joshua (T.B. Joshua), who has been a long-time friend and Brother of mine. Iya Adura apparently told Shadia she has no contact for or association with T. B Joshua but mentioned my name as one person that can definitely reach Prophet T. B Joshua who happens to be one of the most sought-after human beings in Africa, and beyond. So, Mama called, and I swung into action immediately.
I started by calling all the numbers I had for Prophet T. B Joshua but couldn’t reach him directly. I left messages but got no instant response. However, two days later he sent a text that he’d also been trying my numbers in Nigeria, Ghana and the United Kingdom since the day before upon seeing my calls and messages. I obviously did not recognize the number he was calling from and I did not get to reply immediately. I quickly called him, and we spoke with our usual conviviality. I told him the reason I wanted to speak to him, and he requested for Shadia’s number with automatic alacrity and promised to reach out to her instantly. I felt greatly honoured that such an incredibly busy man could accord me such respect. To my utter amazement, I confirmed from Shadia minutes later that he reached out to her as promised.
I thought that was all. My introduction and task were over, I withdrew into my shell, but it was not to be for long. Days later, I got a call from Prophet T. B Joshua asking me to join him on his trip to Nazareth for a powerful crusade. There was no way I could have said no to him. I immediately accepted his invitation. I promised to travel from London to Israel as I had to return to the University of Oxford where I have been on Fellowship. He promised to call back and we spoke a few more times before the journey.
Act 1, Scene 2. All was set and I seriously looked forward to visiting the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ. On the day of travel, I arrived London Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 early, as I always do. I hate to arrive late to the airport like some people do and start rushing and panting. The best part of the journey for me is exhaustively making use of the lounges of airlines like Emirates, Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. You can do with a bit of pampering before you fly. Well, at least I can! On this occasion, I was flying with British Airways and once through the departure formalities I promptly went into the Concorde Lounge and buried myself into the sheer luxury that the it has to offer.
After leaving the lounge on this special day, I boarded my flight early and settled down comfortably in my seat. Then a message flew in from my cousin that there were reports of possible trouble for Prophet T. B Joshua in Nazareth. I opened the link and there were tales of different groups including Christians, Rabbis and Muslims, objecting seriously to the planned crusade by T. B Joshua. I foresaw an apocalypse ahead but knowing myself well enough, I was actually energized and more determined to witness whatever would happen on the day. Journalists are like soldiers; we love and revel in action and the big news.
I landed in Tel Aviv late evening of June 21, 2019, but due to the long walk to Immigration desks and the queues, I only managed to pick my bags past midnight and arrived the Ramada Hotel, in Nazareth, at a time most normal people were fast asleep and probably snoring away. Throughout my taxi drive to Nazareth, I was on the lookout for any sign of trouble but saw none at all. The events were billed to start on June 23 and end on June 24. I went to bed dog-tired and barely struggled to wake up for breakfast at about 10a.m.
Not much happened until D-Day, June 23. There was palpable tension because of the negative news that had gone viral. Will the crusade go on or not was the million-dollar question on every lip? But the organizers were unperturbed. They went about their duty with every sense of purpose and responsibility. Nothing was left to chance. Security was top of the agenda. They were determined not to let anyone come to constitute a nuisance. On a regular day, Israel never jokes with Security not to talk of an unusual day such as this.
You must give it to T. B Joshua, he meticulously executed this project. His team was just superb. The attendees came from different parts of the world. Wow, we seem to underrate T. B Joshua back home. Without sounding profane, he is regarded and treated like a supernatural being in Israel. He is adored and worshipped with great fervour indeed. When I landed at Tel Aviv airport, several people asked me with admiration and enthusiasm if I had come for T. B Joshua’s program. I was so proud that a fellow Nigerian has succeeded in capturing the imagination of this part of the world in this manner.
Act 1, Scene 3. The event started slowly at about 4pm with some soul-lifting and stirring music by the choir assembled as a potpourri of Arabs and Africans. It came to a crescendo when T. B Joshua came in humbly, but powerfully, in his usual garb of shirt and trousers. He looked so majestic and mercurial even in his simplicity. He climbed the stage and grabbed the microphone and the audience roared as he began to teach like a true follower of Christ and the Holy Bible that he is. His theme for this first session was about love and he quoted copiously about love from the holy book to the excitement and adulation of the throngs of people massed and gathered to watch, listen and worship with him. He told them to love those who hate and despise them, no matter how difficult that seems.
His opening words were dramatic and foreshadowed the intense passion that was to follow. “My name is T. B Joshua. Some people call me Prophet. Some call me Pastor… They have given me different titles, but all I know is that my name is T. B Joshua. That is enough for me…” The crowd went wild in ecstatic jubilation at the simplicity of his introduction of his person. After a few minutes, the prophet came down and came out to be closer and interact with his followers. Miracle seekers had jammed the place in droves. They came from far and near, with all manner of challenges and disabilities. The Prophet who obviously was used to this was unruffled. He told them to have faith in the power of Jesus Christ to deliver them from all evil. He told them all diseases are the handiwork of the devil, but that the Lord, being a merciful, loving and benevolent God would come down to heal them, provided they believed in God as their Lord and Saviour.
