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How Ozekhome Took on FG over Fuel Subsidy Removal 37 Years Ago



Constitutional Lawyer and human rights advocate, Prof Mike Ozekhome SAN,  has narrated how, 37 years ago, he took on the Federal Government of Nigeria over the removal of fuel subsidy in his continuous and sustained efforts to advocate the interest of every Nigerian and the good of the country.

The narration is presented in the eye of the learned silk as presented below:


As far back as December 29, 1987 (37 years ago), Prof Mike Ozekhome, SAN, CON, OFR, had already taken on the Federal Government of Nigeria on behalf of the Nigerian masses regarding the issue of subsidy removal on petroleum products.

Ozekhome had sued the then military dictator, President Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, joining the then Ahmed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC) and the Attorney General of the Federation, against removal of petroleum subsidy. This is a matter that is still generating ripples across Nigeria till date, as it is the likewire, heart and soul of the Nigerian economy.

Ozekhome had argued that it was a misnomer for government to talk about removing oil or petroleum subsidy since no one can subsidize his God-given natural product. He had posited that the government did not take cognisance of the fact that oil was produced in Nigeria as against the countries copiously cited by the government where oil was supposedly cheaper.

He had also argued that government’s position was akin to a farmer measuring his piece of yam before eating it by comparing its worth or price with what it is sold to people who do not themselves produce yams. He further argued that government’s argument as put forth in the media was not enough to warrant any sudden or gradual withdrawal of petroleum subsidy. The Honourable Justice Idowu Agoro, then of the High Court of Lagos State, disagreed with Ozekhome in his ruling on the preliminary objection filed by late Moshood Adio, the then Director of Civil litigation (later Chief Judge of Oyo State and Justice of the Supreme Court of the Gambia). He struck out the suit on 29th December, 1987. The government through Adio had argued that Ozekhome lacked the locus standi to institute the action; that the action was speculative; and that the court lacked the jurisdiction to entertain the case. The court agreed with him and held that no citizen could question or prevent “the merit, desirability or expediency” of anything done or planned to be by the country’s president or the Ahmed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC).

The court also ruled that the decision “whether or not to to remove subsidy on petroleum is a matter within the absolute power of the AFRC which no court could dabble into”. He however, ended by assuring the plaintiff (Ozekhome) that all hope was not lost “since the record of the present military regime showed that it was a listening government”, and that he believed “all shades of opinion would be considered and evaluated before taking a decision on whether or not to remove the subsidy on petroleum”.

That optimism was apparently not shared by the IBB regime as the government went ahead anyway to remove the subsidy and hike prices of petroleum products on four different consecutive occasions -1986- from 20k to 39.5k per litre; 1988, from 39.5k to 42k); 1989, from 42k to 60k; and 1991, from 60k to 70k). These increases in the fuel price per litre triggered mass protests across the streets by Nigerians who kicked against the IMF-dictated economic policy. A littre today sells anything between N620 and N850. Had the then government up to the present one listened, Nigeria would not be in her dire straits today.

Thus, what Prof Ozekhome saw and fought for in 1987 (37 years ago) has come to hunt us ever since and even till date. This is like the case of a motion for return to the old more meaningful and aggregative National Anthem which he had also championed and won by the consensus of the 492 delegates on the 2nd of July, 2014, at the 2014 National Confab. This eventually came to pass ten years later on 28th May, 2024, when President Bola Ahmed Tinubu assented to a bill that returned the old National anthem.

Surely, some patriots sit down, think and plan ahead for the good of the Nigerian nation. Following is the National Concord newspaper report of the story as published on December 30, 1987.

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Abdul Blasts Elder Brother, Kola Abiola over Inability to Sustain Father’s Legacy




One of late MKO Abiola’s sons, Abdulmumuni Abiola, has taken his elder brother Kola Abiola to the cleaners, saying he cannot rule Nigeria.

The younger Abiola stated this during an interview on a podcast show – Mic On – on Sunday with Seun Okinbaloye.

He accused Kola of failing in his duty to manage their late father’s empire.

Kola contested the presidency on the platform of the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) in 2023.

However, Abdul lamented Kola’s inability to sustain Abiola’s political legacy and unite the family.

Abdul said: “MKO Abiola’s legacy would have been properly sustained if Kola was in a better position. And he could have been a voice of better democratic values, but he chose not to.

“During the time my father was still in jail, he was busy (with other things). It’s sad, but I’m a little pleased that my father didn’t come out to see what his first son has become.

“I’m unhappy with him (Kola Abiola), and even Nigerians are unhappy. You can see how many people voted for him when he campaigned for the presidency.

“I wondered how he thought he could be president when he could not manage Abiola’s empire. How will he manage Nigeria?

“This is the problem in Nigeria: people are not showing capacity in their own little sphere of work but want a higher position.”

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MoneyMaster PSB at Ojude Oba, Promotes Mobile Wallet 




MoneyMaster Payment Service Bank Limited (MMPSB), a leading payment service bank, is attending the 2024 Ojude Oba Festival to promote its mobile wallet, which simplifies banking transactions in the country.

The Payment Service bank is licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria and insured by NDIC to promote financial inclusion in furtherance of the Nigerian financial literacy initiative driven by the Central Bank of Nigeria. With Moneymaster, Nigerians can open mobile wallets, savings account, individual and business accounts to make payments, buy airtime, pay utility bills to over 4,000 companies.

It was recently appointed a payment partner to the Ounje Eko initiative by the Lagos State government in its bid to provide discounted food items to residents of the state amidst rising cost of food items. Moneymaster is positioned to support individuals and businesses in their journeys towards financial prosperity by offering bespoke financial services that meet their aspirations.

In a press release issued at the weekend, Moneymaster said it is rounding off a month-long market activation, engaging indigenes and residents of Ijebuland to come onboard its digital banking platform – mobile wallet. Moneymaster mobile wallet avails customers the opportunity to transfer or withdraw cash from an agent, buy airtime and pay utility bills.

It added that during this month-long activation, customers in Ijebuland who open an account stand a chance of winning free airtime amongst other gift items.

The PSB further said that the drive towards a cashless economy can become a reality when more and more Nigerians embrace mobile wallet so as to help them cultivate a more convenient savings habit and also enable them engage in banking transactions with ease.

“While we rejoice with the people of Ijebuland at this time, we also want to showcase what we have in Moneymaster’s mobile wallet that can help various people to enjoy seamless banking from their phones”, the statement said.

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MultiChoice Obeys Court Order, Makes Downward Review of Subscription Price




Following a court order mandating it to halt the move to hike prices, MultiChoice has readjusted its subscription rates for DStv and GOtv users in Nigeria.

The company had vowed to challenge the order of the Competition and Consumer Protection Tribunal’s ruling in Abuja after reporting a decline in its subscriber base in Nigeria, leading to the loss of over a million subscribers.

MultiChoice has reflected the readjustment on its company’s apps as at Sunday, June 16, 2024.

Due to the adjustments, DStv subscribers will now pay N29,500 instead of N37,000 for the Premium package, while Compact+ package subscribers can now pay N19,800 instead of the new price of N25,000.

The readjustment now have Compact Bouquet subscribers paying N12,500 previously being charged instead of N15,700, while Confam package subscribers will pay the old price of N7,400 instead of N9,300 per month.

For the Yanga package subscribers, old rate of N4,200 will be paid against N5,100 placed as new rate; while Padi subscribers will pay the former price of N2,950 instead of the N3,600.

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