Then they were lined up in rows and the Prophet started laying hands on them. Even before touching some of them, they were already reacting with spasms and seemed to be under the control and influence of some supernatural being. He started touching them, and some fell down, some screamed, some rolled on the floor and some did a combination of these things. Some were thanking God for healing them instantly. Some begged him to have mercy on them. T. B Joshua has totally matured into his evangelical work. It was wonderful and inspiring watching him at work. Meanwhile, his wife, Lady Evelyn, stood solidly behind him like the Rock of Gibraltar and assisted as required. The event ended at about 9p.m without any hitch. The Prophet of the Lord, T. B. Joshua performed miracles and touched hundreds of devotees during the event. The event was simply epochal, and I felt truly privileged to have been a part of it.
Act 2, Scene 1. The second day came and followed the same pattern. In his preaching, T. B Joshua revealed how he had visited Mount Precipice three years ago and was shocked to find the place overgrown with weeds. He had promised at the time to turn the place around and make it into an Eldorado. He showed the video of how desolate and forlorn the place looked at the time. True to his word, T. B. Joshua has radically changed and altered the place and its environment, turning it into a magnificent and powerful amphitheatre for the worship of God. In doing this, he has not only built a testament to the glory of God, he has created direct and indirect employment for hundreds of people and become a wealth creator and facilitator for this little historical and biblical part of Nazareth, as most of Nazareth is. Indeed, it is no longer a site of rejection as the Bible tells us but a site of regeneration and hope. Pope Benedict who worshipped there with more than 40,000 people would be glad to see that today, T B Joshua has restored this monument to the glory that it should have and more besides.
In the course of our visit, I was invited to his office, he had many rooms and tents all over the mountain and wherever I went to I saw the awesome work and wonder of the Man of God. We discussed the magnitude of his work for a few minutes before I departed to the hotel. I left with a better picture and appreciation of a T. B Joshua to whom we don’t seem to give enough respect at home. With what I saw, heard and learnt, I have come to believe that he has suffered too many unjustified insults and tribulations back home.
My take is that religion is a voluntary act. Joshua has never forced anyone to worship with him against that person’s wish or to attend his Synagogue by compulsion. He has not coerced anyone into seeking to receive the miracles he professes to bring to people on behalf of God. Let me say, emphatically, that as far as I am concerned, he is the single biggest tourism attraction in Lagos. I expect Lagos State Government to tap into this goldmine by collaborating with Joshua and turning the roads leading to his place of worship into well maintained expressways. That is what Joshua himself has done in Mount Precipice, but laws, envy, lack of understanding and comprehension as well as the capriciousness of our leaders have made it impossible for him to replicate this feat in his own backyard. This is what would have happened in other climes.
If what I witnessed in Nazareth is anything to judge by, T. B Joshua has become a religious prodigy and icon. My taxi drivers in Nazareth swore by his name. I became a star myself by dropping his name. The newspapers were agog with the news of our Man of God as he spread the gospel at this unique and spectacular event. T B Joshua made me proud to be a Nigerian. It is not all gloom and doom.
I thank God on his behalf…
Peddle Drugs and Die: NAFDAC Goes for the Jugular

By Eric Elezuo
Drug peddlers and their sponsors are in for a harder time if recommendations and proposal of death penalty, by the Director General of the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Mrs Mojisola Adeyeye, sails through.
The formation of NAFDAC was inspired by a 1988 World Health Assembly resolution requesting countries’ help in combating the global health threat posed by counterfeit pharmaceuticals
Speaking bitterly at a live television show on the hard-heartedness of peddlers, whose actions, direct and indirect, have caused the deaths of not a few Nigerian children, and in some cases, adults.
According to the Director-General, only stiff penalties will deter peddlers, especially when it leads to the death of children.
She noted that “Somebody bought children’s medicine for N13,000 or something like that, another person was selling about N3,000 in the same mall,” the NAFDAC chief said on Friday’s edition of Channels Television’s The Morning Brief.
“That raised an alarm. Guess what? There was nothing inside that medicine when we tested it in our Kaduna lab. So, I want the death penalty.
“Because you don’t need to put a gun on the head of a child before you kill that child. Just give that child bad medicine,” Adeyeye said.
The NAFDAC DG is also seeking the cooperation of the judiciary and the National Assembly to make such a move a reality. According to her, the agency is open to partnering with lawmakers and other stakeholders on the matter.
“You cannot fight substandard, falsified medicine in isolation. The agency can do as much as it can but if there is no deterrent, there’s going to be a problem,” she said.
“Somebody brought in 225mg of Tramadol that can kill anybody, fry the brain and you give a judgment of five years in prison or N250,000. Who doesn’t know that that person will go to the ATM and get N250,000?
“That is part of our problem. There are no strict measures to deter [people] from repeating the same thing. We can do as much as we can but if our law is not strong enough, or the judiciary is not strong enough to stand up, we’re going to have a problem.
“So, our judiciary system must be strong enough. But we are working with the National Assembly to make our penalties very stiff. But if you kill a child by bad medicine, you deserve to die,” she said.
While NAFDAC has a lot on its plate in stemming drug peddling, Adeyeye decried the shortage of manpower in the agency.
She believes with about 2,000 staff members nationwide and limited funding, NAFDAC is constrained in carrying out its activities.
“So, when it comes to staffing, you’re right on the point. We are short-staffed and I am hoping things will be better,” the NAFDAC DG said.
It would be recalled that in times past, and in recent times, the deaths of children from medicine intake has been rift, prompting a form of emergency in the medical sector to checkmate the activities of the saboteurs, who are bent on reaping gains at the expense of life and wellbeing.
Mrs Adeyeye has promptly toed the lines of former NAFDAC DG, the late Dora Akinyuli, who declared an all out against drug peddlers and couriers.
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is a federal agency under the Federal Ministry of Health that is responsible for regulating and controlling the manufacture, importation, exportation, advertisement, distribution, sale, and use of food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, chemicals, and packaged water established in 1993 under the health and safety law.
The establishment of NAFDAC was to counter the production and sales of adulterated and counterfeit drugs, which has become a menace in Nigeria, and to Nigerians. It would be recalled also that in one incident in 1989, over 150 children died as a result of paracetamol syrup containing diethylene glycol, among a list of other horrifying incidents.
At a certain stage, fake drugs issue was so severe that neighbouring countries such as Ghana and Sierra Leone officially banned the sale of drugs, foods, and beverage products made in Nigeria.
El-Rufai Lacks Capacity to Win Even Senate Seat – Presidency

Daniel Bwala, Special Adviser to the President on Policy Communication, has stated that the former Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, the lacks the influence to “unsettle” President Bola Tinubu.
Bwala made the remarks during an interview with TVC News on Thursday, stating that former Kaduna State governor does not have the capacity to win even a senate seat.
He emphasized that President Tinubu is not troubled by El-Rufai’s ongoing criticisms of his administration.
Bwala also noted that el-Rufai only gains political prominence when aligning with a strong, revolutionary leader, adding: “Let me tell you something about my elder brother, el-Rufai, and whether we should be concerned.
“There’s a dynamic around him. El-Rufai needs a solid revolutionary figure to thrive. On his own, El-Rufa’i might not even secure a Senate seat.”
Reps Propose Creation of 31 More States

The House of Representatives Committee on the review of the 1999 Constitution has proposed the creation of 31 additional states in the country.
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Benjamin Kalu, who presided over plenary on Thursday read a letter from the committee containing the proposed states.
If approved, this will increase the number of states in Nigeria to 67.
The letter read: “This is to inform members that the House of Representatives Committee on the Review of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as altered), has received legislative proposals for the creation of states and local governments in the following order:
1. BENUE ALA STATE from the present Benue State.
2. OKUN STATE from the present Kogi State
3. OKURA STATE from the present Kogi State
4. CONFLUENCE STATE from the present Kogi State
5. APA-AGBA STATE from Benue South Senatorial District
6. APA STATE from the present Benue State.
8. AMANA STATE from the present Adamawa State.
9. KATAGUM STATE from the present Bauchi State.
10. SAVANNAH STATE from the present Borno State.
11. MURI STATE from the present Taraba State.
12. NEW KADUNA STATE and GURARA STATE from the present Kaduna State.
13. TIGA STATE from the present Kano State.
14. KAINJI STATE from the present Kebbi State.
15. GHARI STATE from the present Kano State
16. ETITI STATE as the sixth (6th) state in the South East geopolitical zone.
17. ADADA STATE from the present Enugu State of Nigeria.
18. URASHI STATE as the sixth (6th) state in the South East geopolitical zone.
19. ORLU STATE from the South Eastern Region of Nigeria.
20. ABA STATE from the South Eastern Region of Nigeria.
21. OGOJA STATE from the present Cross River State.
22. WARRI STATE from the present Delta State.
23. BORI STATE from the present Rivers State
24. OBOLO STATE from the present Rivers and Akwa Ibom states.
25. TORU-EBE STATE from the present Delta, Edo, and Ondo States.
26. IBADAN STATE from the present Oyo State.
27. LAGOON STATE from the present Lagos State.
28. IJEBU STATE from the present Ogun State.
29. LAGOON STATE from the present Lagos State and Ogun State
30. IBADAN STATE from the present Oyo State.
31. OKE-OGUN and IFE-IJESHA STATES from the Present-day Ogun, Oyo, and Osun states.
The request for states’ creation can only materialise if at least “the third majority of members of the Senate and the House of Representatives (National Assembly) and the House of Assembly in respect of the area, and the Local Government Council in respect of the area is received by the National Assembly.”
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